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Category: Data

Projecting Gas Bills with Excel

Jiri D. performs an estimate:

With a rising prices of utilities like gas and power and winter still being in progress it might be good to check your usage from time to time. With electricity and TOU meters, it is easy, retailer does that for you and you can check your consumption and projected bill at any time with a granularity of 30 minute interval (sometimes even less).
With gas (and water) it is trickier, those are being read manually every 2 – 3 months so you may be up for a surprise when the bill arrives.

I had a co-worker who tracked this stuff in meticulous detail over a period of several years, to the point where he knew exactly how much propane to buy in August (when prices are lowest) to get through winter with minimum waste.

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Managing Database Test Data

Phil Factor maintains some tests:

When learning about relational databases, we all tend to use ‘toy’ databases such as PubsAdventureWorksNorthWind, or ClassicModels. This is fine, but it is too easy to assume that one can then do real-world database development in the same way. You have your database full of data and just cut code that you then test. From a distance, it all seems so easy.

In fact, rapid and effective database development usually requires a much more active approach to data. You need to work out how to test your work as you go, and to test continuously. For that, you need appropriate data with the right characteristics, in the suitable quantity. You also need to plan how to ensure that, when you make changes to the database, or even minor changes to its settings, all business processes continue to work correctly. In Agile terms you need a test-first methodology, fast feedback loop, and iterative development. You should never cut some SQL Code and only then think to yourself “I wonder how I’ll be able to test this?“.

This is something I’ve historically been pretty lazy about, to my detriment. Phil does an outstanding job of making the case for why generating and working with your own test data (versus live data) is important, as well as categorizing the purposes of this test data and the types of tests you’ll want to have.

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Data Governance and Microsoft Fabric

Matthew Roche digs deeper into data governance in Microsoft Fabric:

One of the most underappreciated benefits of Power BI as a managed SaaS data platform has been the “managed” part. When you create a report, dataset, dataflow, or other item in Power BI, the Power BI service knows everything about it. Power BI is the authoritative system for all items it contains, which means that Power BI can answer questions related to lineage (where does the data used by this report come from?) and impact analysis (where is the data in this dataset used?) and compliance (who has permissions to access this report?) and more.

If you’ve ever tried to authoritatively answer questions like these for a system of any non-trivial scope, you know how hard it is. Power BI has made this information increasingly available to administrators, through logs and APIs, and the community has built a wide range of free and paid solutions to help admins turn this information into insights and action. Even more excitingly, Power BI keeps getting better and better even as the newer parts of Fabric seem to be getting all of the attention.

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Paper Review: Moving Fast with Broken Data

Adnan Masood reviews a paper:

I recently came across an insightful research paper titled “Moving Fast With Broken Data” by Shreya Shankar, Labib Fawaz, Karl Gyllstrom, and Aditya G. Parameswaran from UC Berkeley and Meta. The paper addresses the significant issue of data corruption in machine learning (ML) pipelines, which often leads to decreased model accuracy. The authors present an automatic data validation system implemented at Meta that aims to solve this problem.

Sounds like I have some beach reading.

Ed. Note: He’s kidding, right?

Ed. 2 Note: About going to the beach maybe.

Ed. & Ed. 2 Note: HAHAHAHAHAH.

Yeah, I hired Statler and Waldorf as my editors. Worst Best decision of my life.

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Postgres GIS Calculations by SRID

Ryan Lambert talks accuracy:

A common use case with PostGIS data is to calculate things, such as distances between points, lengths of lines, and the area of polygons. The topic of accuracy, or inaccuracy, with GEOMETRY data comes up often. The most frequent offenders are generic SRIDs such as 3857 and 4326. In some projects accuracy is paramount. Non-negotiable. On the other hand, plenty of projects do not need accurate calculations. Those projects often rely on relationships between calculations, not the actual values of the calculations themselves. If Coffee shop Y is 4 times further away than Coffee shop Z. I’ll often go to Coffee shop Z just based on that.

In most cases, users should still understand how significant the errors are. This post explores one approach to determine the how accurate (or not!) the calculations of a given SRID are in a particular region, based on latitude (North/South). The queries used in this post can be adjusted for your specific area.

Click through to see how much the choice of SRID can impact your results.

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Migration Tool for Cosmos DB

Hasan Savran reviews a tool:

Migrating databases to a new database server is a big job. You need to have the right tools to make this process easy for everyone. Cosmos DB had a Data Migration Tool to move data from a bunch of sources. It was a great, free tool with an easy user interface. You didn’t have to be a developer to use this tool. Here is a screenshot of what it used to look like.

     Unfortunately, the tool got old and did not get updated with upcoming SDK changes. It worked only in Windows environments too.

Click through for Hasan’s thoughts. I had a behind-the-scenes look at everything getting put together, in that I was supposed to help, got busy, and slinked away as really sharp people like Carey Payette and John Bowen drove the project to completion.

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Building Sets with GENERATE_SERIES

Aaron Bertrand is a fan of this new function:

I have come across a lot of use cases for manufacturing rows on the fly, aside from the common goal of populating a large data set such as a numbers or calendar table. A few favorites include building sample data, pivoting an unknown number of columns, data extrapolation, and filling gaps in date or time ranges.

If you are on SQL Server 2022 or Azure SQL Database, or have been reading up on new features, you’ve likely heard about one of the better T-SQL enhancements: a new built-in function called GENERATE_SERIES. The syntax is straightforward – it accepts arguments for start and stop, and an optional argument to indicate step (in case you want to iterate by more than 1, or backwards):

Click through to see how performance for this compares to two methods we’ve used in the past to generate similar results.

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Analyzing SQL Server Table Metadata

Barney Lawrence looks at details about a table:

For a while I’ve been building up a script that uses SQL Servers INFORMACTION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table to create a query that applies aggregates to each column in a table and then formats the results to allow an at a glance summary of the shape of the data inside of it.

I showed some of the techniques used to build this in a session regarding metadata and data warehousing which I co-presented with Emma Dolling and Ruth Pearson at SQLBits. The one comment that I heard the most after this session was “I want that script”. I did promise to make it available more than a few times and so I’ve put together a github repository to hold it and other resources we built for the session.

Barney anticipated the most likely change I’d make while reviewing the script: APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() if you’re on SQL Server 2022 and dealing with a large table.

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A Critique of XML

Andy Leonard isn’t XML’s biggest fan:

If you are sending me (or some other hapless victim data engineer) lots of data that resides in a stable schema – one in which the number, order, data type, etc. of the columns never change – using XML, I have a question:


Why are you using XML to transmit this data?

Read the whole thing. My approximate thoughts (because it is fairly early when I’m writing this, so I might have missed something) are:

  1. XML is most useful with an XSLT, a document describing the shape and rules of the XML data. This is a big advantage over CSV, as it helps you retain information on data types, data lengths, and other details which get lost in the comma.
  2. Speaking of which, CSVs run a high risk of needing to use the separator as a native character. The problem is that there is no single right way to indicate that “That comma is a separator, but this comma is just a comma.” Different parsers work differently, and one of my lengthy rants about PolyBase is that it helpfully indicates that you have a quoted delimiter here and helpfully removes it before barfing on the commas inside quotations. There is actually an ANSI standard character for separator which is not supposed to occur in the wild…but how many people actually use it? Especially considering that most tools don’t interpret it correctly, so you lose some of the readability of CSVs in the process.
  3. That said, for stable schemas with a known separator (or at least a known mechanism for differentiating separators from naturally occurring characters), separated values works well.
  4. And that said, Parquet works better, assuming you don’t have a lot of long string columns. If you’re dealing mostly with numeric data, Parquet will compress much better, will retain data types and lengths, and won’t be a repetitious blob of angle brackets. But a lot of tools still don’t support Parquet, which is a downside.
  5. Basically, this is why we can’t have nice things.
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