Chris Adkin has two additional parts of a series. Part 3 shows us how to deploy a virtual machine on VMware:
To do this you require an Ubuntu virtual machine, I’ve tested this with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I will get around to testing it with Ubuntu 20.10 at some stage. If for example the virtual machine was created with a user called azuser, the deployment server should also have an azuser account under which all Terraform commands are executed.
Part 4 takes those VMs and set up a Kubernetes cluster across them:
Whatever you do when deploying a Kubernetes cluster, somewhere along the line you have to use kubeadm. There is a wealth of material available on blog posts and on the internet in general in which people roll there own scripts using kubeadm. I often suspect that many of these efforts are the result of Kelsey Hightower’s: Kubernetes the hard way. In this post we are emphatically going to do things the easy way, […]
And now we’re caught up on the series…for the moment, at least.
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