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Category: DAX

Approximate Distinct Count with DAX

Gilbert Quevauvilliers runs some performance tests against the approximate distinct count formula in DAX:

I am currently running SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 2019 Enterprise Edition. (This can also be applied to Power BI)

My Fact table has got roughly 950 Million rows stored in

And as mentioned previously it has got over 64 Million distinct users.

The data is queried from SQL Server into SSAS.

Gilbert first checks how close these are and then how much faster the approximate count is.

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SUMX and Duplicates

Koen Verbeeck takes us through some unexpected results with the SUMX() function:

Hold on, the result is different for the 29th than the 28th? This is what the title means with incorrect (or unexpected) results. Even though the data looks exactly the same in the table, the result are not.

It is not a bug in the DAX formula language. The problem resides with the duplicates in the table.

Read on to understand what this means and how you can change your code to prevent this issue.

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DAX and Leap Days

Erik Svensen shows us what happens in DAX functions when February 29th rolls around:

Yesterday I visited a client and was asked – how do the time intelligence functions handle the fact that February has 29 days in 2020.

Well – in fact there was a few surprises depending on what you select from you date table.

Let’s look as some examples – I will use the following Internet Sales Amount from the years 2011-2013 from Adventure Work Database where we in February 2012 have 29 days.

Click through for those surprises. They aren’t bugs, as the functions have to do something and the possible set of valid somethings is greater than one.

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Calculating Compound Interest in DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari want you to watch your money grow:

Coincidentally, both debt instrument examples are what is known as “bullet” loans, where the entire principal amount ($100) is repaid in one lump sum at maturity (at the end of Year 5). In the first example the interest income payments are deferred until maturity, thereby allowing the interest to compound over the holding period.  In the second example, the interest income payments are made at the end of each year, which means that the amount of debt accruing interest each year is always the same ($100).

Now let us consider a slightly more complex investment with compounding interest where the interest rate differs year-to-year. Because the interest rate varies, you can’t use the simple formula above (or its FV function equivalent in Excel). Rather, you must effectively stack each year on top of the preceding year and calculate year-by-year.

And that’s something you can do with DAX.

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Time Series + Power BI Aggregations

Shabnam Watson answers a couple of questions around aggregations and time series in Power BI:

I have received a couple of questions about Aggregations in Power BI and whether they can be used to cover time series calculations such as Year to Date, Quarter to Date, and Month To Date. The answer is yes. Since time series calculations break down into calculations over a series of days, an aggregation table defined at day level with the basic summarization methods (min, max, sum, count) and the right relationship with a Date dimension, can answer Year to Date, Quarter to Date, and Month To Date calculations.

Let’s take a quick look at one such calcualtion and how it can be covered with an aggration. I am going to use the same version of AdventureWorks sample database and Power BI model that I used in my previous blog post on aggregations, with a few changes.

Read on for a demonstration.

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The Benefits of DAX Variables

Reza Rad explains why you should use DAX variables if you’re repeating calculations:

We have to main parts in the expression above: A and B. Each of those is doing a calculation. Now, with the markings above, reading the expression is much simpler. The whole expression means this:

=IF(A>B, A, B)

All the above expression is saying is that if A is bigger than B, then return A, otherwise B. Now it is much simpler to read it because we split the repetitive parts into sections. That is what exactly the DAX variable is for.

Readability is not the only benefit, however. Reza has more.

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