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Category: Power BI

Creating an Info Button in Power BI

Kristyna Hughes shows how to create an info tooltip in Power BI:

The steps below will walk through how to add an information icon to the report, making a tooltip page containing your additional information, and enabling the tooltip to allow users to hover over the icon and see the information.

This can be quite useful, especially as it gets context information out of the way of users after they don’t need it anymore. That’s important for dashboards you expect people to look at regularly.

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Mistakes to Avoid when Creating Power BI Reports

Reza Rad shares some advice:

A relationship in Power BI is often for when we want a table to filter another table (based on the selection of items in the visuals). This filtering happens in the direction of the relationship. Meaning that if DimCustomer has a one-to-many relationship with the FactSales, and the relationship direction is single directional from the DimCustomer to FactSales, then DimCustomer can filter the FactSales, but not the other way around.

What we see a lot in the Power BI models is that the developer changes the relationship to both-directional so that each of the tables can filter the other table. This looks like a nice feature, but it will come at a big cost.

Click through for five good tips in blog format as well as written form.

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Power Query XML Inconsistencies

Chris Webb walks us through some inconsistencies:

A few months ago one of my colleagues at Microsoft, David Browne, showed me an interesting Power Query problem with how the Xml.Tables and Xml.Document M functions handle null or missing values. I’m posting the details here because the problem seems fairly common, it causes a lot of confusion and it’s not easy to deal with.

In XML there are two ways to represent a null or missing value:<a></a> or omitting the element completely. Unfortunately the Xml.Tables and Xml.Document M functions handle these inconsistently: they treat the <a></a> form as a table but the other as a scalar.

Click through for an example and a workaround for the issue.

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Slow File Open Times in Power BI

Marco Russo explains why opening some Power BI files might take so long:

There could be many reasons for that, but if you have calculated columns and/or calculated tables in your model, you should be aware that they could be the reasons why this happens. It could be, so I want to explain when this happens.

The short explanation is the following: when you open a PBIX file, Power BI Desktop automatically recalculates those calculated columns and calculated tables that depend on a volatile formula.

Read on for the longer explanation, which includes a (possibly incomplete) list of volatile formulas.

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Sharing Individual Power BI Dataflows

Marc Lelijveld is in a sharing mood:

Recently, I have had a challenge at a customer, where a central teams maintains many dataflows in Power BI, to store their only and single version of the truth. However, this central team maintained many different dataflows in a single workspace, but did not want to share the entire workspace with others. What now? How can they share a single dataflows in Power BI?

In this blog, I will describe different ways to share dataflows in the Power BI service and highlight pros and cons of each solution. Read on to find out what options you have, and what my personal preference would be.

Read on to learn why you might want to share a dataflow, as well as four techniques to do it.

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A Power BI Report for Power BI Report Access

Gilbert Quevauvilliers sets up an infinite loop:

In this blog post I show the final part which is how I created the Power BI report which takes the previous 3 steps and then creates the Power BI Report.

I am going to show you how I got the data in using Power Query and then created the Power BI report.

Read on for the process. But now I want a report to see who has access to the report for who has access to reports. And I think I need a report for that layer. And that layer. And…

(Shh, yes, I know you can get that all from the same report but it’s so rare I get to make a “Turtles the whole way down” reference).

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Calculations in DAX with CALCULATE()

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari explain one of the most important DAX functions:

CALCULATE, with its companion function CALCULATETABLE, is the only function in DAX that can change the filter context. Its use is very intuitive at first, and most DAX developers start using CALCULATE without knowing the most intricate details of its behavior. Then, sooner than later the use of CALCULATE becomes frightening because CALCULATE starts to misbehave. When this happens, it is nothing but a signal that you need to learn more theory and deepen your understanding of the behavior of CALCULATE.

In this article, we do not introduce the most complex behaviors of CALCULATE. Instead, we provide a beginner’s guide to CALCULATE, and we try to avoid making things simpler than they are. CALCULATE is definitely a complex function. Here we introduce its base behaviors, with a solid theoretical foundation.

Definitely a must-read if you work with Power BI and don’t have CALCULATE() down pat.

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Thin Reports in Power BI

Soheil Bakhshi’s reports get the Kate Moss treatment:

Shared Datasets have been around for quite a while now. In June 2019, Microsoft announced a new feature called Shared and Certified Datasets with the mindset of supporting enterprise-grade BI within the Power BI ecosystem. In essence, the shared dataset feature allows organisations to have a single source of truth across the organisation serving many reports.

Thin Report is a report that connects to an existing dataset on Power BI Service using the Connect Live connectivity mode. So, we basically have multiple reports connected to a single dataset. Now that we know what a thin report is, let’s see why it is best practice to follow this approach.

Read on for Soheil’s thoughts on the topic and a tutorial on how to create a thin report.

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Dynamic M Parameters now GA

Dany Hoter shows off dynamic M parameters in Power BI:

The user is creating an application in which he wants to embed Power BI.

The same Power BI report will be used in different contexts and the user wanted to have a different header each time and to provide the header as part of the URL.

There may be other ways to solve this problem(?) but as the solution was already using ADX, the user came with a way that involves Direct Query and a dynamic parameter to solve the dynamic header.

Click through to see how to solve this problem.

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Diagnostics ID and ActivityID in Power Query

Chris Webb looks into activity IDs:

I was looking at the output of Power Query’s Query Diagnostics feature recently (again) and trying to understand it better. One of the more confusing aspects of it is the way that the Power Query engine may evaluate a query more than once during a single refresh. This is documented in the note halfway down this page, which says:

Jorge’s comment on the post adds even more context around what the ID Chris comes up with actually means.

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