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Category: Data Science

Reshaping Records using cdata

John Mount takes us through a common data wrangling problem:

In many data science projects we have the data, but it “is in the wrong format.” Fortunately re-formatting or reshaping data is a solved problem, with many different available tools.

For this note, I would like to show how to reshape data using the data algebra‘s cdata data reshaping tool. This should give you familiarity with a tool to use on your own data.

Click through for an example in Python. Mount and Nina Zumel also have an R package for cdata.

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Plotting Decision Trees in R

Steven Sanderson builds a tree:

Decision trees are a powerful machine learning algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression tasks. They are easy to understand and interpret, and they can be used to build complex models without the need for feature engineering.

Once you have trained a decision tree model, you can use it to make predictions on new data. However, it can also be helpful to plot the decision tree to better understand how it works and to identify any potential problems.

In this blog post, we will show you how to plot decision trees in R using the rpart and rpart.plot packages. We will also provide an extensive example using the iris data set and explain the code blocks in simple to use terms.

Read on to see an example of how to do this.

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Using DVC to Store Data Science Artifacts in Azure

I have a new video up:

In this video, we introduce DVC, a tool for version control management of data science and machine learning artifacts. We learn why Git isn’t the best place to store those large data files, how DVC integrates with Git, and how you can save your files in Azure Blob Storage.

Click through for the video, as well as a variety of links which helped me put it together.

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Multivariate Histograms in R

Steven Sanderson wants multiple breakdowns:

Histograms are powerful tools for visualizing the distribution of a single variable, but what if you want to compare the distributions of two variables side by side? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a histogram of two variables in R, a popular programming language for data analysis and visualization.

We’ll cover various scenarios, from basic histograms to more advanced techniques, and explain the code step by step in simple terms. So, grab your favorite dataset or generate some random data, and let’s dive into the world of dual-variable histograms!

Click through for several techniques.

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Initial Thoughts on the Microsoft Fabric Data Science Experience

Tori Tompkins shares some thoughts:

Fabric is Microsoft’s recently announced SaaS all-in-one analytics platform. It brings together Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI into a single cohesive platform without the overhead of setting up resources, maintenance, and configuration. Fabric wouldn’t be an end-to-end data analytics platform without data science, so in this blog we will explore the data science and machine learning capabilities of Microsoft Fabric and assess where the platform fits in the completive data science landscape.

Click through for Tori’s overview, where Fabric does a good job in its preview, and where it currently falls short.

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Plotting SVM Decision Boundaries in R

Steven Sanderson goes right up to the edge:

Support Vector Machines (SVM) are a powerful tool in the world of machine learning and classification. They excel in finding the optimal decision boundary between different classes of data. However, understanding and visualizing these decision boundaries can be a bit tricky. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to plot an SVM object using the e1071 library in R, making it easier to grasp the magic happening under the hood.

Read on to see how you can perform this analysis as well.

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Plotting a Subset of Data in R

Steven Sanderson doesn’t need all of those data points:

Data visualization is a powerful tool for gaining insights from your data. In R, you have a plethora of libraries and functions at your disposal to create stunning and informative plots. One common task is to plot a subset of your data, which allows you to focus on specific aspects or trends within your dataset. In this blog post, we’ll explore various techniques to plot subsets of data in R, and I’ll explain each step in simple terms. Don’t worry if you’re new to R – by the end of this post, you’ll be equipped to create customized plots with ease!

Click through for several techniques for subsetting data, as well as reasons why you might want to do it.

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Statistical Tests in R

Adrian Tam tries out a couple of tests:

R as a data analytics platform is expected to have a lot of support for various statistical tests. In this post, you are going to see how you can run statistical tests using the built-in functions in R. Specifically, you are going to learn:

  • What is t-test and how to do it in R
  • What is F-test and how to do it in R

This is one of the things that R does best among any language: statistical testing. R has support for an enormous number of statistical functions, either built into the base language or available as packages.

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Finding Omitted Variables in Logistic Regression

John Mount picks up on a prior post:

For this note, let’s work out how to directly try and overcome the omitted variable bias by solving for the hidden or unobserved detailed data. We will work our example in R. We will derive some deep results out of a simple set-up. We show how to “un-marginalize” or “un-summarize” data.

This is an interesting dive into a common problem, and something which we can easily work around in linear regression, but not in logistic regression.

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