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Category: Microsoft Fabric

Building a Lakehouse in Microsoft Fabric

Reza Rad builds a warehouse down by the river:

The term Lakehouse is derived from two other words; Data Lake and Data Warehouse. A Lakehouse is a place to store structured data (such as Data Warehouse) and unstructured data (such as a Data lake) in a single location. Lakehouse is capable of scaling up to handle large amounts of data. Other tools and services can be used to interact with the lakehouse, for example, to load or read data into it.

Click through for instructions on how to build one and how to access it from SSMS and Power BI.

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Microsoft Fabric Compendium

This one’s going to be a little different from your average Curated SQL post, because there are a whole bunch of Microsoft Fabric-related blog posts. Consider this more a round-up than highlighting any single post.


Trying It Out

Size and Scope

Direct Lake

The Name

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