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Category: Power BI

Using Slicers In Power BI To Filter Chart Categories

Prathy Kamasani shows how you can use slicers in Power BI to filter out specific categories in a line chart:

The logic is to create a table with the DAX function UNION. Each Table expression in UNION function represents a value of slicer. Apart from that slicer related value, all the rest of the values are blanks.  It is key to have them as blanks than zero’s, we don’t see any data.

In other words, pivoting the table to turn one measure with several different category values into one measure per category.  If you know the number of categories (4 in this case), this solution can work well for you.

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Integrating PowerApps With Power BI

Wolfgang Strasser continues a series on the PowerPlatform with a post showing how to integrate an existing PowerApp with Power BI:

When creating a new PowerApp using the Power BI integration, you get an additional data source – PowerBIIntegration that serves as the connection to the Power BI report. Whenever a filtering action occurs in the Power BI report, this information is available in this property.
During the PowerApps creation action I selected the action to add a new form which in the next step needs to get a connection to the Article table (which holds the additional article details).

Check out the entire series too.

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Connecting Power BI To Dockerized SQL Server

Chris Taylor shows us how to build a SQL Server on Linux Docker container and use it to supply data to a Power BI dashboard:

I (and many others) have done a series of docker blog posts over the last couple of years but they’ve all tended to evolve around spinning up a SQL Server 2017+ container for testing or demo purposes. This is only really the start, think of the bigger picture here, once you have your database environment the world is your oyster.

This blog post will show how we can use SQL Server 2019 CTP2.1 running on Linux (Ubuntu) in a docker container as our data source for a Power BI environment in next to no time!

These steps show a very manual process for completing this setup, if it is something you are looking to do frequently then I suggest creating a Dockerfile and/or yml file and use docker-compose. This way you can have all your setup in one file and it will be a single statement to get your SQL Server 2019 environment up and running.

Read on for the demo.

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The Power Of Dual Storage Mode For Power BI Aggregations

Reza Rad continues a series on Power BI aggregations by explaining how using the Dual storage mode can make queries faster if you use both Import and DirectQuery sources:

This is not what we actually expect to see. The whole purpose of Sales Agg table is to speed up the process from DirectQuery mode, but we are still querying the DimDate from the database. So, what is the solution? Do we change the storage mode of DimDate to Import? If we do that, then what about the connection between DimDate and FactInternetSales? We want that connection to work as DirectQuery of course.

Now that you learned about the challenge, is a good time to talk about the third storage mode; Dual.

Read on for an example-filled tutorial.

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Rounding Errors And Data Type Conversions In DAX

Marco Russo explains the rules behind data type conversions in DAX:

Any DAX formula involving arithmetical operators ( + – * / ) might produce a result in a different data type. While this is obvious when you have different data types in the arguments, it could be less intuitive when the arguments have the same data type. Indeed, the result might have a different data type. This is important. Indeed, in a complex expression there could be many operators, but every operator defines a single expression that produces a new data type – that is the argument of the next operator. We will start looking at the resulting data type of the standard operators, showing a few examples later of how they could affect the result in a more complex expression.

Marco shows some relatively drastic differences:  hundreds of dollars when dealing with millions (and any company okay with being off by hundreds of dollars when dealing with millions, please mail me a check for hundreds of dollars).

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Understanding Power BI Service Administrator Permissions

Melissa Coates walks us through Power BI permissions:

Based on the tests I’ve been doing, I’ve observed that users with membership to the Power BI administrator role have two sets of permissions apply:

  • Activities which are scoped across the entire organization
  • Activities for which normal user permissions apply

Within the above 2 categories, I’m thinking there are 4 main types of activities:

  1. Manage tenant settings (always scoped to the organization)
  2. Compile inventory and metadata (can be scoped to the organization)
  3. Manage workspace users (can be scoped to the organization)
  4. Export content from a workspace (relies on user permissions)

There’s a fair amount to digest, but Melissa does a good job explaining the implications of specific permissions.

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Power BI Aggregations

Reza Rad dives into aggregations in Power BI.  Part one introduces the topic:

Imagine a Fact table with 250 millions of rows. Such a fact table is big enough to be considered as a good candidate for DirectQuery connection. You don’t want to load such a big table into the memory, and most probably, the Power BI file size exceeds the 1GB limitation. Now, think about your reporting solution for a second. Do you always query this fact table at the finest or minimum granular level? I mean do you always look at every single transaction in this table when you do report on it?

The answer is No. In most of the times, you are querying the data by other fields or columns. As an example; you query the Sales value in the fact table, by Year. Some other times, you query the fact table’s values by Customer’s education category. Some other times, you query the values in the fact table, by each product. When you look at real-world scenarios, most of the time, you are querying the fact table by aggregations of dimension tables.

Then, Reza starts building an aggregation table:

Aggregation tables are the fast performing solution for huge DirectQuery tables in Power BI. In the previous blog post, I explained what is an aggregation, and why it is an important part of a Power BI implementation. Aggregations are part of the Composite model in the Power BI. For the aggregation set up, your first step is to create an aggregated table. In this blog post, I’ll explain how that step can be done. If you want to learn more about Power BI, read the Power BI book, from Rookie to Rock Star.

There’s a lot of detail packed into the first posts in this series, so it looks like a good one to watch.

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Using R In Power BI For More Than Displaying Visuals

Patrick Mahoney shows us that you can do more with the R Visual component in Power BI than display visuals:

If you really like a certain R visual, you can also package it as a pbiviz file to share with others. Once you set up the foundation to create the first pbiviz, it is easy to crank out many more just by replacing the R code and repackaging it (into a different pbiviz file). See instruction here.

But this post isn’t about making charts. It turns out you can hijack the R visual to do lots of other things too. Below are a few examples:

Note: I am no R expert. The examples below are relatively simple and cobbled together from similar things online.  They may be a little clunky, but worth it, in my opinion, to be able to dynamically leverage many more of the R capabilities through Power BI.

Read on for some interesting examples.

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Migrating Queries To Power BI Dataflows

Matt Allington shows us how to move a query from Power BI desktop into a Power BI Dataflow:

Power Query is a user friendly ETL tool (Extract, Transform and Load).  Traditionally ETL has been done using more complicated tools (such as SQL Server Integration Services – SSIS) and the resulting data is stored in a data mart or data warehouse for consumption by anyone that needs a standard view of the data.  Power BI Desktop can consume tables directly from a data warehouse and simply load the table into Power BI – dead easy.  But Power Query is also a powerful ETL tool in its own right, and it can be used to transform and reshape the source data directly inside Power BI Desktop (and then  This is very useful if :

  1. You don’t have a data warehouse and/or
  2. You need some variation of what is in your data warehouse.
  3. You have other data sources that are not in a data warehouse but are still important to you.

Taking this approach (manipulate in Power Query) is perfectly fine if you have a single workbook, but what if you have 10 similar workbooks all needing the same transformation?  Worse still, what if you are one of many people in a company all doing the same thing with multiple workbooks?

Read on for the solution.

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Creating Custom Power BI Themes

Cathrine Wilhelmsen shows us how to create a custom theme for Power BI dashboards:

Power BI comes with several built-in themes and a whole gallery full of custom themes available for download. But what if you still can’t find the perfect look for your reports? No problem! Just create your own custom Power BI themes 🙂

…sounds simple enough, right? It only takes a few minutes to create a custom Power BI theme with a color palette of your choice. Whoosh – instant custom branding!

But if you are like me, simple color changes might not be enough. Maybe you want finer control of borders, fonts, labels, or other visual elements. Or maybe you just don’t want to keep changing the same settings over and over and over again in multiple visualizations and reports. (Please don’t do that.)

You can control all of these things in custom Power BI themes. It is, however, not quite as simple as creating a color palette… yet. (You never know when the Power BI product team will blow your mind with a new update!) But for now, we need to define custom themes in JSON files.

Click through to learn how to do some of these changes through the power of editing JSON files.

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