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Category: Error Handling

Common DAX Error Messages

Marco Russo takes us through some of the more common Power BI error messages around writing DAX:

The message should help the author fix the code, but sometimes the text suggests a possible action without describing the underlying issue. The goal of this article is to explain the more common DAX error messages by providing a more detailed explanation and by including links to additional material. If some terms are not clear, look at the linked articles or consider some free self-paced training such as Introducing DAX.

Click through for several examples.

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Bubbling Up HTTP Status Errors In Power Query

Tony McGovern takes us through a method involving Power Query + M of giving end users useful information when a web request fails:

So how does this relate to error tables? Like most well-documented APIs, the U.S. Census Bureau API has a page devoted to listing and describing all the possible response codes that can be returned by their service. I take this information and build an internal table within the query that defines and describes these response codes in my own words. I’m now able to throw custom messages that make the difference between a 400 response code and a 404 response code more obvious.

For example, in the code below, I use the Error.Record function to create individual records that allow me to catch these unsuccessful requests and throw my own custom error messages to the user. I then create an extra field in each record called ‘Status’, which maps each HTTP response code returned by the API to a corresponding error message of my choosing:

There’s a bit of work, but the end result is a fairly simple explanation for end users.

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Capturing SQLCMD Errors

Jack Vamvas shows us how we can capture errors from SQLCMD:

I’m executing  code using SQLCMD from a batch file . The code points to a sql file and there is also an output file. 

SQLCMD -E -S MYSERVER\INST1 -i “setup_job_entry.sql” -o “setup_job_entry.log”

But I noticed that if the actual SQLCMD returns an error , for example , if I’m connecting to  an server which doesn’t exist this error message will appear in the output file – but there will  not be an ERROR number , which would allow me to trap and return an appropriate message 

There is a way and Jack shows us how.

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Tracking Errors In Power BI

Reza Rad has a lengthy post covering how you can track errors in Power Query:

To build a robust BI system, you need to cater for errors and handle errors carefully. If you build a reporting solution that the refresh of that fails everytime an error occurs, it is not a robust system. Errors can happen by many reasons, In this post, I’ll show you a way to catch potential errors in Power Query and how to build an exception report page to visualize the error rows for further investigation. The method that you learn here, will save your model from failing at the time of refresh. Means you get the dataset updated, and you can catch any rows caused the error in an exception report page. To learn more about Power BI, read Power BI book from Rookie to Rock Star.

There’s a lot of work, but also a lot of value in doing that work.

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Denis Gobo shares one of the biggest improvements in SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.0:

And there we go, you get the table name, the column name as well as the value, notice that the message id changed from 8152 to 2628 now

Msg 2628, Level 16, State 1, Line 20
String or binary data would be truncated in table ‘truncatetest.dbo.TruncateMe’, column ‘somevalue’. Truncated value: ‘33333’.
The statement has been terminated.

So it looks it only returns the first value that generates the error, let’s change the first value to fit into the column and execute the insert statement again

It’s not perfect, as it only shows one column from the first failed row, but that is still a lot more information than we had before and I’m happy that this is making into the product.

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Replicating Extra-Long Strings

Monica Rathbun walks us through a replication error:

Ever seen the below error? Until this week I hadn’t. So, I figured I’d take a little time and introduce it to those that had not.

Error Description: Length of LOB data (65754) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum 65536. Use the stored procedure sp_configure to increase the configured maximum value for max text repl size option, which defaults to 65536. A configured value of -1 indicates no limit

We ran into an issue with a customer this week, this error was flooding the error log. After a little digging I found it had to do with transactional replication (also applies to Change Data Capture) they had setup which included LOB data.

Read on to see what you can do to resolve this error.  Also, check out the comments and be glad you’re not in that boat…unless you are, in which case…

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Troubleshooting SQL Server Error 18456 State 73

Thomas Rushton reproduces an error state in SQL Server:

A question asked on one of the forums today wasn’t easily answerable by Googling. Summary of the question “I have error 18456 State 73 – why?

Google seemed remarkably quiet on the subject of that particular state code. Even Aaron Bertrand’s list of causes of state codes for SQL Server error 18456 missed this one.

However, some searching did find a link to what appears to be some in-depth VMWare VSAN training documentation that includes that error in some logging information, which made me wonder if it was related to the error 18456 state 38 that followed.

Read on for more details.

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Logs Are For Parsing

Tim Wilde shares an oft-forgotten truth:

How often have you found yourself contemplating some hair-brained regex scheme in order to extract an inkling of value from a string and wishing the data had just arrived in a well-structured package without all the textual fluff?

So why do we insist on writing prose in our logs? Take “Exception while processing order 1234 for customer abc123” for example. There are at least four important pieces of information drowning in that one sentence alone:

  1. An exception was raised!
  2. During order processing
  3. Order number 1234
  4. Customer abc123

Being an exception log message, it’s more than likely followed by a stack trace, too. And stack traces certainly don’t conform to carefully crafted log layout patterns.

Logging is something we tend to forget about and slap in at the last minute.  We also think about it from the viewpoint of a developer looking at a single error message.  Those are both mistakes that lead to a huge amount of extra work later.

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Error Handling In Scala

Manish Mishra gives a few examples of how to handle errors in Scala:

Try[T] is another construct to capture the success or a failure scenarios. It returns a value in both cases. Put any expression in Try and it will return Success[T] if the expression is successfully evaluated and will return Failure[T] in the other case meaning you are allowed to return the exception as a value. However with one restriction that it in case of failures it will only return Throwable types:

def validateZipCode(zipCode:String): Try[Int] = Try(zipCode.toInt)

But Throwing an exception doesn’t make much sense here since it is not much of a calculation. Although we can take this example to understand the use case. If the given string is not a number, it will be a failure. The value from the Try can be extracted in same as Option. It can be matched

As you write more complicated Spark operations, handling errors becomes critical.

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An Example Of Error Message Ambiguity

Jason Brimhall has an interesting story around a common error message:

Now is the time to start pulling out your hair. There is no syntax error in the query. Go ahead and look it over 10-15 times. I know I did.

Ok, if there is no syntax error, then what could possibly be the real problem? Is the database corrupt? Maybe a system table is corrupt? Grasping at straws here, but could it possibly even be some sort of royally screwed up permissions.

Everything seems to be checking out properly. There is no corruption whatsoever. Laptop is soon to be launched at this point right? Ok, maybe not launched because this is a simple query. But, had this been a production related query that was rather intense and complicated, there really may be something getting launched as the frustration mounts.

Click through for the answer.  Sometimes the error message is technically correct but utterly confounding.

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