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CTP 2.3 and Multi-Scoped Temp Tables

Joe Sack announces a performance optimization when you generate temp tables and then work with them in a sub-procedure:

SQL Server 2019 introduces several performance optimizations which will improve performance with minimal changes required to your application code.   In this blog post we’ll discuss one such improvement available in CTP 2.3: reduced recompilations for workloads using temporary tables in multiple scopes.

In order to understand this improvement, we’ll first go over the current behavior in SQL Server 2017 and prior. When referencing a temporary table with a DML statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), if the temporary table was created by an outer scope batch, we will recompile the DML statement each time it is executed.

There’s a pretty big performance improvement here, but architecturally, I really don’t like it. This makes the inner procedure unrunnable unless you know that there should be some temp table(s) and what should be in those temp table(s).