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Category: Availability Groups

Seeding an Availability Group via T-SQL Snapshot Backup

Anthony Nocentino jump-starts an availability group:

In this post, the fifth in our series, I want to illustrate an example of using the T-SQL Snapshot Backup feature in SQL Server 2022 to seed Availability Groups (AGs) with storage-based snapshots. Efficiently seeding an Availability Group is essential for maintaining high availability and ensuring effective disaster recovery. With the introduction of T-SQL Snapshot Backup in SQL Server 2022, snapshots can now be created at the storage layer. This advancement significantly speeds up the initialization of secondary replicas, particularly in environments that handle large databases.

This post will walk through a PowerShell script that effectively seeds an AG using T-SQL Snapshot Backup, dbatools, and Pure Storage FlashArray.

Click through for the script and the process.

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SQL Server Availability Groups in Docker Containers

Yvonne Vanslageren builds a high availability solution for containerized SQL Server instances:

For enterprise SQL Server DBAs, high availability is essential for maintaining seamless database operations—particularly in scenarios involving Change Data Capture (CDC) or other mission-critical functionalities. Docker containers can streamline the setup and management of development or testing environments for Always On Availability Groups (AOAG). By bundling configuration files, scripts, and dependencies into containers, teams gain a reproducible, portable, and efficient deployment mechanism.

This guide explains how to build an Always On environment inside Docker containers using Docker DesktopDocker Compose, and a series of setup scripts. It walks through the creation of two containers (primary and secondary) configured in a clusterless Always On Availability Group scenario.

Click through for the process.

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SQL Server Migration via Distributed AG

David Fowler makes a move:

Because it doesn’t require a common cluster, a distributed availability group allows us to link servers in situations were a cluster isn’t possible. Servers could be in remote locations, members or different domains, different OS levels or even different operating systems (yes, we can link Windows and Linux based AGs).

The ability to link servers in this way gives us a very nice and easy way to replicate data between servers when thinking about a migration.

David’s scenario involves a SQL Server upgrade. I’ve seen this work really well in practice for a 2017 to 2019 upgrade. With applications pointing to the listener agent and everything in place, you can have as little as a few seconds of downtime for that upgrade, which is amazing when you think about how we’ve historically migrated to new versions of SQL Server.

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Always On Lease Timeout Monitoring

Yvonne Vanslageren gives us one more thing to check:

SQL Server Always On Availability Groups are a robust solution for achieving high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server databases. However, simply configuring them is not enough—you also need a solid monitoring strategy to ensure data integrity and system reliability. One key aspect of this monitoring process is keeping an eye on lease timeouts, which can signal larger issues and help prevent potentially catastrophic split-brain scenarios.

In this post, we’ll walk through the various health checks available for Always On Availability Groups, discuss how lease timeouts work, and explore practical methods for monitoring and troubleshooting.

Read on to learn more about the lease timeout concept, as well as where you can get this information and further recommendations around how to deal with the information.

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Setting RCSI on a Database in an Availability Group

Haripriya Naidu makes a change:

I was working on modifying isolation level of database from Read Committed to Read Committed Snapshot(RCSI) and had to get exclusive access to the database. After letting the application team know about it and having stopped their processes, I tried to set the database to SINGLE_USER but it errored out.

It turns out that you cannot set a database to single user mode if it is in an availability group or part of database mirroring. Nonetheless, there is still a way to make this change. Read on to learn more.

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Availability Group Seeding and Transient Failure 108

Chad Callihan runs into an error with an availability group:

The availability group in question was unhealthy, and none of the added databases were syncing. By the time I started investigating, the SQL service on the secondary had been restarted. There were also no recent errors in Failover Cluster Manager.

I checked the SQL Server Error Log and found some clues. The SQL Server Error Log was filled with “Always On: DebugTraceVarArgs” errors for each database that included the message:

“Seeding encountered a transient failure ‘108’, retrying…”

Read on to see how Chad fixed this.

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Using Kubernetes with Distributed Availability Groups

Andrew Pruski has a guide for us:

A while back I wrote about how to use a Cross Platform (or Clusterless) Availability Group to seed a database from a Windows SQL instance into a pod in Kubernetes.

I was talking with a colleague last week and they asked, “What if the existing Windows instance is already in an Availability Group?”

This is a fair question, as it’s fairly rare (in my experience) to run a standalone SQL instance in production…most instances are in some form of HA setup, be it a Failover Cluster Instance or an Availability Group.

Read on for the tutorial. There are quite a few steps involved.

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Contained Availability Groups and Database Mail

Ben Miller points out a gap in functionality:

Call to action for Microsoft. Contained Availability Groups came out in SQL 2022 and they definitely have their use. But there were some artifacts left behind that need some fixing. Namely when you use DBMail while in the Availability Group jobs or operations. Let’s see what there is left.

First, here is the link to the Feedback Item that is out there for voting to get Microsoft to fix this issue. There has already been an issue fixed with the msdb proc to activate dbmail in a Contained AG ([dbo].[sp_sysmail_activate]).

Read on to learn more about the issue.

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Resuming Data Movement for an Availability Group

Chad Callihan gets things moving after a few 1s without enough 0s clog up the pipe:

Keeping an Always On Availability Group healthy is crucial, and seeing a non-synchronizing database in an Always On High Availability Group can give you a sinking feeling (pardon the pun). Disregarding the reason for the syncing issue, there are a few ways to resume syncing and get your setup back in the green.

Let’s look at resuming using the SSMS GUI and running a SQL statement.

Read on for the process. I appreciate that Chad also includes the T-SQL operation to do this.

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SQL Server AGs and Kubernetes

Andrew Pruski shakes his head:

Say we have a database that we want to migrate a copy of into Kubernetes for test/dev purposes, and we don’t want to backup/restore.

How can it be done?

Well, with cross platform availability groups! We can deploy a pod to our Kubernetes cluster, create the availability group, and then auto-seed our database!

The caveat is, this probably isn’t a good idea. But then again, when has that ever stopped anyone?

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