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Category: Performance Tuning

Dr. Elephant: Where Does My Hadoop Cluster Hurt?

Carl Steinbach looks back at Dr. Elephant one year later:

What we needed to introduce to the job-tuning equation was a series of questions like those asked by a physician making a diagnosis: a step-by-step process that guides the user through the problem-solving process, while also educating them at the same time.

So we created Dr. Elephant, a system that automatically detects under-performing jobs, diagnoses the root cause, and guides the owner of the job through the treatment process. Dr. Elephant makes it easy to identify jobs that are wasting resources, as well as jobs that can achieve better performance without sacrificing efficiency. Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Elephant makes it easy to act on these insights by making job-level performance tuning accessible to users regardless of their previous skill level. In the process, Dr. Elephant has helped to ease the tension that previously existed between user productivity on one side and cluster efficiency on the other.

LinkedIn has made this project open source if you want to check it out in your environment.

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Unnecessary, Mandatory Work

Lukas Eder lays out one of the biggest performance drains today:

We’re using 8x as much memory in the database when doing SELECT * rather than SELECT film, rating. That’s not really surprising though, is it? We knew that. Yet we accepted it in many many of our queries where we simply didn’t need all that data. We generated needless, mandatory work for the database, and it does sum up. We’re using 8x too much memory (the number will differ, of course).

Now, all the other steps (disk I/O, wire transfer, client memory consumption) are also affected in the same way, but I’m skipping those.

This article is absolutely worth reading and sharing with developers.

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Batch Requests Per Second

Tara Kizer explains the Batch Requests/sec metric:


Batch Requests/sec is a performance counter that tells us the number of T-SQL command batches received by the server per second. It is in the SQLServer:SQL Statistics performance object for a default instance or MSSQL$InstanceName:SQL Statistics for a named instance.


If I execute a stored procedure that has multiple queries and calls to other stored procedures, what will Batch Requests/sec show? Let’s test it to find out.

Click through for the answer.

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Performance Tuning A Streaming Application

Mathieu Dumoulin explains how he was able to get 10x performance out of a streaming application built around Kafka, Spark Streaming, and Apache Ignite:

The main issues for these applications were caused by trying to run a development system’s code, tested on AWS instances on a physical, on-premise cluster running on real data. The original developer was never given access to the production cluster or the real data.

Apache Ignite was a huge source of problems, principally because it is such a new project that nobody had any real experience with it and also because it is not a very mature project yet.

I found this article fascinating, particularly because the answer was a lot more than just “throw some more hardware at the problem.”

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The Cost Of Compression

Erin Stellato looks at the COMPRESS function:

While this data is interesting, I’m more curious about how compression affects my everyday SELECT queries. I have a set of three stored procedures that each have one SELECT query, so that each index is used. I created these procedures for each table, and then wrote a script to pull values for first and last names to use for testing. Here is the script to create the procedures.

Once we have the stored procedures created, we can run the script below to call them. Kick this off and then wait a couple minutes…

To me, the COMPRESS function is most useful for compressing information you tend not to search through but need to keep the in the database, like HTML markup or long descriptions.

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Filtered Indexes And Parameters

Erik Darling shows an example of what happens when you have a filtered index and parameterize the filter:

It Is Known

That when you use filtered indexes, they get ignored when your queries are parameterized. This is a Plan Caching Thing©, of course. The simplest example is a bit column with a filtered index. If your index is on WHERE Bit = 1, it doesn’t have data for WHERE Bit = 0. That index would only be suitable for one variation of the query, so caching a plan that uses an index which can’t be reused for every variation isn’t feasible.

Read on for a couple examples, and check the comments on this as well.

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BatchMode Execution

Sunil Agarwal describes BatchMode execution with columnstore indexes:

You may be wondering what is this magic number 900 rows within a batch? Well, when executing a query in BatchMode, SQL Server allocates a 64k bytes structure to group the rows. The number of rows in this structure can vary between 64 to 900 depending upon number of columns selected. For the example above, there are two columns that are referenced and X marks the rows that qualified in the BatchMode structure shown in the picture below. If SCAN is part of a bigger query execution tree,  the pointer to this structure is passed to the next operator for further processing. Not all operators can be executed in BatchMode. Please refer to Industry leading analtyics query performance for details on BatchMode Operators.

Under the right circumstances, BatchMode execution can be a major performance benefit.

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Columnstore Elimination

Sunil Agarwal has a two-part series on columnstore data elimination.  First up is column elimination:

Now, let us run the same query on the table with clustered columnstore index as shown in the picture below. Note, that the logical IOs for the LOB data is reduced by 3/4th for the second query as only one column needs to be fetched. You may wonder why LOB? Well, the data in each column is compressed and then is stored as BLOB. Another point to note is that the query with columnstore index runs much faster, 25x for the first query and 4x for the second query.

Next up is rowgroup elimination:

In the context of rowgroup elimination, let us revisit the previous example with sales data

  • You may not even need partitioning to filter the rows for the current quarter as rows are inserted in the SalesDate order allowing SQL Server to pick the rowgroups that contain the rows for the requested date range.
  • If you need to filter the data for a specific region within a quarter, you can partition the columnstore index at quarterly boundary and then load the data into each partition after sorting on the region. If the incoming data is not sorted on region, you can follow the steps (a) switch out the partition into a staging table T1 (b) drop the clustered columnstore index (CCI) on the T1 and create clustered btree index on T1 on column ‘region’ to order the data (c) now create the CCI while dropping the existing clustered index. A general recommendation is to create CCI with DOP=1 to keep the prefect ordering.

From these two articles, queries which hit a small percentage of columns and stick to a relatively small number of rowgroups will likely perform better.  For people who understand normal B-tree indexes, the second point seems clear enough, but the first point is at least as important.

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Power Saving Mode

Mike Walsh recommends ensuring your servers are not using any form of power saving mode:

Balanced power mode has a major impact on SQL Server performance. Simply put, you’ve told Windows Server (through Control Panel) or your server hardware (through BIOS settings) to sacrifice a few performance-minded things for the sake of using a little less power. In fact, in plenty of studies and blog posts by folks in the community (including this post by Glenn Berry), you can see the effect of CPU power saving, especially. In essence, the CPUs will run at a lower clock multiplier when demand isn’t deemed high enough, and that clock speed will only increase when demand is high enough for long enough. This results in a slower CPU speed during normal operations. That setting actually works well on my laptop or tablet when I want to conserve battery life and don’t have a workload that is sensitive to CPU speed.

For a SQL Server, though? That is horrible for performance. Windows balanced mode also can cause other components to run slower or behave differently than when the server is running in High Performance mode. For instance, USB ports can be underpowered and network interfaces can be under-powered or even go to sleep. Frankly, for a SQL Serve, nothing good comes out of these modes.

Read on for a few methods for checking whether your servers are affected.

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