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Category: Hadoop

Delta Lake to Become an Open Standard

Michael Armbrust and Reynold Xin have exciting news about Delta Lake:

At today’s Spark + AI Summit Europe in Amsterdam, we announced that Delta Lake is becoming a Linux Foundation project. Together with the community, the project aims to establish an open standard for managing large amounts of data in data lakes. The Apache 2.0 software license remains unchanged.

Delta Lake focuses on improving the reliability and scalability of data lakes. Its higher level abstractions and guarantees, including ACID transactions and time travel, drastically simplify the complexity of real-world data engineering architecture. Since we open sourced Delta Lake six months ago, we have been humbled by the reception. The project has been deployed at thousands of organizations and processes exabytes of data each month, becoming an indispensable pillar in data and AI architectures.

Read on to see what this means for Delta Lake.

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The Benefits of Delta Lake

Kaushik Nath explains what a Delta Lake is and why it is beneficial:

Data lakes have generated a large amount of publicity as the new storage technology for our big data era. Because something new is always better, right? 

All this hype around data lakes has ignored their inherent drawbacks and limitations. Well, I’m Not Here to create a debate by saying that no one should ever use data lakes. But I am saying that companies should enter into the data lake investment with eyes wide open. Otherwise it might lead to some serious complications.

Delta Lake is a concept intended to mitigate some of the issues with data lakes in general, turning them into data swamps.

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PySpark DataFrame Joining

Monika Rathor shows the various ways you can join DataFrames with PySpark:

PySpark provides multiple ways to combine dataframes i.e. join, merge, union, SQL interface, etc. In this article, we will take a look at how the PySpark join function is similar to SQL join, where two or more tables or dataframes can be combined based on conditions. 

One join type you don’t directly get in SQL Server is the left anti join. We can build something quite similar with NOT EXISTS, though.

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Financial Time Series Analysis in Databricks

Ricardo Portilla shares a demo of financial time series analysis in Databricks:

We’ve shown a merging technique above, so now let’s focus on a standard aggregation, namely Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP), which is the average price weighted by volume. This metric is an indicator of the trend and value of the security throughout the day.  The vwap function within our wrapper class (in the attached notebook) shows where the VWAP falls above or below the trading price of the security. In particular, we can now identify the window during which the VWAP (in orange) falls below the trade price, showing that the stock is overbought.

Click through for the article, as well as a notebook you can try out.

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Differences in Spark RDDs and DataSets

Brad Llewellyn looks at some of the differences between RDDs and DataSets in Spark:

We see that there are some differences between filtering RDDsData Frames and Datasets.  The first major difference is the same one we keep seeing, RDDs reference by indices instead of column names.  There’s also an interesting difference of using 2 =’s vs 3 =’s for equality operators. Simply put, “==” tries to directly equate two objects, whereas “===” tries to dynamically define what “equality” means.  In the case of filter(), it’s typically used to determine whether the value in one column (income, in our case) is equal to the value of another column (string literal “<=50K”, in our case).  In other words, if you want to compare values in one column to values in another column, “===” is the way to go.

Interestingly, there was another difference caused by the way we imported our data.  Since we custom-built our RDD parsing algorithm to use <COMMA><SPACE> as the delimiter, we don’t need to trim our RDD values.  However, we used the built-in function for the Data Frame and Dataset, which doesn’t trim by default.  So, we used the ltrim() function to remove the leading whitespace.  This function can be imported from the org.apache.spark.sql.functions library.

Read on for more, including quite a few code samples.

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The Flexible Data Lake

Neil Stokes explains how you can optimize a Hadoop-based data lake:

There are many details, of course, but these trade-offs boil down to three facets as shown below.

Big refers to the volume of data you can handle with your environment. Hadoop allows you to scale your storage capacity – horizontally as well as vertically – to handle vast volumes of data.

Fast refers to the speed with which you can ingest and process the data and derive insights from it. Hadoop allows you to scale your processing capacity using relatively cheap commodity hardware and massively parallel processing techniques to access and process data quickly.

Cheap refers to the overall cost of the platform. This means not just the cost of the infrastructure to support your storage and processing requirements, but also the cost of building, maintaining and operating the environment which can grow quite complicated as more requirements come into play.

The bottom line here is that there’s no magic in Hadoop. Like any other technology, you can typically achieve one or at best two of these facets, but in the absence of an unlimited budget, you typically need to sacrifice in some way.

Software development is full of trade-offs, and data lakes are no different. Read the whole thing.

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Installing Python Libraries on EMR Clusters with Notebooks

Parag Chaudhari shows how we can install Python libraries on existing ElasticMapReduce clusters using EMR Notebooks:

The notebook-scoped libraries discussed previously require your EMR cluster to have access to a PyPI repository. If you cannot connect your EMR cluster to a repository, use the Python libraries pre-packaged with EMR Notebooks to analyze and visualize your results locally within the notebook. Unlike the notebook-scoped libraries, these local libraries are only available to the Python kernel and are not available to the Spark environment on the cluster. To use these local libraries, export your results from your Spark driver on the cluster to your notebook and use the notebook magic to plot your results locally. Because you are using the notebook and not the cluster to analyze and render your plots, the dataset that you export to the notebook has to be small (recommend less than 100 MB).

Read the whole thing.

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From Kafka to Pulsar

Avaro Santos Andres has arguments for migrating from Apache Kafka to Apache Pulsar:

Imagine you have thousands or millions of devices sending data to your data lake. This data must be managed with speed, security, and reliability. In addition, for legal reasons you must partition data by country, device, and city. These requirements seem reasonable, and in 2019, stream-processing platforms must be able to deal with them.

But how well do they? Kafka is not known to work well when there are thousands of topics and partitions even if the data is not massive. You can see how complicated it can be to try to solve performance challenges in these scenarios.

I like this sort of competition, as I know Kafka will step up their game as a result.

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An Introduction to Apache Livy

Guy Shilo explains why we should care about Apache Livy:

Apache Livy is an open source server that exposes Spark as a service. Its backend connects to a Spark cluster while the frontend enables REST API. This enables running it as the organization’s Spark gateway and even run in in docker containers.

Not only it enables running Spark jobs from anywhere, but it also enables shared Spark context and a shared RDD cache among all it’s users which is time and memory saving.

I will demonstrate here how to setup Apache Livy on one of the cluster’s nodes and on a separate server.

Click through for the demonstration.

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Migrating Databricks Workspaces

Gerhard Brueckl has made DatabricksPS better:

I do not know what is/was the problem here but I did not have time to investigate but instead needed to come up with a proper solution in time. So I had a look what needs to be done for a manual export. Basically there are 5 types of content within a Databricks workspace:

– Workspace items (notebooks and folders)
– Clusters
– Jobs
– Secrets
– Security (users and groups)

For all of them an appropriate REST API is provided by Databricks to manage and also exports and imports. This was fantastic news for me as I knew I could use my existing PowerShell module DatabricksPS to do all the stuff without having to re-invent the wheel again.

I’ve used DatabricksPS and really like it for cases where I’d have to loop with the Databricks REST API—for example, when uploading files.

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