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Category: Administration

SQL Server 2019 Installation Enhancements

Aaron Bertrand looks at a couple things you can configure on installation with SQL Server 2019:

One of the long-standing defaults in SQL Server has been the maximum degree of parallelism (MAXDOP), which has always been 0, meaning use (up to) all cores when the engine believes that will help. For many OLTP workloads, 0 is not the optimal setting, and you may want to use a different number depending on the behavior of your workload. I don’t want to belabor the thought process here, but this will be based on settings like the number of cores exposed to SQL Server, whether they are divided into NUMA nodes, and if there are other instances, applications, or services running on the same Windows Server. Microsoft’s guidelines are published here.

Aaron shows us how to set MAXDOP as well as min and max server memory for our new instance. It’s nice to see these types of additions to the setup process—that makes it a bit more likely that the DBA who installs instances only occasionally doesn’t forget to set these afterward.

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Error Log Files and SQL Server Upgrades

Mike Hays points out that setting the number of error log files is something which resets on SQL Server upgrade:

This morning when working with one of my SQL Server servers, I went looking for an error log from last August.  After finding that I was only able to go back six days, I checked the directory that stored SQL Server’s error logs,  and noticed a gap in the logs from October to last March.

When I checked the configuration for the error logs in SQL Server Management Studio, I saw that the setting was configured at the default setting of 6 error logs for history.

Read on to understand why this happened.

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Memory-Optimized Tempdb Metadata

Niko Neugebauer takes a detailed look at an exciting 2019 feature:

Anyone who has ever seen/done tuning bigger Hardware would instantly be interested, since the CPU is clearly going 100% during the processing, showing APPARENT better focus on the process and hopefully better performance. Since the granularity of the Task Manager for both cases is the same, you can easily notice that overall spent significantly less time churning the same workload and that is very true – we have spent just 11.777 Seconds on the average!

The main benefit to this is an environment where you’re creating and destroying a lot of temp tables concurrently. If you are in that situation, you can realize significant performance improvements. But Niko does have a warning at the end.

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Getting Table Row Counts

Adrian Buckman has a new stored procedure:

Sometimes you just want to get a quick row count for a specific table – other times you may want to see a list of tables order by size or row count or perhaps you are monitoring table row counts, whatever it is the chances are you have a script or various scripts stashed away and maybe like me you end up re writing parts of them to suit your requirements.

I got bored of that game so I decided to write a stored proc to make things easier.

Read on to see the procedure in action and then check it out in the Undercover Toolbox.

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Building a SQL Cluster Lab

Ryan Adams has started a series on building a Windows cluster in Hyper-V and layering SQL Server on top of it:

Before we start to build a SQL Cluster Lab, let’s look at the desired result. You will build a 3-node cluster replicating an environment that has two data centers. As a result, the first two nodes will reside in data center 1 and the third node in data center 2. We are creating this architecture because it is the most common architecture I see for Availability Groups. It is multi-subnet and can solve for both HA and DR.

You will notice the domain controller in the middle. That piece is certainly not representative of a production environment. However, we are using it in our lab for several different functions and being a router is one of them.

Part 1 is the only part which is currently up, but this looks like it will be a good one. Go buy a couple more sticks of RAM for your PC and get reading.

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SQL Server 2019: Database Snapshots and In-Memory Filegroups

Niko Neugebauer points out a small but interesting addition to SQL Server 2019:

Database Snapshots can serve for so many great purposes, such as Quick Restores and DWH/BI/Reporting reading operations, between others.

In-Memory is still the feature that I love a lot, and while the most active Programming Feature has not seen a lot (or enough) development, because frankly we are back to “Chicken & Egg, Who was first” kind of problem, I see little but important developments and most importantly feature integration. The original implementation in Sql Server 2014 and further improvements in Sql Server 2016 & Sql Server 2017 have improved the programming surface to being useful member of the toolkit, but some of the current limitations are dreading for a number of people and projects.

Well, it seems that Microsoft has been silently working on the improvements and one of them is the support for the Database Snapshots of the In-Memory File Groups in the Sql Server 2019.

I haven’t used database snapshots in a while, but I was fond of them for testing purposes and even wrote an ugly WinForms app to let devs manage them at a prior company.

Click through for Niko’s demonstration as well as a limitation with this.

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Creating a Better Index Maintenance Script

Erik Darling, despite being on Team Profiler, has something important to say:

If you’re the kind of person who cares about various caches on your server, like the buffer pool or the plan cache, then you’d wanna measure something totally different. You’d wanna measure how much free space you have on each page, because having a bunch of empty space on each page means your data will take up more space in memory when you read it in there from disk.

You could do that with the column avg_page_space_used_in_percent.


Read the whole thing.

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Aaron Bertrand has put together a procedure which simulates what a cascading delete would look like given your existing foreign keys:

A user recently asked about an interesting scenario involving tables with foreign key relationships. They wanted to generate the DELETE statements that would allow them to manually delete from child tables first (perhaps in stages), based on criteria they define, and tell them – before performing the deletes – how many rows the operation would affect in each table. They wanted output like this:

DELETE dbo.ChildTable1 WHERE ParentID < <some constant>; -- This would delete 47 row(s).

DELETE dbo.ChildTable2 WHERE ParentID < <some constant>; -- This would delete 14 row(s).
DELETE dbo.ParentTable WHERE ID < <some constant>; -- This would delete 11 row(s).

Click through for the solution as well as several caveats.

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Emergency Mode in SQL Server

Paul Randal answers a reader question:

I had a blog comment question a few days ago that asked why emergency-mode repair requires the database to be in EMERGENCY mode as well as SINGLE_USER mode.

All repair operations that DBCC CHECKDB (and related commands) performs require the database to be in single-user mode so there’s a guarantee that nothing can be changing while the checks and repairs are done. But that doesn’t change the behavior of what repair does – that needs emergency mode too.

Read on for an explanation of what emergency mode is and why we need it to run CHECKDB repair operations.

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