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Category: Power BI

Using Postman with Power BI’s REST API

David Eldersveld takes us through the Power BI REST API:

Postman is a valuable tool to work with APIs, especially when testing and making ad hoc requests outside of an automated production solution. In terms of where a Power BI developer may find Postman useful, it sits somewhere between the documentation’s “Try It” functionality and a more production-worthy solution incorporating tools like Azure DevOps, Logic Apps/Power Automate, a Power BI custom connector, etc.

The ideas in this post extend an original post from Carl de Souza. Carl shows how to obtain an OAuth2 access token but does so with hardcoded values. Additional API requests use the token from the original response, but he also manually provides this token to those subsequent API calls.

David has a clever technique for getting the bearer token, so check it out.

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Optimizing Slow Card Visuals in Power BI

Marco Russo helps us tune Power BI reports containing a large number of card visuals:

Every visual element in a Power BI report must complete a number of tasks to provide the expected result. Visuals showing data must generate one or more DAX queries to retrieve the required measures applying the correct filters. The execution of these queries increases the waiting time for the end user, and increase the workload on the server, especially when multiple users access a published report at the same time. In order to improve the performance and the scalability of a report, the best practice is reducing the number of visuals consuming data published in a page of a report.

The focus is on a single page of the report. Power BI only gets data and build the visualizations required for the active page of a report. When the user switches the focus to a different page, the waiting time only depends on the visuals of the new page. The content of other pages of the same report is not relevant for the performance. The goal is reducing the number of visuals in a single page of a report. This could be challenging in order to obtain the same report layout, but we can look for the right visualization once we realize that the number of visuals in the same page is negatively affecting the user experience.

Less is more here.

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Creating Currency Formatting Strings with Power BI

Gilbert Quevauvilliers walks us through formatting currencies via calculation groups in Power BI and Analysis services:

When I first started looking at the calculation groups and changing the currency formats, I thought that my existing currency format was correct. Boy was I wrong and once I found that out and corrected it, my Currency Format Strings started working.

As per the Microsoft documentation found here Dynamic format strings for currency conversion I had to make sure that my Currency format followed the following pattern.

Read on for an example and demonstration.

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Translating Datasets in Power BI Premium

Kasper de Jonge shows how you can translate data in Power BI datasets if you’re using Premium:

One request that comes up a lot is to be able to provide translations for the tables and columns of your model (especially here in Europe). Up until now this was not possible in Power BI as there was no UI for it. The new XMLA read/write feature changed all of this. As you probably know in SSAS Tabular this is already possible. The new XMLA endpoint makes any Power BI dataset into a SSAS tabular model with most of its functionalities. So how do you use it in Power BI and add translations? In this blog post I will walk you through it.

Click through for a demo.

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Using Cognitive Services in Power BI without a Premium Subscription

Marc Lelijveld and Kathrin Borchert show how we can take advantage of Cognitive Services and Power BI without having to pay for Power BI Premium:

Recently, I was presenting my session about AI Capabilities for Power BI to make AI Accessible for Everyone for the Virtual Power BI Days Hamburg. A great event organized by Kathrin Borchert. Part of my session was about the Artificial Intelligence capabilities offered as part of Power BI Premium. A day later, Kathrin came up with a great idea how you can leverage these AI capabilities without the need for Power BI Premium.

I was directly enthusiastic about that idea since I thought about this in the past as well. Back then, there were some blockers which are sorted now. I asked Kathrin if she was open for co-authoring this blog and she immediately agreed.

Click through for the technique. Basically, it’s a trade-off between simplicity and cost.

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Detecting and Changing Multiple Columns’ Data Types with Power Query

Imke Feldmann has a quick tip for us:

Very often, when you expand a column in Power Query that contains a table or some records, the expanded columns will lose their types (like Chris Webb has described here for example). Or you might just have accidently deleted a “Changed Type”-step.

Did you know there is actually a superfast and easy way to do it?

Read on to see how you can change the data type for multiple columns all at once.

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Color Band by Group in Power BI

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari show how we can change color alteration to switch from row to row and instead go from group to group:

The background color of the rows depends on Sales[Order Number]. The background color switches between white and light gray every time the order number changes, so all the rows of the same order have the same background color and can be easily identified. You cannot obtain this visualization by only using a Power BI style, because the coloring of a row depends on the actual data in it. You can achieve this goal by using the conditional formatting feature in Power BI. You can set the background color of a cell according to the value of a measure. Therefore, you need a DAX formula that returns two values: one for the white rows and one for the gray rows. The value returned by the measure must alternate between those two values with each consecutive order number.

Read on for an example of how you can do this.

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Progressive Disclosure in Power BI

Prathy Kamasani takes us through the implementation of a design idea in Power BI:

In the above example, I used a pattern to show details using action from the Card. When a user clicks on a card, the report will show details related to Card. It sounds straightforward, but it involves a lot of work using Power BI Functionalities: Buttons, Bookmarks, Sections, Grouping and Page Size.

There are few aesthetics I paid attention in this Report Page which are key for any landing page. Usually, a Landing page helps users to navigate around the Power BI Model, so it is important to highlight those navigation steps. In the above model, I used Buttons, labels and Images for navigation hints.

I like this for some uses, like giving analysts a chance to dive into the data. For an operational dashboard, I don’t like it very much unless the cards at the top alone provide me enough information to know whether I need to take an action; otherwise, it loses one of the most important concepts of a dashboard, glanceability.

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Using SQL Server Scalar Functions with Power Query

Erik Svensen shows that you can call user-defined scalar functions in SQL Server from Power Query:

Currently I am working with a project where we extract data from a SQL server – some of the business logic is built into scalar value functions (documentation).

Now the magic of PowerQuery enables us to reuse these functions within PowerQuery and Query Folding is supported – more about this at the end of this post.

My initial reaction is “That way lies madness” but in moderate doses, I could see this as a valuable second-best option for teams pulling data into Power BI.

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Building a P&L Statement with Power BI

Matt Allington has the need for some financials:

A few weeks ago, Danielle Stein Fairhurst from Plum Solutions contacted me and asked if I would speak at her financial modelling meetup group (a topic of my choice related to Power BI). I decided to speak about creating a P&L using Power BI and DAX. I first learnt how to do this way back in 2015 when I met Derek Rickard. I was still fairly early on my DAX journey at the time and certainly didn’t have any experience with financial accounting using DAX. Derek shared with me how he built his P&L using Adventure Works. I have used these principles many times to help customers, and I thought it would be a great time to pass on that knowledge, and the skills I have learnt along the way on my blog.

Click through for a video and the measures used.

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