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Category: Error Handling

Troubleshooting Always Encrypted Certificate Errors

Chad Callihan swears this is the right key:

The benefit of SQL Server Always Encrypted is to encrypt sensitive data in specified columns to prevent it from being seen by unauthorized users. It is a great feature, but there are some steps to consider besides the SQL setup side. What if you are one of the lucky (or unlucky) users who should have access to query that data unencrypted but get blocked by an error? Or, what if you’re setting up Always Encrypted and your application encounters issues decrypting data?

Let’s step through an example of one error you may come across that prevents authorized access.

Read on for the error and its root cause.

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“No Healthy Upstream” Error in vCenter

Denny Cherry diagnoses a problem:

Over the weekend, I was configuring our new VMware servers. I was happily working around when all of a sudden, vCenter started showing the hated “no healthy upstream” message on the vCenter website.

Thankfully, this was not the first time I’d seen this happen, and it usually occurs randomly (at least in my experience). The solution is easier than most people would think.

Click through to learn what you should do if you see that error.

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Error Handling Patterns in ADF Pipelines

Chenye Charlie Zhu begins a new series:

Orchestration allows conditional logic and enables user to take different based upon outcomes of a previous activity. Building upon the concepts of conditional paths, ADF and Synapse pipeline allows users to build versatile and resilient work flows that can handle unexpected errors that work smoothly in auto-pilot mode.

This is an ongoing series that gradually level up and help you build even more complicated logic to handle more scenarios. We will walk through examples for some common use cases, and help you to build functional and useful work flows.

Read on for a few error-handling patterns.

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Logic App Errors with Variables in Sharepoint Actions

Koen Verbeeck troubleshoots an issue:

I have a Logic App that reads out a SharePoint library and stores all the documents found into Azure Blob Storage (ADF only supports Lists). I was trying to make this Logic App “generic”, meaning I could change the source folder and the destination container by using variables. That way, I have one single Logic App which can read out any SharePoint library, instead of creating a new Logic App for each library.

So I adapted my HTTP trigger to accept a JSON payload, which contains the name of the folder on SharePoint and the name of the blob container.

Read on to see the error message, as well as how Koen resolved the problem.

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CETAS in the Serverless Pool and Blob Storage Variants

Dennes Torres gives us a warning:

While making some CETAS tests, I discovered an interesting new behaviour. The following error message was displayed and it was very strange:

Msg 16539, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Operation failed since the external data source ‘’ has underlying storage account that is not in the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on the server. Please add this storage account to the list of Outbound Firewall Rules on your server and retry the operation.

Read on for the cause of this error message.

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Avoiding Dynamic Data Sources Error with OData.Feed

Chris Webb avoids an error altogether:

In my last post I showed how, in many cases, you can avoid the “dynamic data sources” error with OData data sources by taking advantage of query folding. That’s not always possible though and in this post I’ll show you how you can use the Query option of the OData.Feed function to do so instead.

As always, Chris provides some nice detail and good examples.

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Replication from 2000 to 2012

Deepthi Gogrui pulls a fast one:

The scenario that I faced was little challenging. We had SQL Server 2012 production server replicating data to a Server 2000 which is used for reporting purposes. Subscriber SQL Server 2000 used by the reporting team were not ready to upgrade the Server as they need to rewrite their entire application as it was using vb6 code. They need a strategy where the data can still be replicated without upgrading the Server.

As I researched, I found that it is not compatible version but planned to test the replication to see if somehow it works. I tested the replication between SQL Server 2012 as a publisher and SQL Server 2000 as subscriber. I was able to setup the transactional replication between the servers for the database but found during the initial initialization snapshot, the ANSI_PADDING setting in the snapshot generated .sch files caused the issue while the distribution job runs. 

Read on for the solution. This turned out to work despite Microsoft’s official guidance that they only support replication between SQL Server instances within two versions of each other.

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OData Feeds and Dynamic Data Source Errors

Chris Webb handles an error:

I’ve blogged about the “dynamic data sources” error and the Web.Contents function several times (most recently here), main post here, but never about the fact that you can encounter the same error when working with OData data sources and the OData.Feed function. More importantly, while it seems like the solution to the problem is the same for both functions this is not the case! In fact, the solution may be simpler than you might think.

Click through for an example.

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