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Category: Powershell

Writing Loops in Powershell

Adam Bertram is spinning in circles:

One of PowerShell’s key features is its ability to loop through data collections, enabling you to execute a code block repeatedly.

In this tutorial, we will explore three fundamental loop structures in PowerShell: foreachfor, and do loops.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use these loops to handle repetitive tasks and process collections of data more effectively.

Click through for the tutorial.

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Calling IFTTT from Powershell

Denny Cherry triggers an action:

Sometimes, you want/need to have PowerShell do an action, but it’s hard to do through PowerShell, or it can’t be done at all. If the website If This Then That (IFTTT) can do it instead, you can still do it through PowerShell, with a little extra work. The way to do this will be to call a webhook on an IFTTT Applet and pass the information you need to send to the third-party service. A great example of this would be if you need to automate posting a new post to FaceBook. Posting to Facebook is shockingly hard as you have to write all the pieces to post to Facebook manually, and there’s no current way to post to Facebook via PowerShell. However, you can call an IFTTT Action and have that action do the actual posting to Facebook for you.

Click through for a generic form of the process.

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Cmdlets vs Functions in Powershell

Adam Bertram differentiates the two:

Whenever you execute or run anything in PowerShell, you’re running a “command.” A command is an informal term for executable code, which can be a built-in PowerShell cmdlet, a custom function, or even an object method.

Cmdlets are compiled executable code provided by Microsoft, created in a language like C#, compiled, and added to a PowerShell module by software developers. Functions, on the other hand, are created directly in PowerShell by users. Although functions and cmdlets are technically different, they can be thought of as similar when you’re starting out.

Read on for more information, including a demo. I normally call them all cmdlets, but apparently I’ve been doing it wrong all this time.

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Restoring a Database in Three Separate Ways

I have a new video:

In this video, I show how to restore SQL Server databases using SQL Server Management Studio, T-SQL, and the dbatools PowerShell module.

Originally, I had plans on covering SSMS + T-SQL in one video, and then dbatools in a second. Then I decided, well, why not just cover both of them in the same video? And this is how we get to half-hour long videos.

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Backing up SQL Server via PowerShell

I have a new video:

In this video, I show how to perform a variety of database backup operations via PowerShell, using the dbatools PowerShell module. I also show how easy it is to test a database backup using dbatools.

I finally have a video shorter than 10 minutes long. Don’t worry, the next one will blow right past that figure.

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Converting Audit Files to CSV via Read-SqlXEvent

Patrick Keisler finds a work-around:

Reading the contents of an audit event file can be accomplished using either Management Studio or the T-SQL function, sys.fn_get_audit_file. However, sometimes a customer may want to use a third-party tool to read and aggregate audit records, and some of those tools do not have the ability to read the binary audit file. In that case, the customer will just use sys.fn_get_audit_file to write the audit records to a database and then use the third-party tool to ingest those records from the database.

What if that third-party tool cannot even read from SQL Server? That happened to me recently where the only option was to read from a text-based file.

Read on for Patrick’s solution to the problem and a real pain point you’ll find along the way.

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Parameterized Queries with dbatools

Thom Andrews builds a query:

Many of us are likely aware of PowerShell, even if we don’t use it too frequently, and I suspect that if you’re reading this post you’re also familar with things like sqlcmd. Hopefully, you have also heard of DbaTools, a module for PowerShell (and if you haven’t, hopefully that’s why you’re here). Today, I wanted to discuss running parametrised queries (including table type parameters) from PowerShell, which is notorious hard/impossible with sqlcmd (or invoke-SqlCmd), using the DbaTools module.

Click through for examples building up from zero parameters up to a table of parameters.

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