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Category: Administration

The Performance Impact of Dissimilarly-Sized tempdb Files

Chris Taylor puts on the lab coat and safety goggles:

tldr: Over the years I’ve read a lot of blog posts and watched a lot of videos where they mention that you should have your tempdb files all the same size. What I haven’t seen much of (if any) is what performance impact you actually see if they are not configured optimally. This blog post aims to address that

It is not too long, so do read.

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Executing sp_configure from Powershell

Jeff Hill shows off another feature of dbatools:

If you’ve been responsible for an instance of SQL Server for any length of time you have probably dealt with sp_configure to change configuration settings at the server level. I have been using SQL Server since v6.5 and it was a thing then too. This is not a post about what the settings are or what they should be set to. There are plenty of resources out there for both. This is about how to see and set these options.

Click through for the process and what you can do with it.

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Monitoring Power BI Dataset Refreshes with Log Analytics

Chris Webb continues a series on DicrectQuery over Log Analytics:

In the first post in this series I showed how it was possible to create a DirectQuery dataset connected to Log Analytics so you could analyse Power BI query and refresh activity in near real-time. In this post I’ll take a closer look into how you can use this data to monitor refreshes.

The focus of this series is using DirectQuery on Log Analytics to get up-to-date information (remember there’s already an Import-mode report you can use for long-term analysis of this data), and this influences the design of the dataset and report

Click through for some KQL and explanatory instructions.

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Reasons Azure SQL Databases Cannot Move to Serverless

Ahmed Mahmoud troubleshoots an Azure SQL Database migration issue:

We sometimes see customers cannot move their SQL database from provisioned compute tier to serverless while the scaling operation fails with error signature like:

Failed to scale from General Purpose: Gen5, 2 vCores, 32 GB storage, zone redundant disabled to General Purpose: Serverless, Gen5, 2 vCores, 32 GB storage, zone redundant disabled for database: .
Error code: .
Error message: An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Tracking ID: ‘xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx’

Click through for several possible reasons.

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Azure Data Factory Activity Queue Times

Meagan Longoria waits in line:

I’ve been working on a project to populate an Operational Data Store using Azure Data Factory (ADF). We have been seeking to tune our pipelines so we can import data every 15 minutes. After tuning the queries and adding useful indexes to target databases, we turned our attention to the ADF activity durations and queue times.

Data Factory places the pipeline activities into a queue, where they wait until they can be executed. If your queue time is long, it can mean that the Integration Runtime on which the activity is executing is waiting on resources (CPU, memory, networking, or otherwise), or that you need to increase the concurrent job limit.

Click through to see how you can calculate queue times across activities, pipelines, and data factories.

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Replication Error 20084 on SQL Server 2019

I ran into a weird issue:

Iwas helping out with a SQL Server upgrade recently, going from 2016 to 2019. We ran into a problem when trying to run replmerg.exe for a merge replication subscription. Specifically, we were getting error code 20084, which means that the replication process couldn’t connect to one of the instances. Interestingly, the process couldn’t connect to the local instance, and the failure was immediate—that is, within a couple of milliseconds. There was nothing in the management logs on either the distributor server or the subscriber server which indicated a problem. We were able to connect both sides together just fine—from the subscriber, we could connect to the distributor, and from the distributor, we could connect to the subscriber.

Click through for what error code 20084 typically means, as well as what turned out to be the problem here.

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Getting Started with KQL

Steve Jones starts learning about the Kusto Query Language:

I saw an episode of Data Exposed with my good friend, Hamish Watson. He talked about KQL (Kusto Query Language) being the next query language you need to learn. I was skeptical of the title, but I decided to give this a try.

In the episode, Hamish points out a cheat sheet from Microsoft, which I thought was a good resource. However, while watching the video, I browsed over to the demo site Microsoft has at You need an Azure account to log in, but this is a demo site where you can query some Log Analytics data. The new query window below is what appears when you go here:

If you’re already familiar with the way Splunk’s filtering language works, KQL follows from it. It’s a worthwhile language for Azure-based administrators to know, as it’s the most powerful way to get data out of Log Analytics.

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Cleaning SQL Express Databases

Kevin Hill knows the pain:

I was contacted by a lawyer that was using a 3rd party application to store emails, keep track of time, etc.

The backend of the application is SQL Server Express edition, which has a hard limit of 10GB for the data file.

One quick note for people with lots of LOB data, remember to reorganize with LOB_COMPACTION = ON as that’s the only way to be sure. Also, depending on how old the version of SQL Server is, there was a bug with LOB compaction which affected SQL Server 2014 and earlier. But, uh, hopefully you’re patched past that point…

Also, getting up to 2016 SP1 means that Express Edition gets data compression. It wouldn’t directly help in this case, but if you have a lot of non-LOB data on Express Edition, it can work wonders, for some definition of “wonders.” After all, if you’re using Express Edition, wonders are by definition pretty small.

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Reference to Database Not Supported in this Version of SQL Server

Diego Nieto-Arroyo troubleshoots an issue:

In this article I will show how to resolve and overcome errors while attempting to query a system tables or any table for that matter, via Linked Servers. The error seen below is the result of the issue we encountered.

Msg 40515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Reference to database and/or server name in ‘xxxx.sys.sp_tables_info_90_rowset_64’ is not supported in this version of SQL Server.

Read on to see what causes this issue and how you can resolve it.

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Operation Requires Server to be a Registered Server

Garland MacNeill finds one way to solve a problem:

Anyway, it’s been a while since I worked on this AG and I need to get the migration/upgrade done. As I was working on configuring jobs, I ran into a problem where the AG node (as a target node) wasn’t downloading jobs from the Master node, in fact, the last poll was in July.

When I tried to force a poll, I was met with an error message that the server wasn’t registered, never mind it was clearly listed as a target server. Google didn’t find anything useful, other than some questions from 2013. I did come across the syntax to forcefully eject the server as a target with SQL. 

Read on to see how and what to do in the aftermath.

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