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Category: Microsoft Fabric

A Review of the Microsoft Fabric Security Whitepaper

Kevin Chant takes a look:

To manage expectations, Microsoft do openly state during the introduction that this white paper was created by combining multiple online security documents together.

Which probably explains some of the repetition. However, multiple references are better than none.

Plus, in the introduction they provide a link to the main Microsoft Fabric security page. Which is good starting point if you know what security feature you are looking for.

Anyway, the content itself is good. It provides some really good explanations and diagrams relating to certain areas. To help demystify certain aspects of security for some people.

Read on for Kevin’s first impressions of the whitepaper.

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Monitoring and Alerting on Fabric Capacity Metrics

Ron L’Esteve wants to know what’s happening:

With Microsoft Fabric now generally available, organizations are interested in implementing this flagship Unified Data and AI Intelligence Platform for several reasons. Its native integration within the Azure stack provides seamless and secure access to widely used technologies for data integration, business intelligence, and advanced analytics. Microsoft Fabric’s storage and compute capacity is utilized by resources within this unified analytics platform, including storage repositories, such as data warehouses and data lakes, and compute capacity for Power BI, Pipelines, DW processing, and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) workloads.

Fabric capacity can be purchased on Azure with a pay-as-you-go model, and a 60-day free trial (64 CUs) is offered to test the platform. Organizations that have an existing Power BI Premium capacity can easily enable access to Fabric by using the Microsoft Fabric admin switch. Enabling Fabric in Power BI Premium as opposed to Azure Portal creates a problem: there is no easy way to monitor and set alerts on your Fabric capacity metrics in the Azure Portal.

Click through to learn how to install and use the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics App.

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Adding the Current Date and Time to a PySpark Data Frame

Gilbert Quevauvilliers wants to know what time it is:

How to add current DateTime to existing PySpark data frame in a Fabric Notebook

In the blog post below, I am going to describe how to add the current Date Time to your existing Spark data frame.

This is really useful when I am inserting data into a Fabric Lakehouse table, and I want to know when the data got inserted.

Read on for the answer.

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Editing the JSON of a Microsoft Fabric Pipeline

Dennes Torres makes a change:

A Fabric Pipeline uses JSON as source code. They are also saved in repositories as JSON.

We first idea we get is editing the pipeline in JSON format. We can copy the JSON and create new pipelines with small variations, making changes directly on the JSON.

However, at first sight we get disappointed, because the pipeline doesn’t allow the JSON to be edited. We have the option to view the JSON, but nothing else.

Read on to see how to tell the Fabric pipeline who’s boss.

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The Benefits of Separating Data from Content in Microsoft Fabric

Tom Martens drives a wedge:

This article is solely about one question: what has to be done if a content creator needs to create and publish reports but the content creator is not allowed to see all the data?

This seems to be a simple requirement: develop content (finally publish the report), but with Row Level Security (RLS) applied.

To answer the question, I think it’s necessary to understand the following core principle, at least to some extent:

  • Workspace roles

Read on for more information about how workspace roles work in this domain.

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Building Metadata-Driven Pipelines in Microsoft Fabric

Koen Verbeeck lays out a process:

The goal of metadata driven code is that you build something only once. You need to extract from relational databases? You build one pipeline that can connect to a relational source, and you parameterize everything (server name, database name, source schema, source table, destination server name, destination table et cetera). Once this parameterized piece of code is ready, all you must do is enter metadata about the sources you want to extract. If at a later point an additional relational source needs to be extracted, you don’t need to create a brand-new pipeline. All you need to do is enter a new line of data in your metadata repository.

Aside from speeding up development – after you’ve made the initial effort of creating your metadata driven pipeline – is that everything is consistent. You tackle a certain pattern always in the same way. If there’s a bug, you need to fix it in one single location.

Read on to see how this works. The idea is certainly not new, as Koen mentions, but there are some specific factors that come into play for Microsoft Fabric pipelines.

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Number of Fabric Workspaces and the Medallion Architecture

Kevin Chant opens a can of worms:

Since I got asked about it this week during the Learn Together session I did alongside Shabnam Watson (l/X). Plus, it is a highly debated topic in our community, and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.

Due to the fact that my personal opinion is that it depends. However, the number you choose depends on a variety of reasons which I intend to cover in this post.

By the end of this post, you will know my personal opinions as to why. Plus, plenty of things to consider when deciding on the number of workspaces to implement.

Read on for Kevin’s thoughts. My quick opinion is, one workspace per layer. Just from a logistical standpoint, keeping the several layers separated in one workspace is an immense challenge and typically requires exposing data engineering details (like what “gold”/”silver” or “curated”/”refined” actually means) with end users.

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Getting Row Counts of All Tables in a Microsoft Fabric Warehouse

Koen Verbeeck busts out the tally counter:

It says the data is 352MB in size, but after loading the data I was curious about how many rows were actually in that sample data set. Unfortunately, it’s not as straight forward as with a “normal” SQL Server database to get the row counts. First of all, when you connect with SSMS to the database there’s sadly no option to get the row counts report:

The post is a little depressing, really. But still worth the read.

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Fabric Workload Items in the Scanner API

Gilbert Quevauvilliers checks out the latest changes to the Scanner API:

All Fabric Workload Items are now available from the Scanner API

I was working with the customer and was looking for some information in the Scanner API.

For a change I went into Power Query and expanded the workspaces item.

Read on for more information. And if you’d like to learn more about the Scanner API, here’s a sample application showing how to use it.

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