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Category: Generative AI

Thoughts on Copilot in Fabric

Marc Lelijveld notes a pattern:

Lately it’s copilot before and after in all Microsoft communications and announcements. Also, during the Fabric Community Conference in Las Vegas where I was last week, it was hard to keep count of the number of times copilot was mentioned. Next to Microsoft communications, everyday conversations with customers and colleagues include copilots everywhere too. Which is fine, as long as we manage to keep things in perspective.

In this blog I will further elaborate on my experiences with copilot, where I experienced it as a useful addition to my day-to-day job and also where we should be careful. And no, this is not a rant on copilot, but just sharing my vision and everyday experience when talking about copilot to my customers.

I appreciate Marc’s grounding here. There’s a huge amount of hype around the various copilots, but after the initial demos, there’s a good bit less utility than meets the eye at present.

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Copilot in Azure SQL Database

Joe Sack gets in the cockpit:

We are excited to announce that Copilot in Azure SQL Database is now in limited public preview! Copilot in Azure SQL Database experiences are designed to streamline the design, operation, optimization, and health of Azure SQL Database-driven applications. It improves productivity in the Azure portal by offering natural language to SQL conversion and self-help for database administration.

Click through to see what you can do with it right now. I’d expect there will be more capabilities over time, too.

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