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Category: Powershell

Quantifier {x,y} Following Nothing

Shane O’Neill reminds us that reading is fundamental:

Glancing at the error message, the first things that stick out are the bits “{x,y}” so I change my regex to be anywhere from 1 to  digits "*\d{1,6}$"

Why are you glancing, read the error message!

That doesn’t work, so I again quickly scan the error message and see the bit “following nothing”

“Quickly scan”?! No, actually read the error message!!

This wasn’t a great error message, but at least it does make sense after the fact and it’s a case where actually reading the error message does clarify things.  The ones I really hate are “error 0x4849f8f8” types which aren’t even intended to make any sense to us.

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Database Migration With dbatools

Jess Pomfret shows how easy it is to migrate databases from one SQL Server instance to another using dbatools:

Now that there are no connections we can move the database.  Depending on the situation it might be worth setting the database to read only or single user mode first. In my case, I had the application taken down so I felt confident no connections would be coming in.

With one line of code we can select the source and destination servers, the database name, specify that we want to use the backup and restore method, and then provide the path to a file share that both instance service accounts have access to:

The whole process is just five lines of code, so it could hardly be easier.

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Reading Giant Text Files With Powershell

Mark Broadbent has a quick Powershell script to read a selection from a giant text file:

I recently ran into this very same problem in which the bcp error message stated:

An error occurred while processing the file “D:\MyBigFeedFile.txt” on data row 123798766555678.

Given that the text file was far in excess of notepad++ limits (or even easy human interaction usability limits), I decided not to waste my time trying to find an editor that could cope and simply looked for a way to pull out a batch of lines from within the file programmatically to compare the good rows with the bad.

Click through for a precise and useful Powershell snippet.  The .NET file stream libraries are also good for this kind of thing.

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Excluding Checks With dbachecks

Garry Bargsley shows us how to set a config which lets us exclude particular checks when running dbachecks:

While tweaking my Invoke-DbcCheck  the list of  -ExcludeCheck checks keeps growing and growing.

Sure does make for a long command line to scroll thru.

Click through to see how to save these excluded checks in a configuration file.

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VS Code And Splatting Powershell

Rob Sewell shows off how easily to splat Powershell parameters with Visual Studio Code:

Well you will know that when you call a PowerShell function you can use intellisense to get the parameters and sometimes the parameter values as well. This can leave you with a command that looks like this on the screen

It goes on and on and on and while it is easy to type once, it is not so easy to see which values have been chosen. It is also not so easy to change the values.
By Splatting the parameters it makes it much easier to read and also to alter.

To learn more about splatting, there’s a whole section in Powershell help on the topic.

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Concept Help In Powershell

Fred Weinmann gives us a reading list of Powershell built-in documentation:

Newcomers to PowerShell are often faced with a lot of things to learn, a lot of disorienting features and little in the way of obvious guidance. While there are quite a few good books out there by now, finding the right one is not always easy.
That said, PowerShell comes with a lot of built in documentation:
Get-Help about_*
Will list a whole lot of articles explaining many a concept, but finding just what you need – especially before you know all the right words to search for – is a lot harder.

There’s a lot to this and more seasoned developers can skip a lot of it, but if you’re just learning about Powershell, I think it’s a nice ordering of where to start learning.

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Splitting A Large Script With Powershell

Jana Sattainathan shows how to split a file with a large number of independent operations and have Powershell run the job in batches:

Everyday is an interesting day in the life of a DBA. Today, I received a request to run in a HUGE script. This script had 125k INSERT statements each in a separate line. Just opening the script was an issue, leave alone running it into a database. You get this error in SSMS just trying to open – “The operation could not be completed. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

This is how I handled it

  1. I split the file into a manageable 1000 line files (total of 125 files)
  2. Looped through each split file and ran it in!

Yes, it was that simple. Thanks to PowerShell!

Read on to see how simple it is.

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Log Shipping Tests With dbachecks

Sander Stad has a bonus post in his log shipping series:

We want everyone to know about this module. Chrissy LeMaire reached out to me and asked if I could write some tests for the log shipping part and I did.

Because I wrote the log shipping commands for dbatools I was excited about creating a test that could be implemented into this module for everyone to use.

That test is also quite easy to use, as Sander demonstrates.

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Digging Into dbachecks

Rob Sewell walks us through dbachecks configuration:

So I can import this configuration and run my checks with it any time I like. This means that I can create many different test configurations for my many different environment or estate configurations.

Yes, I know “good/best practice” says we should use the same configuration for all of our instances but we know that isn’t true. We have instances that were set up 15 years ago that are still in production. We have instances from the companies our organisation has bought over the years that were set up by system administrators. We have instances that were set up by shadow IT and now we have to support but cant change.

As well as those though, we also have different environments. Our development or test environment will have different requirements to our production environments.

This is a good, code-filled demonstration with a few videos as well.  If you want to get started with dbachecks, this is a good place to begin.

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Initial Thoughts On dbachecks

Jess Pomfret has an initial use case for dbachecks:

Each check has one unique tag which basically names the check and then a number of other tags that can also be used to call a collection of checks.

For this example we are going to use several checks to ensure that we meet the following requirements:

  • Full backup once a week – using LastFullBackup
  • Differential backup once a day – using LastDiffBackup
  • Log backup every hour – using LastLogBackup

Since each of the three checks we want to run also have the LastBackup tag we can use that to call the collection of checks at once.

Jason Squires looks at this for enterprise reporting:

This module was developed and designed to ensure you can see if you have the best settings/configurations set up on your SQL systems using powershell. There are three pre-requisites that are required to load the module. Those are Pester 4.3.1, PS Framework, and currently as of this post dbatools 0.9.207. However, the team of dbachecks, kindly built in a notification for you if those modules and versions should those not be installed or would have a need to update.

What I really love about this module, is how you can utilize SQL CMS, and view the results at an enterprise reporting level.

Shane O’Neill has a bit more:

Straight away, dbachecks gives you the option to include or exclude checks that you feel aren’t for you. If you only want to run a subset of the checks, then you can specify that.

The real beauty that I think dbachecks provide is that you are getting a wealth of checks for things that you may never have thought of checking or known how to check while being able to add any personal tests as well.

Sounds like something for DBAs to check out.

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