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Category: ETL / ELT

Troubleshooting Data Factory Errors

Ginger Grant discusses Azure Data Factory errors:

Unfortunately, while developing Data Factory I became very familiar with errors. All of the errors show up at the end and provide very little insight as to what in the process failed. Here’s an example.

Database operation failed on server ‘’ with SQL Error Number ‘40197’. Error message from database execution : The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code 4815. A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

This sounds like classic Microsoft error messages:  “An error occurred.  Here is a code you can put into Google and hope desperately that someone has already figured out the answer.  Good luck!”

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RDBMS To Hive Via Kafka

Rajesh Nadipalli shows how to use Kafka to read relational database data and feed it to Hive:

Processes that publish messages to a Kafka topic are called “producers.” “Topics” are feeds of messages in categories that Kafka maintains. The transactions from RDBMS will be converted to Kafka topics. For this example, let’s consider a database for a sales team from which transactions are published as Kafka topics. The following steps are required to set up the Kafka producer

I’d call this a non-trivial but still straightforward exercise.  Step 1 from the SQL Server side could be reading from transaction logs (which would be the least-intrusive), but you could also set up something like change tracking and fire off messages when important tables’ records change.

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Migrating Data To SQL Server Using Data Factory

Ginger Grant moves data from Azure Blob Storage into Azure SQL Database using Data Factory:

There are instances where data resides in Azure Blob Storage and the data is needed in a SQL database. For example, if one ran a Machine Learning experiment in Data Factory, the results would be stored in Azure Blob storage, and for analysis purposes, it may make a lot more sense to move the data to SQL database. Moving data around in Data Factory, means writing JSON. In this example we will be using an Azure SQL DB, but it is not essential that the data be stored in Azure. An on-premises SQL Server could also be used, as long as a gateway was added for the connection, the other steps would be the same. There are five different Data Factory elements required to move data from an Azure blob to a database: a pipeline for the data, a data set containing the definition for the blob, a linked service for the blob, a data set containing a definition for the SQL Data, and a linked service to connect to the SQL database.

There’s a lot of JSON ahead.

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Calling Azure ML Web Services Using Data Factory

Ginger Grant shows how to call an Azure Machine Learning web service from within Azure Data Factory:

The Linked Service for ML is going to need some information from the Web Service, the URL and the API key. Chances are neither of these have been committed to memory, instead open up Azure ML, go to Web Service and copy them. For the URL, look under the API Help Pagegrid, there are two options, Request/Response and Batch Execution. Clicking on Batch Execution loads a new page Batch Execution API Document. The URL can be found under Request URI. When copying the URL, you do not need to include any text after the word “jobs”. The rest of the URL, “?api-version=2.0”. Copying the entire URL will cause an error. Going back to the web Services page, The API Key appears on the dashboard section of Azure ML and there is a convenient button for copying it. Using these two pieces of information, it is now possible to create the Data Factory Linked Service to make the connection to the web service, which here I called AzureMLLinkedService

Read the whole thing.

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Diagnosing Duplicate Records

Jesse Seymour walks through his process of finding and fixing unexpected duplicate key violations:

In this case, the error message is quite clear.  There is more than one row in the source (staging) that matches a single row in the target (data warehouse).  When we are warehousing data, we setup key fields that allow us to match up a record in staging to a record in the data warehouse.  In most systems, you can use the source system’s primary key to accomplish this.  After all, most systems use a RDBMS of some sort to store data.  However, in this case the source data is from a SharePoint list, and the only source key available is a list item ID.

So why are we not using that?  There is a very simple answer and that is because end users delete old data from the list, which can lead to a recycling of ID values from SharePoint.  If an ID gets recycled, then the data warehouse will improperly overwrite data in the fact table or discard the new row as a duplicate depending on how we configure the extract routine.

Figuring out the cause of the problem is a multi-step process, as Jesse shows.

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Copying Data With Data Factory

Ginger Grant shows how to copy data from an Azure SQL Database to Azure Blob Storage using Data Factory:

Because we need a connection to a database and a Azure Blob, two Linked Services are required, one for each different type. Prior to completing this step, create an Azure Blob storage account by clicking on Add on All Resources. Create the second Linked service, like the first. Click on New data store then select Azure Storage. Using the template for an Azure Blob Storage linked services, I have modified it below adding the “hubName” as it is required

There’s a lot of JSON to write here, if you’re into that sort of thing.

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Getting Started With Azure Data Factory

Ginger Grant provides an introduction to the Azure Data Factory dashboard:

Pick the location based on two factors, Azure Data Factory is not available everywhere so you are limited to use only the ones where it is available. If you pick one where it isn’t available, you will get an error message letting you know why you cannot create the resource. Whenever possible within Azure to pick the same resource where your data lives. There are charges within Azure if you migrate data across resources and no charge if you stay in the same resource. You may want to go look at where the data lives which will be used in Data Factory before deciding where to put it. I always check the Pin to Dashboard option so that I can find the resource later, but it is not required and can be done later. Click on the create button to create a Data Factory Resource. If you have selected Pin to Dashboard you will see a little window which says Deploying Data Factory. This little window goes away once Data Factory is completed, and you will have an entry in the list of resources for Data Factory.

Read the whole thing if you’re thinking of getting started with Azure Data Factory.

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Top-Down ETL With Powershell

Max Trinidad continues his series on top-down ETL using Powershell:

After all the previous functions has been loaded, just type the following one-liner:

Process-PSObjectToSQL -SQLDataObj $SQLData;

This sample script code can serve as a startup Template to load data into SQL Server.

This sample SQL data load will fail. Here’s when the Try/Catch/Finally will work for you in trapping what went wrong. Adding the necessary code to provide that additional information to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Parts one and two available as well.

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Incorporating NiFi Into Brownfield Code

Paul Boal discusses how he incorporated Apache NiFi in an existing process:

Typically, data warehousing and ETL tool vendors recommended that we write your own custom components. After all, the target market for ETL tools is a space where the tools are specifically marketed as reducing the need for “error prone and time consuming” manual coding. When I ran across this tutorial on writing your own NiFi processor it occurred to me that NiFi is the exact opposite. It’s both Open Source and designed for extensibility from the ground up. I found it quite reasonable to write a custom NiFi processor that leverages our existing code base.

The existing code is a Java program with separate classes for each device vendor, all with the same interface to abstract the nuances of each vendor from the main data export program. This interface follows a traditional paradigm: login, query, query, query, logout. Given that my input to NiFi above takes in simple username, password, and query criteria arguments, it seems trivial to create a NiFi processor class that adapts the existing code into the NiFi API. Here’s a slightly abbreviated version of the actual code. (In reality, it’s all of 70 lines of code.)

In almost any realistic scenario, you’re not going to have the opportunity to start from scratch.  You will always have legacy components, external dependencies, and existing user bases to satisfy.  I like this article because it moves forward from that starting point.

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Powershell ETL, Part 2

Max Trinidad has part 2 of his Powershell ETL series:

If you notice, in the above cmdlet the where-clause I’m selecting to use the Column1 property instead of a reasonable label. In my scenario the data in the CSV file contain variable columns fopr its different data types such as: Info, Error, and System. So, it was easy to identify the total number of columns to be 15 columns.

Now, using the cmdlet “Import-Csv” using the parameter “-Header”, you can define a list columns when you build the $Logdata object. We create the $header variable with the column-names separated by comma.

Keep an eye out for part 3.  In the meantime, check out part 1 if you haven’t already.

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