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Category: Misc Languages

Serializing Data In Scala

Akhil Vijayan has a two-parter on serializing data in Scala.  In the first post, he looks at uPickle:

uPickle serializer is a lightweight Json library for scala. uPickle is built on top of uJson which are used for easy manipulation of json without the need of converting it to a scala case class. We can even use uJson as standalone too. In this blog, I will focus only on uPickle library.

Note: uPickle does not support Scala 2.10; only 2.11 and 2.12 are supported

uPickle (pronounced micro-pickle) is a lightweight JSON serialization library which is fast than many other json serializers. I will talk more about the comparison of different serializers in my next blog. This blog will cover all the basic stuff about uPickle.

Then, he follows up with a comparison to other serializers:

In my previous blog, I talked about how uPickle works. Now I will be comparing it will many other json serializers where I will be serializing and deserializing scala case class.

Before that let me discuss all the json serializers that I have used in my comparison. I will compare uPickle with PlayJson, Circe and Argonaut.

Check it out.

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Selecting All Columns But One In Postgres

Lukas Eder shows off a BigQuery feature which you can partially implement in Postgres:

In BigQuery syntax, we could now simply write

FROM (...) t
WHERE rk = 1
ORDER BY first_name, last_name

Which is really quite convenient! We want to project everything, except this one column. But none of the more popular SQL databases support this syntax.

Luckily, in PostgreSQL, we can use a workaround: Nested records:

SELECT (a).*, (f).* -- Unnesting the records again
    a, -- Nesting the actor table
    f, -- Nesting the film table
    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY actor_id ORDER BY length DESC) rk
  FROM film f
  JOIN film_actor fa USING (film_id)
  JOIN actor a USING (actor_id)
) t
WHERE rk = 1
ORDER BY (a).first_name, (a).last_name;

Notice how we’re no longer projecting A.* and F.* inside of the derived table T, but instead, the entire table (record). In the outer query, we have to use some slightly different syntax to unnest the record again (e.g. (A).FIRST_NAME), and we’re done.

Read the whole thing.  Lukas has a workaround for SQL Server, but I’d really like to see SELECT * EXCEPT [something] be viable syntax.  This is something I’d want to use more for ad hoc diagnostic queries, but I have one scenario where most columns on a table are narrow but then I have a big VARBINARY(MAX) (for good reason, I promise) that I almost never want to see in diagnostic queries.  I use a third-party SSMS plugin to populate all the columns and remove the one I don’t want, but it’d be nice to specify the other way because it’s so much faster to type.

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Using map And flatMap In Scala

Shubham Verma explains the map and flatMap functions in Scala:

Consider two sets, A = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} and B = {0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5} and a function          f: A => B

y = x ^ 2 + 0.5;  x is an element from set A and y corresponds to an element from set B, now we see that function f is applied to every element of set A but the result could be a subset of set B also.

So from the above text, we can draw the analogy that sets A and B can be seen as any collection in programming paradigm. Now what is “f”, so “f” could be seen as a function that takes an element from A and returns an element that exists in B, the point here to note is that, as scala promotes immutability whenever we apply map (or any other transformer) on some collection of type A, it returns a new collection of the same type with elements of type B. It would be helpful to understand it from the snippet below.

val result: List[B] = List[A].map(f: A => B)

So when a map operation is applied on a collection (here a List) of type A, with passing f as its argument it applies that function to every element of List of type A returns a new collection (again a List) of type B.

Read the whole thing.

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The Basics Of Lambda Calculus

Kevin Sookocheff walks us through some of the basics of Lambda calculus:

Functions are a bit more complicated. Michaelson states that a λ function serves as an abstraction over a λ expression, which isn’t that informative unless we take some time to understand what abstraction actually means.

Programmers use abstraction all the time by generalizing from a specific instance of a problem to a parameterized version of it. Abstraction uses names to refer to concrete objects or values (you can call them parameters if you like), as a means to create generalizations of specific problems. You can then take this abstraction (you can call it a function if you like), and replace the names with concrete objects or values to create a particular concrete instance of the problem. Readers familiar with refactoring can view abstraction as an “Extract Method” refactoring that turns a fragment of code into a method with parameters that explain the purpose of the method.

I think having a good understanding of Lambda calculus is a huge advantage for a data platform professional, as it gives you an inroad to learning data-centric functional programming languages (e.g., Scala, R, and F#) and neatly sidesteps the impedance mismatch problem with object-oriented languages.

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Accessing SQL Server From Scala

Sidharth Khattri shows how to use Scala Slick, a library designed to integrate with database, to connect to SQL Server:

Now moving onto our FRM (Functional Relational Mapping) and repository setup, the following import will be used for MS SQL Server Slick driver’s API

import slick.jdbc.SQLServerProfile.api._

And thereafter the FRM will look same as the rest of the FRM’s delineated on the official Slick documentation. For the example on this blog let’s use the following table structure

CREATE TABLE user_profiles (
 id         INT IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY,
 first_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
 last_name  VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

whose functional relational mapping will look like this:

class UserProfiles(tag: Tag) extends Table[UserProfile](tag, "user_profiles") {
 def id: Rep[Int] = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
 def firstName: Rep[String] = column[String]("first_name")
 def lastName: Rep[String] = column[String]("last_name")
 def * : ProvenShape[UserProfile] = (id, firstName, lastName) <>(UserProfile.tupled, UserProfile.unapply) // scalastyle:ignore

I’m definitely going to need to learn more about this.

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How DynamoDB Indexing Works

Shubham Agarwal explains how indexing works within DynamoDB:

Global secondary index in DynamoDb – An index with a partition key and a sort key that can be different from the base table. A global secondary index is very helpful when you need to query your data without primary key.

  •  The primary key of a global secondary index can be partition key or composite  (partition key and sort key).

  • Global secondary indexes can be created at the same time that you create a table. You can also add a new global secondary index to an existing table, or delete an existing global secondary index

  • A global secondary index lets you query over the entire table, across all partitions.

  • The index partition key and sort key (if present) can be any base table attributes of type string, number, or binary.

  • With global secondary index queries or scans, you can only request the attributes that are projected into the index. DynamoDB will not fetch any attributes from the table.

  • There are no size restrictions for global secondary indexes.

Click through to learn more about these as well as local secondary indexes.

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The Difference Between M And DAX With Cooking

Eugene Meidinger explains the difference between M and DAX as languages using a cooking metaphor:

I like to think of M as this sous chef. It does all the grunt work that we’l like to automate. Let’s say that my boss asks for a utilization report for all of the technicians. What steps am I doing to do in M?

  1. Extract the data from the line of business system
  2. Remove extraneous
  3. Rename columns
  4. Enrich the services table with a Billable / NonBillable column
  5. Generate a date table

This is all important work, but I would have to do the same work for a variety of reports. Many of the steps tell me nothing about the final product. I would generate a date table for most of my reports, for example.

I think the metaphor holds.

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Lazy Evaluation With Scala

Mahesh Chand demonstrates how Scala can use lazy evaluation to reduce memory requirements:

In this blog, we will talk about lazy evaluation in Scala. How we can add efficiency to our application?

Efficiency is achieved not just by running things faster, but by avoiding things that shouldn’t be done in the first place.

In functional programming, lazy evaluation means efficiency.  Laziness lets us separate the description of an expression from the evaluation of that expression. This gives us a powerful ability—we may choose to describe a “larger” expression than we need, and then evaluate only a portion of it. There are many ways to achieve lazy evaluation in Scala i.e using lazy keyword, views, streams etc.

The fastest operation is the one that doesn’t have to run at all.

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Loading JSON-Based Data Into SQL Server From .NET

Chris Koester has a quick example demonstrating one way take JSON data from .NET code and load it into SQL Server:

Next we need to create a stored procedure that will accept JSON text as a parameter and insert it into the table. Two important points here:

  • JSON text must use the NVARCHAR(MAX) data type in SQL Server in order to support the JSON functions.

  • The OPENJSON function is used to convert the JSON text into a rowset, which is then inserted into the previously created table.

The whole process is quite easy; check it out.

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More Bash Basics: Commands, Conditions, And Math

Mark Wilkinson continues his Bash for the Powershell developer series:

An expression is a statement that evaluates to either true or false. In our case we are just checking if the $hour_of_day variable is less than 12 and greater than or equal to 5. When comparing numeric values you must use the same operators you are familiar with from PowerShell: -lt -gt -le -ge -ne. When comparing string values you have to use operators you might be more used to from other languages: == != and both values must be enclosed in double quotes [ "string1" == "string2" ].

With just the things Mark has shown so far, you can begin to build helpful scripts.

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