Lonny Niederstadt notes that you cannot see SSIS counters in Perfmon without administrative rights:
A colleague and I were hoping to review SSIS perfmon counters on a VM. We use a logman command with a counters file to log perfmon to csv.
Opened up the csv that was captured on the VM… there were all of my typical SQL Server counters… but the following SSIS counters were missing.
\SQLServer:SSIS Service\SSIS Package Instances
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Buffer memory
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Buffers in use
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Buffers spooled
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Flat buffer memory
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Flat buffers in use
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Private buffer memory
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Private buffers in use
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Rows read
\SQLServer:SSIS Pipeline\Rows writtenHuh.
The more you know.
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