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Category: Biml

Package Processing With Biml

Ben Weissman gives us a table-driven process for SSIS package creation through Biml:

Now, that we’ve seen multiple ways on how to use Biml to create SSIS packages that will generate and populate tables, we’ll try to bridge the gap on how to use Biml for packages that will execute stored procedures and other tasks for us. We’ll use a metadata-model for that again, though it will be very minimalistic. This approach makes it very easy to maintain – we’re actually using it in exactly this way in multiple projects.

To get started, let’s create a new database “MyBiml_SimplisticMetaData” and create two tables, a view and some sample data in there:

One area in Biml where I’ve had trouble is finding the “right” mix of SQL Server tables, T-SQL operations, and Biml (e.g., building up sets of tables for a warehouse load by storing them in a metadata table or by going through RootNode).  I tend to lean heavily toward this kind of solution, where most of my metadata lives in T-SQL, but when I do that, it always feels like there’s a “purer” way of doing it.  Regardless, one reason I like Biml is that even if I am doing it wrong (for some definition of “doing it wrong”), it’s still a huge time-saver.

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Biml Notes

Bill Fellows is going through Biml Hero training, and he has some notes from day 1:

Topological sorting

This was an in-depth Extension method but as with any good recursive algorithm it was precious few lines of code. Why I care about it is twofold: execution dependencies and as I type that, I realize lineage tracing would also fall under this, and foreign key traversal. For the former, in my world, I find I have the best success when my SSIS packages are tightly focused on a task and I use a master/parent package to handle the coordination and scheduling of sub-package execution. One could use an extension method to discover all the packages that implement an Execute Package Task and then figure out the ordering of dependent tasks. That could save me some documentation headaches.

Sounds like a fun training.

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Reverse Engineering SSIS Packages

Ben Weissman shows how to use BimlOnline to reverse engineer an Integration Services package into its component Biml:

A few things to be aware of:

– Your file will be uploaded to and stored at BimlOnline so you may want to remove passwords etc.
– If you’re trying to figure out how to build a specific task in Biml but your file does way more that just that, consider creating (and uploading) a file that will only contain the task you’re looking for – this will keep the resulting Biml clean and easy to read.

This is extremely helpful for figuring out how to use third-party components with Biml.  If you want a local IDE, there’s always BimlStudio (which costs money).

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Reverse Engineering Databases Using Biml

Bill Fellows shows how to get a database schema using Biml:

I’m at a new client and I needed an offline version of their operation data store, ODS, database schema. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t 11,500 tables. :O That’s a lot. First up to bat was Visual Studio Database Projects. I clicked Import and you really have no options to winnow the list of items your importing down via Import. Ten minutes later, the import timed out on spatial indexes. Which wouldn’t be so bad except it’s an all or nothing operation with import.

Fair enough, I’ll use the Schema Comparison and only compare tables, that should make it less ugly. And I suppose it did but still, the operation timed out. Now what?

SSMS to the rescue. I right click on my database and select Generate Scripts and first off, I script everything but the tables. Which is amusing when you have 11.5k tables, checking and unchecking the table box causes it to spin for a bit. I generated a file for each object with the hope that if the operation goes belly up, I’ll at least have some progress. Round 1, Winner! I had all my views, procedures, functions, data types (don’t hate), all scripted out nice and neat. Round 2, I just selected tables. And failed.

As you’d expect, there’s not that many lines of Biml code, and yet it does the job.

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Biml Transformers

Bill Fellows uses a Biml transformer to change a variable’s value:

Our transformer is simple. We’ve specified “LocalMerge” as we only want to fix the one thing. That one thing, is an SSIS Variable named “ServerName”.

What is going to happen is that we will redeclare the variable, this time we will specify a value of “SQLQA” for our Value. Additionally, I’m going to add a Description to my Variable and preserve the original value. The TargetNode object has a lot of power to it as we’ll see over this series of posts on Biml Transformers.

I’ve not used transformers before; this was interesting.

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Looping Over Flat Files

Ben Weissman uses Biml to loop over flat files with matching schemas:

To get that done in SSIS, we need:

– A variable to store the current file name and will be used as the connection string for our flat file connection
– A for each loop that will loop through our directory, pass each file name in there to our variable and then run a data flow task
– A derived column in our data flow task that will store our variable so we can import it into our SQL table
– Since we want this to be “clean”, we will also run a truncate before the for each loop

So let’s look at the code for that

It’s Biml, so there isn’t much code.  Check it out.

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Biml Object Model

Bill Fellows begins a series on exploring the Biml Object Model:

The most important precursor to doing this is you will need a licensed installation of Mist. Full stop. The assemblies we’re going to use have security built into them to tell whether they are licensed and you cannot use the assemblies shipped with BidsHelper or BimlExpress as they’ve hardwired to the specific apps.

We’re going to use two classes: AstRootNode and AstPackageNode.

Ast, what is that? Abstract Syntax Tree – it’s a compiler theory thing.

I’m interested in seeing where this series goes.

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Using Biml To Load From Flat Files

Ben Weissman shows how to use Biml to load data from XML files:

To make use of flat files, Biml will require one or more flat file formats as well as the corresponding flat file connections. A flat file connection is nothing but a link between a flat file format and the path to a flat file. While in real life, you might rather want to loop across multiple files using the same format, we’ll keep it simple for now and assume that we’ll have one file per format (which is the case here anyway due to our AdventureWorks sample data).
For reasons of readability and also the ability to easily reuse our code, we’ll make use of a new extension method called GetFlatFileFormatfromXML. If you have not read our post on creating your own extension methods, you may want to do that first.

Getting the extension method in place is about 90% of the solution.  Read on to see the whole thing.

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Building Extension Methods With Biml

Ben Weissman shows how to write extension methods in Biml:

An AstTableNode requires a schema to be valid, which is the only information that we can’t get from the AstFlatFileFormatNode so we’re defining a variable called UseSchema and pass it to our ToAstTableNode extension method.

But… how does that extension method work? MUCH easier than you might think.

Writing an extension method in C# isn’t tough either.

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Removing Spaces From Columns

Andy Leonard shows us how to use Biml to remove spaces from flat file column names:

This Biml declares an AstFlatFileFormatNode named ffformat and sets it to the FileFormat named “FFCM Provider Data” found the RootNode’s FileFormats collection. I next loop through each column in the ffformat AstFlatFileFormatNode object. I use Biml to generate the <Column> object, replacing the spaces with an empty string for the Name attribute. The results in Mist appear as shown below

I loved the “I had 5 minutes, so I decided to fix it with Biml” line.  Both funny and true.

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