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Category: Administration

Deploying Azure Data Services via Terraform

Chris Adkin has two additional parts of a series. Part 3 shows us how to deploy a virtual machine on VMware:

To do this you require an Ubuntu virtual machine, I’ve tested this with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I will get around to testing it with Ubuntu 20.10 at some stage. If for example the virtual machine was created with a user called azuser, the deployment server should also have an azuser account under which all Terraform commands are executed. 

Part 4 takes those VMs and set up a Kubernetes cluster across them:

Whatever you do when deploying a Kubernetes cluster, somewhere along the line you have to use kubeadm. There is a wealth of material available on blog posts and on the internet in general in which people roll there own scripts using kubeadm. I often suspect that many of these efforts are the result of Kelsey Hightower’s: Kubernetes the hard wayIn this post we are emphatically going to do things the easy way, […]

And now we’re caught up on the series…for the moment, at least.

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Keeping msdb Clean

Eitan Blumin takes the data janitor role seriously:

As part of its regular, ongoing, day-to-day activities, your SQL Server instance would naturally collect historical data about its automated operations. If left unchecked, this historical data could pile up, leading to wasted storage space, performance hits, and even worse issues.

MSDB would obviously be collecting data about the SQL Agent job executions. But there are also a few other types of historical data that needs to be cleaned up once in a while. In this blog post, I hope to cover all bases and leave no historical data un-cleaned.

Read on for several data sources which you’ll want to keep tidy.

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The Importance of LSNs to SQL Server

Jack Vamvas explains a concept:

I was talking to an Auditor recently – who specialises in large Corporate Audits – and they asked me how would I prove a certain database which is backed up is actually restored to another server.  One of the methods I described was using the Log Sequence Numbers (LSN).     

Read on for an explanation of how they work and how you can use LSNs to solve that auditing issue.

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Capturing Extended Properties when a Table is Dropped

Thomas Rushton attempts to preserve extended property history:

Custom extended properties can be a useful tool when creating a self-documenting database. However, in an environment where tables are routinely dropped and recreated by software/systems not within your control, it may be desirable to have these stored so they can be repopulated when the table is recreated.

Read on to learn about the results of each test. Also read on for a use of the term “faff” in its appropriate context.

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SQL Server Configuration Settings Requiring Restarts

Randolph West enumerates configuration settings which do (or do not) require a restart of the SQL Server database engine:

SQL Server is a complex beast, with many configuration options that can range from recommended to completely avoided.

Since the release of SQL Server 2016, several options that were recommended post-install have been rolled into the default installation options and no longer need to be done, and similar changes were made with SQL Server 2017. Even so, there are configuration changes we data professionals need to make after installation, during maintenance windows, and sometimes even during operating hours, so here’s a handy list of changes that do and don’t require a restart of your operating system or SQL Server instance.

As Randolph mentions, this set is not conclusive. For example, enabling PolyBase requires a restart of the database engine. I believe enabling ML Services technically does not, though I do out of caution because the back of my mind remembers something weird about the service’s behavior if you don’t restart the database engine, but p > 0 my brain made up the whole thing.

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Combining SendTo and Powershell

Mark Wilkinson shares a script with us:

If you are not familiar, SendTo options are those available when you right click on a file/folder in file explorer and select the Send To option in the menu. When you use this option, the currently selected files/folders are passed to the SendTo shortcut as a space delimited list of files and folders. This is important to know so you better understand what needs to be done to read that list.

I can confirm that this works well for deploying script out, especially when they need to go to multiple servers or multiple databases on servers. That functionality takes a bit more effort to write, but combine Mark’s code with Jess’s and you are well on your way.

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Tracking Log Rolling in SQL Server

Andrea Allred wants to figure out how frequently logs roll over:

In January, the awesome Tim Radney (b|t) talked to the Utah user group about best practices. One that he mentioned was rolling over your error logs everyday and keeping 35 logs (a month plus 3 reboots). I loved this idea and implemented it using what I had done here and adding it to an agent job.

Then I realized we didn’t have any alerts on if our logs were rolling too much. Way back in my career, it used to be something that I would watch and it could mean someone was trying to hack your system and cover their tracks by rolling your logs over a bunch. I fought so much with figuring how to tell if my logs are rolling over, I had to save it for the future.

Click through for a T-SQL solution to the problem.

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Executing a Folder of SQL Scripts against SQL Server

Jess Pomfret has a quick Powershell snippet for us:

Another week and another useful dbatools snippet for you today.  Last week at work I was given a folder of 1,500 scripts – each containing a create table statement. Can you imagine having to open each file in Management Studio to be able to execute it? Thank goodness we have PowerShell and dbatools on our side.

Click through for the command, as well as Jess’s explanation of how it works.

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TLS 1.2 Support in MDAC and SQLOLEDB

Ron the Polymath notes a change slipped into Windows:

The October 2020 Preview releases of Windows builds 1809 (KB4580390), 1903/1909 (KB4580386), and 2004/20H2 (KB4580364) include the following change:

– Adds support for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 and 1.2 protocols when connecting to SQL Server using the data providers in Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).

Click through for Ron’s experience and another update of potential interest.

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