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Category: Deployment

Build and Deploy SSIS Projects with Azure DevOps

Joost van Rossum has a pair of posts on Azure DevOps updates. First, Azure DevOps supports building SSIS projects:

This new task is much easier to use than the PowerShell code and also easier than most of the third party tasks. With a little practice you can now easily create a build task under two minutes which is probably faster than the build itself.

If your build fails with the following error message then you are probably using a custom task or component (like Blob Storage Download Task). These tasks are not installed on the build agents hosted by Microsoft. The solution is to use a self hosted agent where you can install all custom components

Second, Azure DevOps supports deploying SSIS projects:

Microsoft just released the SSIS Deploy task (public preview) which makes it much easier to deploy an SSIS project. Below you will find the codeless steps to deploy artifacts created by the SSIS Build task.

Click through for the step-by-step instructions for each.

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Using Azure DevOps for Power BI CI/CD

Marc Lelijveld and Ton Swart look at today’s CI/CD options for Power BI:

As a developer we might be used to working with Git repositories, especially in order to have release management in place. Git is well known as a modern version control system. By using Git, you will have a local copy of the code on your machine as well. Based on these local copies, you can continue developing. After you’re finished with your work, you can easily push your local repository to merge with the online (shared) repository. By doing this, only the changes will be pushed and saved in the online repository. In fact, only for the new code there will be a new version created. 

Versioning of Power BI files is a whole different story. Since pbix files are binary files, there is no way of checking-in only the code changes. The process of pushing changes identifies the pbix file as one object which has a new version.

Read on for the state of the art. To be honest, I don’t like the state of the art that much, but that has nothing to do with Marc and Ton’s great article.

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Using Lenses and GitOps to Migrate Kafka to HDInsight

Andrew Stevenson takes us through migrating from a self-managed Kafka cluster on Lenses to HDInsight using GitOps:

Let’s dig deeper with an example. I have a Self-Managed Kafka cluster and I want to migrate to HDInsight Kafka.

First, we will concentrate on topics. I may have 1000’s of topics. How do I ensure that the configuration (the metadata) are migrated efficiently?

I could do this manually, but this is error-prone, time-consuming and importantly also lacks governance and auditing. A better approach would be to automate this, which is what we can achieve with Lenses and a GitOps approach.

Click through to see how to automate this.

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Storing Database Deployment Metadata with JSON

Phil Factor combines a couple SQL Server features to track database deployment history:

We maintain the current record where it is easy to get to and simply add an array to hold the history information. Our only headache is that we can only hold an NVARCHAR of 3750 characters (7500 of varchar characters) because extended properties are held as SQL_Variants. They need careful handling! This means that if our JSON data is larger, we have to trim off array elements that make the JSON exceed that number.

The combination of JSON and extended properties is not one that I’ve seen before—typically, there’s a deployment log table.

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Deploying a Container Instance in Azure

Anibal Kolker takes us through container deployment in Azure:

As derived from the title, the objective of this post is to help you deploy a container instance inside Azure.

However, we’ll extend the typical scenario and make a slightly more extensive use of networking capabilities, by placing the container group inside a private subnet.

Note: For this example, and for simplicity only, we’ll use NGINX as our container of choice. Of course, you’re welcome to try with any other image.

There are a few pieces in play, but Anibal does a good job putting it all together.

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Azure DevOps and Data Factory

Helge Rege Gardsvoll has a three-part series for us on using Azure DevOps to deploy Data Factories. Part 1 is all about environment setup:

Shared Data Factory
The shared Data Factory is there for one use; self-hosted integration runtimes. This is the component you will use to connect to on-premise or other sources that have restrictions on access such as IP restriction or other firewall rules. Migrating a Self Hosted Integration Runtime is not supported, but you can share the same Integration Runtime across different Data Factories. You can find a description for how to do this in this article.

Part 2 covers Git branching, linked services, and development:

Create datasets and pipeline
For this demo I create two datasets; one for source and one for target, and a simple pipeline that copies the data. Datasets have name that point to the data lake, like ADLS_datahelgeadls2_Brreg_MainUnits, but does not include environment information.

Part 3 covers the release process:

The release process will have these steps;
1. Stop any active triggers. We do not want any pipelines to start as we are changing things (and you should wait until running pipelines finish before publishing)
2. Release from development to target environment
3. Clean up target environment by removing objects that are not present in dev. Also start triggers

This is a great series of posts and also includes a bonus tidbit if you’re using Databricks.

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Building Custom R Packages

Brad Lindblad takes us through building a custom package in R:

Don’t repeat yourself (DRY) is a well-known maxim in software development, and most R programmers follow this rule and build functions to avoid duplicating code. But how often do you:
– Reference the same dataset in different analyses
– Create the same ODBC connection to a database
– Tinker with the same colors and themes in ggplot
– Produce markdown docs from the same template

and so on? Notice a pattern? The word “same” is sprinkled in each bullet point. I smell an opportunity to apply DRY!

This is a good point: packages don’t have to go out to the broader world. They’re useful even if they just help you (or your team) out. H/T R-bloggers

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Scaling Out Continuous Integration

Chris Adkin shows off parallelism in Azure DevOps continuous integration pipelines:

A SQL Server data tools project is checked out of GitHub, built into a DacPac, four containerized SQL Server instances are spun up using clones of the ‘Seed’ docker volume. The DacPac is applied to a database running inside each container, which a tSQLt test is then executed against, finally, at the end very end the tSQLt results are aggregate and published.

This is an interesting approach to the problem of lengthy tests: run them on several separate machines concurrently.

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Local Database Builds with Jenkins

Steve Jones continues a series on continuous integration, containers, and all that is good in life:

The only way to build a database project in SQL Server is with an actual SQL Server. In this case, I don’t have any code that would error on LocalDB, so I’ll just use that. I coudl specify my local SQL Server development database if I had the need.

This is a test build, so I also don’t need any SQL Compare options or other switches.

Getting code into source control and building continuous integration around it has become a lot easier over the past several years. Easy enough that you can work a simple system out in a day or two of experimentation.

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Patterns for ML Models in Production

Jeff Fletcher shows four patterns for productionalizing Machine Learning models, as well as some things to take care of once you’re in production:

Operational Databases
This option is sometimes considered to be  real-time as the information is provided “as its needed,” but it is still a batch method. Using our telco example, a batch process can be run at night that will make a prediction for each customer, and an operational database is updated with the most recent prediction. The call center agent software can then fetch this prediction for the customer when they call in, and the agent can take action accordingly.

Read on for more.

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