Greg Low works around an issue:
I’ve recently been doing work with a site that makes extensive use of Central Management Servers. And that’s an issue if you upgrade past v19.3 of SSMS.
Here’s my counter-argument: how frequent is it to find organizations that have enough SQL Server instances to make a Central Management Server worthwhile and also do not have any sort of certificate management process?
And more importantly, why don’t they have certificate management processes in place for SQL Server? This isn’t 2008 anymore—everybody (for some slight exaggeration of the term “everybody”) has certificate management in place for websites. It’s incredibly rare to find websites without TLS certificates, so somebody in your organization is managing certificates somehow. Why are these people not also managing certificates for SQL Server? Because once you have proper certificates in place rather than self-signed certs, there is no SSMS problem.
And if money is the issue, money is not the issue. Note that Daniel’s post is over 6 years old (and here’s me self-linking for street cred), meaning any company without the budget for proper certificates could have put this into place anytime over the past 6 years.
Self-signed certificates are okay for debugging purposes on personal machines. But they should not be acceptable for connecting to SQL Server in any environment. Certificate-driven encryption is a critical part of securing data movement over the wire, and a trusted certificate chain is critical for ensuring attackers cannot sit in the middle of that connection and read the data.
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