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Category: Microsoft Fabric

Migrating the Serverless SQL Pool to Fabric

Kevin Chant makes a move:

By the end of this post, you will know how to migrate serverless SQL Pool objects to a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse using Azure DevOps. Along the way I share plenty of links and advice.

Please note that Microsoft Fabric is currently in Public Preview and what you see in this post is subject to change.

This is the relatively easy one. The real challenge will be dedicated SQL pool migration.

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Thoughts on Fabric Data Warehouse

Teo Lachev continues a series on digging into Microsoft Fabric components:

Continuing our Power BI Fabric journey, let’s look at another of its engines that I personally care about – Fabric Warehouse (aka as Synapse Data Warehouse). Most of my real-life projects require integrating data from multiple data sources into a centralized repository (commonly referred to as a data warehouse) that centralizes trusted data and serves it as a source to Power BI and Analysis Services semantic models. Due to the venerable history of relational databases and other benefits, I’ve been relying on relational databases powered by SQL Server to host the data warehouse. This usually entails a compromise between scalability and budget. Therefore, Azure-based projects with low data volumes (up to a few million rows) typically host the warehouse in a cost-effective Azure SQL Database, while large scale projects aim for Synapse SQL Dedicated Pools. And now there is a new option on the horizon – Fabric Warehouse. But where does it fit in?

Teo gives us some real talk on this one, with plenty of ugly.

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On-Demand Loading and Direct Lake in Power BI

Chris Webb gives us the beginnings of an origin story:

For any Power BI person, Direct Lake mode is the killer feature of Fabric. Import mode report performance (or near enough) direct on data from the lake, with none of the waiting around for data to refresh! It seems too good to be true. How can it be possible?

The full answer, going into detail about how data from Delta tables is transcoded to Power BI’s in-memory format, is too long for one blog post. But in part it is possible through something that existed before Fabric but which didn’t gain much attention: on-demand loading. 

Click through for another blog post on the topic and an idea of how these tie together.

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Loading Data from On-Premises SQL Server into Microsoft Fabric

Reitse Eskens spends an hour or so:

In my previous blogs, I’ve written about Fabric and all the cool things it can do. Thing is, my load tests were based on files. Either CSV or Delta. But in reality, a lot of data comes from an on-premises database server. In reality, you might connect to a SQL 2008 instance or maybe even older. Truth be told, I haven’t got an instance in that version/edition around anymore. So I had to use SQL Server 2019, a version I’m encountering more often nowadays.

For this blog, it won’t make much sense to create a humongous database and try to get all the data in. Fabric will cope, the major issue (in my experience) is the internet connection between my local database and the Fabric environment. One thing I’m really curious about is if Fabric will have the Link capability that was introduced for Synapse Analytics and SQL Server 2022.

There’s no Link capability currently available, so Reitse does the next-best thing and uses Fabric pipelines.

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Thoughts on Fabric Data Wrangler

Gilbert Quevauvilliers tries out a tool:

I was going through my twitter feed and I came across this tweet where they spoke about the Data Wrangler Calling all #Python users! Have you tried Data Wrangler in #MicrosoftFabric?

I thought I would give this a try and that was the idea for my blog post. I honestly had no idea that firstly was this possible, but second that it is so easy for data wrangler to do all the hard work for me

I am going to demonstrate 2 transformations in this blog post, the first will be changing the d_date from date to datetime and then using the columns from examples I am going to create a new column where it concatenates 2 columns delimited with a double pipe command.

Read on for Gilbert’s thoughts.

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Bring Fabric to the Data Lakehouse

Ust Oldfield ties together Databricks and Microsoft Fabric:

We’ve built countless Lakehouses for our customers and influenced the design of many more. With the advent of Fabric, many organisations with existing lakehouse implementations in Azure are wondering what changes Fabric will herald for them. Do they continue with their existing lakehouse implementation and design, or do they migrate entirely to Fabric?

For many, the answer will be to continue as-is. They’ve invested a lot of time and money in establishing a Lakehouse – to migrate now to a slightly different technology stack would be a very costly exercise! There also isn’t a need to migrate from a lakehouse implementation in Databricks to one in Fabric as there aren’t concrete benefits to be realised.

For those using Power BI as their semantic and reporting layers, as well as using Databricks SQL or Synapse Serverless as the serving layer, Fabric provides a perfect opportunity to rationalise the architecture and to bring about substantial performance gains through the Direct Lake connectivity and V-Order compression in Fabric.

Read on to see what Ust means, using a couple of architecture diagrams along the way.

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Balancing Governance and Collaboration with Fabric

Marc Lelijveld makes it sound like I can’t just say “No!” to everything as a Microsfot Fabric administrator:

Frequently, I am approached by curious individuals who inquire about my job and how I contribute to the success of our customers, especially since I am not directly involved in building solutions for each and every one of them. These questions have made me realize that it might be interesting to share insights into my role as a Fabric Administrator, or as some may refer to it, a Power BI Administrator.

In this blog post, I aim to shed light on the essence of daily activities of a Fabric Administrator, the meaningful conversations people in this role engage in, and the additional value they bring to the table.

Read on to see what people like Marc do all day.

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Preliminary Thoughts on Microsoft Fabric in Preview

Reitse Eskens shares some initial thoughts:

So, these preliminary opinions I’m offering now are based on the preview I’ve worked with and will keep on working with.

That’s the first observation, I’ll keep on working with this. Why? To be honest I think it’s a step forward from the Data Factory, Synapse, PowerBI experience. Everything together in one product makes life easier. Even though I’m having a really hard time adopting to the interface. I keep selecting the wrong buttons to get stuff done. Then again, only being able to do this after working hours and during the weekend may have something to do with that. But making the interface a little more intuitive would really help me.

Read on for what Reitse has to share so far.

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A Review of Fabric Lakehouse

Teo Lachev talks lakehouses:

The Microsoft’s Lakehouse definition is less ambitious and exclusive. “Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse is a data architecture platform for storing, managing, and analyzing structured and unstructured data in a single location. It is a flexible and scalable solution that allows organizations to handle large volumes of data using a variety of tools and frameworks to process and analyze that data. It integrates with other data management and analytics tools to provide a comprehensive solution for data engineering and analytics”. In other words, a lakehouse is whatever you want it to be if you want something better than a data lake.

Read on for Teo’s classic The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly format.

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A Primer on Microsoft Fabric Notebooks

Leila Etaati provides an explanation:

In Fabric, there are tools for different personas of the users to work with. For example, for a citizen data analyst, Dataflows and Power BI Datasets are the tools with which the analyst can build the data model. For Data Engineers and Scientists, one of the tools is Notebook.

The Notebook is a place to write and run codes in languages such as; PySpark (Python), Spark (Scala), Spark SQL, and SparkR (R). These languages are usually familiar languages for data engineers and data scientists. The Notebook provides an editor to write code in these languages, run it in the same place, and see the results. Consider this as the coding tool for the data engineer and scientist.

Click through for a video, as well as a regular blog post.

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