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Category: Backups

Saving an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Backup to a Storage Account

Josephine Bush wants an extra copy of the backup:

This may or may not be helpful in the long term, but since I’m doing it to be super cautious, I figured I would blog about it. We migrated to Flex last week, and to be abundantly cautious, we’re putting the last single server backup into cold storage. You could also use this same process to offload Flex if you were going to delete a server and want to save a final backup or have some use case for saving backups to storage longer term.

Read on for the process. It’s not as simple as running a command or two, but Josephine does take us through the process.

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Seeding an Availability Group via T-SQL Snapshot Backup

Anthony Nocentino jump-starts an availability group:

In this post, the fifth in our series, I want to illustrate an example of using the T-SQL Snapshot Backup feature in SQL Server 2022 to seed Availability Groups (AGs) with storage-based snapshots. Efficiently seeding an Availability Group is essential for maintaining high availability and ensuring effective disaster recovery. With the introduction of T-SQL Snapshot Backup in SQL Server 2022, snapshots can now be created at the storage layer. This advancement significantly speeds up the initialization of secondary replicas, particularly in environments that handle large databases.

This post will walk through a PowerShell script that effectively seeds an AG using T-SQL Snapshot Backup, dbatools, and Pure Storage FlashArray.

Click through for the script and the process.

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Point in Time Database Restoration in SQL Server

Andy Brownsword rolls back the clock:

A few weeks ago I demonstrated the simplicity of performing point-in-time database restored in Azure Managed Instance. Whilst that has a lovely front-end, it can be just as easy with a proc call on your traditional SQL instance.

Let’s see how to use two open source tools to achieve this simplicity.

Click through for Andy’s solution. I would also make mention of Minion Backup, which does a great job of the database backup portion and about 90% of the database restoration portion well.

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Using MIRROR TO in a Backup Operation

Andy Yun tries out an option:

About a month ago, was having a conversation with a Pure Storage customer’s SQL Server backups. They were using Ola Hallengren’s scripts but mentioned something about writing the backups to multiple locations at once. I presumed they were executing the backup operation as normal, then using another script of some sort to then copy the backup files elsewhere. That’s when I learned that Ola has a parameter called MirrorDirectory, that exposes the MIRROR TO option in a native BACKUP command.

Click through to learn more about this command and the implications. I’d say that this sounds neat but also isn’t something I’d probably recommend.

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Backup to URL via Managed Identity in SQL Server 2022

Joey D’Antoni doesn’t trust user logins:

Backing up databases to the cloud is not a new thing. Microsoft introduced the BACKUP TO URL functionality to SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU2. I’m not going to tell you how long ago. Still, it wasn’t last month, and Microsoft recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of Azure so that you can get an idea. When the feature started—it was minimal; you could only backup a database of up to a single terabyte and couldn’t stripe over multiple files. Additionally, you had to use the access key to the storage account, which gave complete control over the storage account—that wasn’t a good thing.

Read on for a quick overview of the feature and guidance on how it all works.

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Multi-Storage Array Database Snapshots in SQL Server

Anthony Nocentino continues a series:

In this post, the fourth in our series, I want to share an example demonstrating SQL Server 2022’s T-SQL Snapshot Backup feature in a scenario where a database spans multiple storage arrays. If you’re dealing with multi-array environments, you’ll appreciate how this technique freezes database write I/O to take coordinated snapshots across volumes on two FlashArrays. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process, point out some of the script’s key elements, and show you how long the write I/O pause takes.

Click through to learn how it all works when you have a database spanning multiple volumes.

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Automating DBCC CHECKDB on Full Backups

Shane O’Neill riffs off of a script:

Like many shops out there, we can’t run corruption checking on our main production database instance. So, then, what do we do? We take the backups and restore them to a test instances, and then run corruption checking on those restored databases.

At least this way we can test the backups we take can be restored, as well.

But, I don’t want to spend every day manually restoring and corruption checking these databases, so let’s automate this bit…

Click through for a script that Shane built off of a Madeira Data Solutions script that Eitan Blumin put together.

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Automating Backups with Minion Backup

I have a new video:

In this video, we will learn how to use Minion Backup to automate backup operations, including setting backup frequency, dynamic backup tuning, and scripting out database restorations.

This video wraps up a series on backup and recovery in SQL Server. Now I have to come up with some new videos.

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Recovering SQL Server Data via FlashArray Snapshot

Andy Yun does a bit of data recovery:

Almost all of us have experienced a time when someone incorrectly modifies or deletes a subset of data in a database. And usually the only recourse is to run a database restore to get the data that we need back.

But… what if we cannot simply run a RESTORE operation over the entire database. Maybe the accident occurred a few hours prior and you cannot roll everything back. You need to do a side-by-side RESTORE.

But… what if the database in question is absolutely massive and will take hours to restore? And what if your server doesn’t have enough available storage to fit a second copy of that database at all?

Andy has answers to these questions. Granted, they require some expensive (and very good) hardware and a proper configuration of said hardware, but it does work beautifully.

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Filegroup Backup and Restoration in SQL Server

I have a new video:

In this video, I show how to back up and restore SQL Server databases in piecemeal form, using filegroups to manage read-only versus read-write data, and bringing the most important data back online sooner in a recovery scenario.

I found the process to be a bit trickier than I had first expected, so I’m hoping this video has enough legs to prevent others from running into some of the problems I experienced.

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