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Category: Administration

Tips for Limiting Redis Failures

Phil Booth provides the ammo and we provide the feet:

Production outages are great at teaching you how not to cause production outages. I’ve caused plenty and hope that by sharing them publicly, it might help some people bypass part one of the production outage learning syllabus. Previously I discussed ways I’ve broken prod with PostgreSQL and with healthchecks. Now I’ll show you how I’ve done it with Redis too.

For the record, I absolutely love Redis. It works brilliantly if you use it correctly. The gotchas that follow were all occasions when I didn’t use it correctly.

My one addition here is to be really careful if you use Redis as persistent storage rather than a cache. Redis as a cache is easy: if the server goes down or you have trouble, you simply have more database calls than normal. Redis as persistent storage is a much more complicated beast which seems to fall over a lot more often and is significantly more finicky about drivers.

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Updates to sp_QuickieStore and sp_PressureDetector

Erik Darling has been busy. FIrst, sp_QuickieStore:

The first thing on the list that I want to talk about is the ability to cycle through all databases that have Query Store enabled.

If you have a lot of databases with it turned on, it can be a real hassle to go through them all looking for doodads to diddle.

Now you can just do this:

Next, sp_PressureDetector:

I added  high-level disk metrics similar to what’s available in other popular scripts to mine. Why? Sometimes it’s worth looking at, to prove you should add more memory to a server so you’re less reliant on disk.

Especially in the cloud, where everything is an absolute hellscape of garbage performance that’s really expensive.

Click through for both sets of updates and thank Erik for his willingness to give so much to the community.

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Connecting a SQL Server Instance to Azure Arc

Deepthi Goguri has a guide:

When you install SQL Server 2022 through the GUI, you will see an option in the features “SQL Server Extention for Azure”

This is more of a “how” than a “why.” Azure Arc-enabled SQL Server instances let you use Azure’s control plane (their graphs and some configuration options) to manage SQL Server instances, regardless of whether they’re actually in Azure or on-premises. That way, a DBA with one foot in both camps can have a consistent administrative experience for things like inventorying SQL Server instances.

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Migrating Column-Level Encryption to Azure SQL MI

Keshav Kiran performs a migration:

One of our customers came up with a requirement where they wanted to Migrate On-prem Database to Azure SQL Managed instance. The databases had traditional column level encryption enabled.

He has restored the database on the SQL Managed instance by Backup/Restore approach. Now when he was trying to read the encrypted column on the destination database, It was showing NULL values after decryption.

Read on for the solution.

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Automating Database Copy in Azure SQL Managed Instance

Sasa Popovic creates some clones:

Database copy and database move operations for Azure SQL Managed Instance are very convenient in various situations when you want to copy or move database from one managed instance to another in an online way. What does online mean in this context? It means that the database on destination managed instance will be identical to the source database at the moment when operation is explicitly completed by user action. Copying a database is a size of data operation, and you can expect copy will take some time, but what is important and convenient, unlike point in-time restore where database is in state from some point in time in the past, with database copy you get database in state as it was when the operation was completed.

Read on to see how you can set this up for an Azure SQL Managed Instance.

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Service Broker and the Unstoppable SQL Server Instance

Sean Gallardy shuts it all down:

I was sent a quite an interesting email stating that SQL Server would not shut down. Attempting to stop the service via services or the SQL Server Configuration Manager resulted in a timeout with SQL Server still running. Trying to execute the shutdown with and without NOWAIT T-SQL command resulted in the same, the process still running. Seems quite weird that SQL Server just refuses to shutdown!

Click through for Sean’s investigations, what the result was, and how the customer ultimately decided to deal with it.

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Log Analysis by Hand in Postgres

Laetitia Avrot looks at the logs:

If you’re one of my customers, you might know how I insist on monitoring your Postgres logs and digging into them to find precious insights on what’s going on with your Postgres. For a long time now, there is pgBadger. For PGSQL Phriday #010, Alicja asks us to focus on pgBadger.

You might be surprised to find out I am not using pgBadger. I will explain why later, but keep assured that I do think pgBadger is a good tool. It will help DBAs get better performance and follow how their instance is doing before there is a very bad problem.

Click through for Laetitia’s reasons as well as an alternative way of analyzing log files.

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Analyzing Postgres Logs with pgbadger

Anthony Nowocien takes us through a useful tool:

This week, #PGSQLPhriday is hosted by Alicja Kucharczyk. Every month, one community member proposes a new subject to this monthly blogging event and let the world (or your family/friends/neighbors if you prefer) know all about pgBadger. It’s a tool to analyze your PostgreSQL logs and present you a nice web report.

If you like some history, it has been developed by Gilles Darold since more than 11 years, as v1.0 came along on June the 10th in 2012. At this time, pgfouine was the main log analyzer and the complete Perl rewrite was greatly performance influenced. In V4, it started to have its current look, by embarking the Bootstrap library and fonts.

Click through to see what pgbadger does and an example of how it makes log analysis understandable.

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Impact of and Limitations to Parameter Tuning in Postgres

Henrietta Dombrovskaya wraps up a series on PostgreSQL parameters:

In this first blog, we didn’t provide any examples of the practical impact of parameters tuning on performance. Indeed, it is challenging to model such an impact on the training database. 

In this blog, we will segue from discussing PostgreSQL system parameters best practices to other ways of performance tuning. Moreover, we will demonstrate that essential database performance tuning goes beyond choosing the appropriate parameters settings.

Click through for that post.

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