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Quadratic Regression in R

Steven Sanderson needs more than a line:

In the realm of data analysis, quadratic regression emerges as a powerful tool for uncovering the hidden patterns within datasets that exhibit non-linear relationships. Unlike its linear counterpart, quadratic regression ventures beyond straight lines, gracefully capturing curved relationships between variables. This makes it an essential technique for understanding a wide range of phenomena, from predicting stock prices to modeling population growth.

Embark on a journey into the world of quadratic regression using the versatile R programming language. We’ll explore the steps involved in fitting a quadratic model, interpreting its parameters, and visualizing the results. Along the way, you’ll gain hands-on experience with this valuable technique, enabling you to tackle your own data analysis challenges with confidence.

Read on to see how you can model a quadratic relationship between one independent variable (or multiple independent variables) and the dependent variable in lm().