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Category: Misc Languages

Passing Data To Java In SQL Server 2019

Niels Berglund continues looking at the SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework’s support for Java:

In Java, there are also helper components, (a topic for future posts), but the integration is not as tight, so when we want to pass data into and out of Java we need to code somewhat more explicit to make data passing possible.
In our Java code, we need to represent the data passed in and out as class member column arrays. You define in your classes, one array per column passed in, and one array per column returned. These column arrays are some of the “magic” members I mentioned above, and they are the equivalent to InputDataSet, and OutputDataSet.
The components that are part of the Java extension need to know about these members as the components either populate them when pushing data into Java or read from them when returning data from Java. The way that the components know about the members is based on a naming standard.

It’s definitely easier to pass data in and get data back from R and Python, but I suppose part of that is Java being a static, compiled language.

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Working With Key-Value Pairs In Spark

Teena Vashist shows us a few of the functions available with Spark for working with key-value pairs:

1. Creating Key/Value Pair RDD: 
The pair RDD arranges the data of a row into two parts. The first part is the Key and the second part is the Value. In the below example, I used a parallelize method to create a RDD, and then I used the length method to create a Pair RDD. The key is the length of the each word and the value is the word itself.

scala> val rdd = sc.parallelize(List("hello","world","good","morning"))
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at <console>:24
scala> val pairRdd = => (a.length,a))
pairRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String)] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at map at <console>:26
scala> pairRdd.collect().foreach(println)

Click through for more operations.  Spark is a bit less KV-centric than classic MapReduce jobs, but there are still plenty of places where you want to use them.

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Load Testing Spark To MongoDB

Abdelghani Tassi has a quick load test to see how fast Spark can load data into MongoDB:

Recently, my company faced the serious challenge of loading a 10 million rows of CSV-formatted geographic data to MongoDB in real-time.

We first tried to make a simple Python script to load CSV files in memory and send data to MongoDB. Processing 10 million rows this way took 26 minutes!

26 minutes for processing a dataset in real-time is unacceptable so we decided to proceed differently.

I’m not sure the test was totally fair, but the results comport to my biases…  There is some good advice here:  storing data in optimized formats (Parquet in this instance) can make a big difference, Spark is useful for ETL style operations, and Scala is generally the fastest language in the Spark world.

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Building Hello World With Java In SQL Server 2019

Niels Berglund shows how you can use sp_execute_external_script to run Java code in SQL Server 2019:

In SQL Server 2019 Microsoft added the ability to execute custom Java code along the same lines we execute R and Python, and this blog post intends to give an introduction of how to install and enable the Java extension, as well as execute some very basic Java code. In future posts, I drill down how to pass data back and forth between SQL Server and Java.

There may very well be future posts discussing how the internals differ between Java and R/Python, but I want to talk about that a little bit in this post as well, as it has an impact on how we write and call Java code.

The not-so-secret here is that Java itself is less interesting of a language than, say, Scala.  And the reason you’d support Scala?  To interact with an Apache Spark cluster.  I think that’s a big part of why you’d want the installer to load Java 1.8 instead of 1.9 or later (which contain API changes which break Spark).  Definitely give this a careful read, as there are more working parts and more gotchas than R or Python support.

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Kerberos Authentication In Apache Cassandra

Justin Cameron announces an open source Kerberos authenticator in Apache Cassandra:

In conjunction with the Cassandra authenticator, we have also published an open-source Kerberos authenticator plugin for the Cassandra Java driver.

The plugin supports multiple Kerberos quality of protection (QOP) levels, which may be specified directly when configuring the authenticator. The driver’s QOP level must match the QOP level configured for the server authenticator, and is only used during the authentication exchange. If confidentiality and/or integrity protection is required for all traffic between the client and Cassandra, it is recommended that Cassandra’s built-in SSL/TLS be used (note that TLS also protects the Kerberos authentication exchange, when enabled).

An (optional) SASL authorization ID is also supported. If provided, it specifies a Cassandra role that will be assumed once the Kerberos client principal has authenticated, provided the Cassandra user represented by the client principal has been granted permission to assume the role. Access to other roles may be granted using the GRANT ROLE CQL statement.

Click through for more details and check out the GitHub repo.

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Azure Databricks Geospatial Analysis

Jose Mendes gives us an example of using Azure Databricks to perform geospatial analysis:

Magellan is a distributed execution engine for geospatial analytics on big data. It is implemented on top of Apache Spark and deeply leverages modern database techniques like efficient data layout, code generation and query optimization in order to optimize geospatial queries (further details here).

Although people mentioned in their GitHub page that the 1.0.5 Magellan library is available for Apache Spark 2.3+ clusters, I learned through a very difficult process that the only way to make it work in Azure Databricks is if you have an Apache Spark 2.2.1 cluster with Scala 2.11. The cluster I used for this experience consisted of a Standard_DS3_v2 driver type with 14GB Memory, 4 Cores and auto scaling enabled.

In terms of datasets, I used the NYC Taxicab dataset to create the geometry points and the Magellan NYC Neighbourhoods GeoJSON dataset to extract the polygons. Both datasets were stored in a blob storage and added to Azure Databricks as a mount point.

It sounds like this is much faster than using U-SQL to perform the same task.

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Looking At The Robin Hood Caching Algorithm

Adrian Colyer reviews a paper on a multi-system caching algorithm:

The thing about this common pattern is that we need to wait for all of these back-end requests to complete before returning to the user. So improving the average latency of these requests doesn’t help us one little bit.

Since each request must wait for all of its queries to complete, the overall request latency is defined to be the latency of the request’s slowest query. Even if almost all backends have low tail latencies, the tail latency of the maximum of several queries could be high.

(See ‘The Tail at Scale’).

The user can easily see P99 latency or greater.

Techniques to mitigate tail latencies include making redundant requests, clever use of scheduling, auto-scaling and capacity provisioning, and approximate computing. Robin Hood takes a different (complementary) approach: use the cache to improve tail latency!

Robin Hood doesn’t necessarily allocate caching resources to the most popular back-ends, instead, it allocates caching resources to the backends (currently) responsible for the highest tail latency.

This is a great review of an interesting algorithm.

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Data Modeling In Cassandra

Charmy Garg walks us through some of the basics of modeling tables in Cassandra:

Two basic goals in Cassandra which we should keep in mind:

  • Spread data evenly around the cluster – You want every node in the cluster to have roughly the same amount of data. Rows are spread around the cluster based on a hash of the partition key, which is the first element of the PRIMARY KEY. So, the key to spreading data evenly is this: pick a good primary key.

  • Minimize the number of partitions read – Partitions are groups of rows that share the same partition key. When you issue a read query, you want to read rows from as few partitions as possible. Why is this important? [Each partition may reside on a different node. The coordinator will generally need to issue separate commands to separate nodes for each partition you request. This adds a lot of overhead and increases the variation in latency. Furthermore, even on a single node, it’s more expensive to read from multiple partitions than from a single one due to the way rows are stored.]

Charmy also has a couple of pitfalls that people used to the relational database model may hit.

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Voice Control For Shiny Apps

Over at Jumping Rivers, an example of using a Javascript library to control a page using voice commands:

I have found that performance across all devices and browsers is definitely not equal. By far the best browser I have found for viewing the apps is Google Chrome. I have also tended to find that my Ubuntu machines don’t do as well as Microsoft machines in picking up words correctly. A chat I had with someone recently suggested this might be down to drivers under Ubuntu for the microphones but that is not my area of expertise. Voice recognition was also fine on both of my Blackberry phones (one running BB OS 10, the other running Android 7).

It is worth noting that this does require an internet connection to function, in Chrome the voice to text is performed in the cloud.

The other thing I have noticed is that annyang seems relatively sensitive to background noise. This isn’t so bad for functions called using specific phrases but does sometimes have a large effect on the multi-word splats. This is because the splats are greedy and the background noise makes the recognition engine think that you are still talking long after you finished which gives the appearance of the application hanging.

The solution is by no means perfect, but it does look quite interesting.

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Reading Excel Files In An Office-less World

Bill Fellows shows us how to read from an Excel file on a machine without Microsoft Office installed:

A common problem working with Excel data is Excel itself. Working with it programatically requires an installation of Office, and the resulting license cost, and once everything is set, you’re still working with COM objects which present its own set of challenges. If only there was a better way.

Enter, the better way – EPPlus. This is an open source library that wraps the OpenXml library which allows you to simply reference a DLL. No more installation hassles, no more licensing (LGPL) expense, just a simple reference you can package with your solutions.

Let’s look at an example.

Read on for the example.  A couple alternatives I like are readxl and XLConnect in R.

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