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Category: DAX

Data Validation in Excel from a DAX Query

Gilbert Quevauvilliers builds a data validation tool in Excel:

I had a requirement where the customer wanted to make sure that the right user could only see the colour from the stock item assigned to them. Essentially using the Excel file for Row Level Security.

For the Row level security to work correctly it required the colour name to be an exact match.

For me to ensure that this would happen, I wanted to make sure I could get the data from my Power BI dataset, and then using the Excel data validation make sure that the user could either type in the value 100% correct or pick it from the drop-down list.

There are quite a few steps, but I can see business people being happy about the final outcome.

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Ranking with DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari break the ties:

DAX already offered two ranking functions so far: RANK.EQ and RANKX. While RANK.EQ is very seldom used, RANKX has been the primary ranking function for a long time. We wrote several articles about RANKX: one of them deals with ranking on multiple columns, a scenario that requires some DAX acrobatics to be solved as described in RANKX on multiple columns with DAX and Power BI.

The new RANK function makes ranking on multiple columns much easier because it offers sorting by multiple columns as a native feature, because it belongs to the family of window functions. Thanks to the concept of current row in window functions, RANK also helps in a subtle issue with RANKX – which despite being rare, might affect ranking on decimal numbers as described in Use of RANKX with decimal numbers in DAX.

Read on to see how you can use RANK() and how it compares to RANKX().

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Changing Visual Titles on Filter with DAX

Allison Kennedy has a new title:

Today’s post is a short one with a video to demonstrate what I have learned. I’m a big believer in providing your end user with as much information as possible. Someone new should be able to pick up the report and understand it without needing to get a degree in Power BI or go digging through your company’s intranet to learn what’s what. 

One of the neat features that Power BI provides, is the ability for any visual to act as a filter or ‘cross-filter’ to other visuals. This provides us with comparative values and highlighted bars, but Power BI tooltip just says ‘highlighted’, which isn’t very helpful.

Click through for a bit of DAX code which can help with that, as well as a video demonstrating how it all comes together.

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Calculating Moving Averages with DAX

Leila Etaati smooths the curve:

The calculation will be done for all rows, till we don’t have the anymore data ahead ( 3 rows ahead) as you can see it will finished on row 2018 as 2018 is the average of 2018, 2019 and 2020.

so in the moving average we will miss some data point but replacing with average of data.

Less data point but help us to see a clear trend.

Click through to see how to do this. Moving averages is really good for the reports in which you want to get a rough magnitude but don’t care about exact values and don’t want oscillations to throw you off. For example, if I need to know how many seats to reserve for an event, I might use a moving average of the last several events as my baseline, rather than the prior event’s number.

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Performing Linear Regression in Power BI

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari build a regression:

LINEST and LINESTX are two DAX functions that calculate a linear regression by using the Least Squares method. Both functions return multiple values, represented in a table that has a single row and one column for each of the values returned.

LINEST gets column references as arguments, whereas LINESTX explicitly iterates over the table provided in the first argument and executes the other arguments in a row context. Internally, LINEST invokes LINESTX and provides to it the table that contains the column references specified in the LINEST arguments. This article describes the more generic function LINESTX.

This is pretty neat for adding a visual element, though I’d probably include an R or Python visual and do the regression in there, myself.

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MATCHBY for DAX Window Functions

Jeffrey Wang plays matchmaker:

In this final installment of our four-part mini-series on DAX window functions, we’ll be focusing on a new development. The May release of Power BI Desktop has enriched all DAX window functions – namely OFFSETWINDOWINDEXRANK, and ROWNUMBER – with an additional sub-function, MATCHBY, supplementing the existing sub-functions, ORDERBY and PARTITIONBY. In this article, we’ll delve into the purpose of the MATCHBY function, along with the three specific problems it aims to resolve.

Read on to understand what the MATCHBY sub-function does and why it can be important.

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ALL and ALLSelected in DAX

Reza Rad compares and contrasts:

These two functions in DAX are often used instead of each other; ALL and ALLSELECTED. Their behavior can be similar in some contexts, but it can also be different in other contexts. In this article and video, I’ll explain the difference between these two functions and when to use each in DAX for Power BI, Analysis Services, or Power Pivot.

Reza has a video as well as a blog post to describe the differences.

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Optimizing Text Search in DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari prime the pump:

When you import a table in Power BI, all the strings contained in a text column are stored in a dictionary, which improves the compression and provides excellent query performance when there is a filter with an exact match for the column value. However, reports that apply complex filters on a text column may have performance issues when the dictionary has a large number of values: depending on many other variables, a column with a few thousand unique values might already present a bottleneck, and this is definitely an issue when there are hundreds of thousands of unique strings in a column.

In October 2022, there was an internal optimization in Power BI that has improved the performance of these searches by creating an internal index. Chris Webb described this optimization in his article, Text search performance in Power BI. In this article, we explore how to evaluate whether the optimization is applied and how to measure any performance improvements. As usual, everything comes at a price: creating the index has a cost, that you will see applied to the first query hitting the column. We will also see how to detect this event and the existing limitations for this optimization.

Click through for their deep dive into the process. The final answer reminds me of the warehousing world, where you might pre-run some important queries to get those pages into the buffer pool and available for later reports.

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Rounding Errors by Data Type in DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari shave of fractions of a cent:

The first reason to choose a data type is the range of numbers supported and the precision. However, the result of a mathematical operation may produce a number that cannot be represented in the chosen data type, which requires a rounding operation. Therefore, the result of one same sequence of operations can produce different results depending on the data type and the order of execution. In this article, we discuss the typical rounding behavior for each data type and how to avoid possible issues in your DAX formulas because of any differences from the results you may have expected.

Read on to learn what granularity limits exist for integers, fixed decimal numbers, and floating point operations.

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