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Category: Performance Tuning

In Defense Of Inline Table-Valued Functions

Riley Major defends the honor of inline table-valued functions:

So no, user-defined functions are not the devil. Scalar user-defined functions can cause big problems if misused, but generally inline user-defined functions do not cause problems.

The real rule of thumb is not to avoid functions, but rather to avoid adorning your index fields with logic or functions. Because when you hide your intentions from the optimizer with complex syntax, you risk not getting the better performing index seek.

Riley shows an example where his inline table-valued UDF was just as efficient an execution plan as without the UDF.

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CXCONSUMER Not Entirely Harmless

Erik Darling points out a case where CXCONSUMER waits are important:

In this sample there are absolutely no waits whatsoever on CXPACKET.

They are nonexistent.

If you were hoping to find out that they were way crazy out of control call a priest and ditch your bar tab we’re driving on the train tracks, you’ll be awfully disappointed.

There just aren’t any.

There’s only one core in use for nearly the entire duration, aside from some blips.

That’s disappointing.  I was hoping to be able to ignore this wait altogether.

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TANSTAAQRC (Query Result Cache)

Andy Mallon explains that a query result cache does not exist in SQL Server:

I was recently doing a training session when a developer commented that it was OK to run an expensive query twice because on the second execution, SQL Server would use the “results cache” and be “practically free”. It’s not the first time I’ve heard someone refer to a “results cache” in SQL Server. This is one of those myths that is almost true, which makes it that much more believable. If you don’t know better, you might think SQL Server has a “results cache” because the second execution of a query is often faster.

SQL Server does not have a “results cache” and the second execution is not “practically free.”
SQL Server does have a “buffer cache” and the second execution is “faster, but not free.”

The SQL Server buffer cache holds data pages in memory, in the exact form that they reside on disk. The second execution will not have to perform physical I/O operations to satisfy the query, because it can use the buffer cache. However, it does have to perform all other operations. Think of it like this: the second execution still executes the entire execution plan, including all the expensive operations. It is faster, but not “practically free.”

Read the comments for Erik Darling’s plot twist.

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When Wait Stats Aren’t Enough

Joe Obbish has an example of diagnosing performance problems when wait stats don’t indicate any problems:

In summary, page allocations and page free events rapidly occur, sometimes in an alternating pattern. SQL Server will often free a number of pages just to immediately request allocations for a similar number of pages. If all of the free page events result in returned memory to the OS then the reason for the scalability bottleneck becomes clear. When running the full workaround with 96 concurrent sessions, a total of 341965 page freed operations were performed. Those events freed about 71.3 million pages in total. That amounts to about 584 GB of memory returned to the OS in total, based on the previous assumptions.

This is a great investigation into the depths of debugging in SQL Server.  Joe wasn’t able to get a definitive solution to his problem, but he showed us a lot along the way.

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Nested Loops, Hash, Or Merge: Which Is Best?

Grant Fritchey dodges the important questions:

First response, also a joke, was the question at the title of this post:

What is the preferred operator when joining tables: Hash Match, Nested Loops or Merge?

While my immediate response to this question is, yes. Meaning, they’re all preferred, situationally. I decided to expand on that a bit.

I completely agree with Grant:  there is no single best operator.  If there were, database companies wouldn’t have multiple options.  That said, in an ideal world, all joins would be merge joins; in our fallen world, nested loops and hash matches often prove superior second-best alternatives.

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Parallelism Strategies For Grouping Operations

Itzik Ben-Gan continues his series on grouping data in SQL Server by looking at how these operations can go parallel:

Besides needing to choose between various grouping and aggregation strategies (preordered Stream Aggregate, Sort + Stream Aggregate, Hash Aggregate), SQL Server also needs to choose whether to go with a serial or a parallel plan. In fact, it can choose between multiple different parallelism strategies. SQL Server uses costing logic that results in optimization thresholds that under different conditions make one strategy preferred to the others. We’ve already discussed in depth the costing logic that SQL Server uses in serial plans in the previous parts of the series. In this section I’ll introduce a number of parallelism strategies that SQL Server can use for handling grouping and aggregation. Initially, I won’t get into the details of the costing logic, rather just describe the available options. Later in the article I’ll explain how the costing formulas work, and an important factor in those formulas called DOP for costing.

As you will later learn, SQL Server takes into account the number of logical CPUs in the machine in its costing formulas for parallel plans. In my examples, unless I say otherwise, I assume the target system has 8 logical CPUs. If you want to try out the examples that I’ll provide, in order to get the same plans and costing values like I do, you need to run the code on a machine with 8 logical CPUs as well. If you’re machine happens to have a different number of CPUs, you can emulate a machine with 8 CPUs—for costing purposes—like so:


Even though this tool is not officially documented and supported, it’s quite convenient for research and learning purposes.

This is a fairly long article, but a great one.

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Finding Low-Hanging Fruit When Tuning SQL Server

Kevin Hill has a couple scripts which help him find easy performance gains:

Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of performance tuning work, much of which is basically “things are slow…can you fix them?” type of requests.  Most experienced DBAs know that there a few gazillion factors that can lead to this request, and I won’t re-hash them here.

Lets assume, that we’ve optimzed or eliminated the server, disks, network, etc. and were now looking at SQL code and everyone’s favorite – indexes.

I have two scripts I use that give me a quick overview of the type of work SQL Server is doing.   These complement each other, and are used AS A STARTING POINT to locate the low-hanging fruit that can be causing excessive work for the disks and memory of the server.

Click through for those scripts.

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The Power Of Predicate Pushdown

Pedro Lopes explains how predicate pushdown helps improve performance on queries:

First, let’s define a few terms, so we can see how to detect whether we’re making good use of our indexes, as they relate to the queries running in our SQL Server.

  1. Whenever you submit a query to SQL Server, if it includes a JOIN and/or WHERE clause, that constitutes a row filtering pattern known as a predicate.
  2. The query optimizer can use that to estimate how to best retrieve only the intended rows, after that predicate has been applied, this surfaces in the query plan as the Estimated Number of Rows.
  3. When that estimated plan is executed, and you look at the actual execution plan, this surfaces as the Actual Number of Rows. Usually, a big difference between Estimated and Actual number of rows indicates a misestimation that may need to be addressed to improve performance: maybe you don’t have the right indexes in place?

These are the two properties related to rows you had on every SQL Server plan up to SQL Server 2014.

Read on to learn how predicate pushdown can make queries faster.

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Finding Scalar Functions In Execution Plans

Kendra Little points out that scalar user-defined functions can hide in the most unassuming of places:

After we find matches based on the customer id, we have more work “left over” — that’s the “residual” bit.

For every row that matches, SQL Server is plugging values into the Website.CalculateCustomerPrice() function and comparing the result to the Unit price column, just like we asked for in the where clause.

In other words, this is happening for every row in Sales.InvoiceLines that has a matching row in Sales.Invoices.

Which is every single invoice & invoice line, as it turns out.

It’s a shame there’s no “this is why your query is slow” plan operator for scalar UDFs.

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Alleviating tempdb Contention

Pam Lahoud has some advice for those with tempdb-heavy workloads:

TL;DR – Update to the latest CU, create multiple tempdb files, if you’re on SQL 2014 or earlier enable TF 1117 and 1118, if you’re on SQL 2016 enable TF 3427.

And now it’s time for everyone’s favorite SQL Server topic – tempdb! In this article, I’d like to cover some recent changes that you may not be aware of that can help alleviate some common performance issues for systems that have a very heavy tempdb workload. We’re going to cover three different scenarios here:

  1. Object allocation contention

  2. Metadata contention

  3. Auditing overhead (even if you don’t use auditing)

There’s some good information in here so don’t just say tl;dr.

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