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Category: Powershell

Setting up Replication with dbatools

Jess Pomfret continues a series on replication in dbatools:

This post is focusing on how to setup replication with dbatools. We support all three flavours – snapshottransactional and even merge replication!

In this article I’ll be creating a transactional publication, but the steps for setup are very similar no matter which flavour you’re implementing.

I’ll walk through and demonstrate all the steps to setup replication in this article as dbatools allows us to complete them all. However, I won’t go into a lot of details on why or how replication works, or provide guidance on best practices. If you need more information on replication as a technology then I recommend visiting the Microsoft Docs.

Read on for a demonstration of how the cmdlets work for adding a publication, articles, subscriptions, and more.

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Tips for Using Powershell in Azure

Paul Harrison shares a few tips with us:

When I’m working with a new object in Azure I often don’t know where the information I care about is actually found in output. PowerShell makes it easy to navigate through objects, however it isn’t easy to get an overview of all properties available if they’re nested 5 levels deep. I like to use ConvertTo-JSON to help me get a general understanding for a new object and which properties are available and how to find them.

Read on for more information about converting to JSON and four other tips.

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Configuring a New Powershell Installation

Jeff Hicks starts over:

The other day on X, I was asked about what things I would setup or configure on a new PowerShell installation. This is something I actually have thought about and face all the time when I setup a new demo virtual machine. I had been meaning to build new tooling to meet this challenge, and the question provided the spark I needed to get off my butt and get it done.

Read on for some thoughts on the topic, as well as a lengthy script to get you going.

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Symbolic Links and Powershell Modules

Jeff Hicks makes a connection:

I have a short tip today that you may find useful, especially if you write modules for your private use. I have a number of such modules that I have written to fill my needs. These are private modules that I don’t publish to the PowerShell Gallery. I develop and maintain these modules in C:\Scripts. This means that when I need to import the module, I have to type the full path.

Read on to see how you can use symbolic links to make this a bit smoother.

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Get- cmdlets in dbatools Replication

Jess Pomfret continues a series on replication in dbatools:

This post will show off all the Get- commands that are available within dbatools for replication. When you’re using PowerShell, and especially if you’re new to PowerShell, exploring the Get- commands for a certain module, or area is a great way to get started. As it says in the name, these commands get information about something, they aren’t going to change anything, which means they are pretty safe to run in your environment. Of course, I’m always going to say, you should still run these in your test environment first to make sure you understand what they are doing, and how they behave in your specific environment.

Read on to see some of what you can do with it.

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Supporting Replication in dbatools

Jess Pomfret makes an announcement:

Replication, everyone loves to hate it, but it’s been our most requested feature as far as adding commands to dbatools. For ages we’ve said ‘sounds great’ and ‘we would love that’, but when we started looking into it the energy soon fizzled away, due to it’s dependency on RMO – Replication Management Objects, as opposed to SMO – SQL Server Management Objects, things weren’t as easy as we had hoped.

That said, it’s now there as of version 2.1.1. It supports snapshot, transactional, and merge replication. No peer-to-peer, but is anyone actually surprised at that?

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Checking SQL Server Connectivity with Powershell in Parallel

Rod Edwards builds a script:

The chances are that you have other systems monitoring your SQL servers already, so this task isn’t required at all. However, sometimes a quick ‘knock on the door of SQL’ to confirm a response isn’t a bad thing as a sanity check.

So, building on that, we’re going to use the same technique to essentially perform a sweep of our estate (with a few bells and whistles added) to give us a colour coded quick view of service status like below, with a little bit of additional info.

Click through for the script and explanation.

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Identifying Old OLEDB and ODBC Drivers on Machines

Lucas Kartawidjaja goes on a quest:

The vulnerabilities are affecting Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 and 18, as well as OLE DB Driver 18 and 19. For more information and also download location for the security update/ hotfix can be found on the following page: Update: Hotfixes released for ODBC and OLE DB drivers for SQL Server

We do an automated security scanning tool that would flag the systems (servers, desktops, latptops, etc.) that haven’t been patched. So we can quickly identify the systems that need to be patch and patched those systems quickly.

For this post, I was wondering if there is a quick way to identify Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB drivers that are being installed on the systems. 

Click through to see what Lucas came up with.

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Batching Data Copy Operations in SQL Server

Jana Sattainathan performs a data migration:

The purpose of this post is to give you a skeleton of TSQL code on how to perform a copy of a large table (say from one database to another within the same SQL Server Instance) by breaking up the data into manageable chunks. I have blogged about how to break-up any Oracle or SQL Server table data into chunks in this blog post.

Read on to learn why you don’t want to perform the operation as a single query, and one alternative that’s available. The query is a good bit more complex, but that complexity is for a good cause.

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Parallelism Options in Powershell

Rod Edwards enumerates the list:

This is one that I should have learnt way earlier than I actually did if i’m being completely honest. One of my colleagues wrote a cool function for multithreading, and although this isn’t it, it did made me look into how it all worked.

Some of the techniques can be quite complicated, especially for a DBA who’s not as experienced with Powershell yet (and a ForEach loop just works right?) so I thought i’d post about the simplier methods that can be employed, and tweaks to get most of the benefits, without the complexity.

So, lets jump straight into it.

Rod does focus on Powershell jobs and thread jobs, so check out how those work. A while back, I had a comment here talking about the various options though Rod has definitely put a lot more effort into this task.

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