We can see an example of this with unique indexes and constraints, but another possibility is that the created index had better statistical information via the histogram. When you add an index, you get Fresh Hot Stats, whereas the index you were using could be many modifications behind current for various reasons. If you have a big table and don’t hit auto-update thresholds often, if you’re not manually updating statistics somehow, or if you’re running into ascending key weirdness. These are all sane potential reasons. One insane potential reason is if you have autocreate stats turned off, and the index you create is on a column that didn’t have a statistics object associated with it. But you’d see plan warnings about operators not having associated statistics.
Again, we’re going to focus on how ADDING an index your query doesn’t use can help. I found out the hard way that both unique indexes and constraints can cease being helpful to cardinality estimation when their statistics get out of date.
This is sort of like a triple bank shot solution: even if it works that one time, there are easier ways to do it—and those ways are more likely to succeed to boot.
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