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Category: Administration

Cleaning Up SSISDB

Peter Schott extends a script to clean up the SSIS catalog database:

I really appreciate what MS has done w/ the SSIS Catalog. We have built-in logging at a level that wasn’t possible in prior releases, but that comes at a cost. The default retention is pretty high (365 days) and MS chose to handle cleanup using cascading deletes. This sort of coding makes life easier for the developers, but almost always performs poorly. That’s especially the case when you have 1 parent row with 100’s of thousands or child rows related to it.  The problem is compounded because the first time people realize they need to lower the retention limit is about the same time that the database is starting to fill up or has filled up. At that point, it’s too late to lower the retention by a large number because the corresponding delete will still cause issues.

Click through for a script which helps extricate you from sticky situations.  The ideal scenario here would be to set your retention period correctly and not have to delete rows directly, but sometimes you’re stuck in a less-than-ideal situation.

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Powershell Remoting To Linux

Max Trinidad shows that Powershell remoting works for connecting Linux to Windows and vice versa:

Connecting Linux to Windows

This is strange but, more likely, you will get an error the first time you try to connect. Just try the second try and it will work.

I need to see what Powershell objects for Linux currently exist; my guess is “not many, if any” but as those start getting fleshed out, I think even the most adamant of grep-sed-awk users will want to pick up at least a little bit of Powershell.

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Capacity Planning

Erin Stellato walks through capacity planning:

Capacity planning for a new solution is really tricky.  You have to come up with estimates about workload based on information you collect from the business.  This means you have to ask hard questions about how much data they will expect in the first month, the first six months, and the first year.  When a new solution is coming in, this is often the LAST thing the business is thinking about, so very often you’re going to get vague answers.  In the case of a new solution, you really have make a best guess effort.  Don’t pull your hair out trying to get exact numbers.

If the solution is from a vendor, you must ask the vendor for planning recommendations about both space needed and the resources needed.  I admit, they may not have that data, but you don’t get what you don’t ask for.  It never hurts to try.

Click through for Erin’s discussion points across hardware and storage requirements over time.

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Using Event Notifications

Dave Mason lays out how to set up Event Notifications:

When an Event Notification is created, one or more conversations is created between the SQL Server database engine and a Service. I tend to think of these as “message channels”. When the related event occurs, SQL Server calls the EVENTDATA() function, returning the event information results (as a variable of type XML) to a Service. The Service in turn writes the information to a Queue. A Queue is a FIFO data structure. Conceptually it is similar to a table of rows and columns. You can SELECT from it, but you can’t directly insert or update its rows. You “delete” rows from a Queue via the RECEIVE statement.

Dave has a full example worked out at the link.

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Comparing Active Directory Membership

Jana Sattainathan shows how to use Powershell to compare Active Directory group membership for two users:

Before we begin, if you are running Windows 7 or if you do not have the Active Directory module installed, please do so first by downloading and installing “Remote Server Administration Tools”. I personally cannot live without this module.

Let us call the new employee as NEW_USER and the existing employee as OLD_USER. Here is how to use PowerShell to do the comparison.

The retrieval and comparison code is pretty easy; click through to see.

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VSphere 6.5 And VNUMA

David Klee notes that vSphere 6.5 might modify vNUMA settings on you:

I appreciate their attempt to improve performance, but this presents a challenge for performance-oriented DBAs in many ways. It now changes expected behavior from the basic configuration without prompting or notifying the administrators in any way that this is happening. It also means that if I have a host cluster with a mixed server CPU topology, I could now have NUMA misalignments if a VM vMotions to another physical server that contains a different CPU configuration, which is sure to cause a performance problem.

Worse yet is that if I were to restart this VM on this new host, the hypervisor could automatically change the vNUMA configuration at boot time based on the new host hardware.

I now have a change in vNUMA inside SQL Server. My MaxDOP settings could now be wrong. I now have a change in expected query behavior. 

Definitely read the whole thing if you’re using vmWare.

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Cardinality Estimator Regressions

SQL Scotsman has a great post on figuring out which of your queries have become worse as a result of the SQL Server cardinality estimator changes in 2014:

Instantly it is apparent that the most resource intensive query was the same query across both workload tests and note that the query hash is consistent too.  It is also apparent that this query performs worse under the new cardinality estimator model version 120.  To investigate and understand why this particular query behaves differently under the different cardinality estimators we’ll need to look at the actual query and the execution plans.

Looking at the information in #TempCEStats and the execution plans, the problematic query below belongs to the SLEV stored procedure.

There’s also a discussion of Query Store in there, but it’s important to understand how to figure this out even if you’re on 2014 and don’t have access to Query Store.

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Daniel Hutmacher has released a new tool:

I designed my sp_ctrl3 procedure from the ground up to be a development tool that I can install on any dev environment that I use regularly. I wanted a detailed overview of a specific database object as well as copy-paste-friendly T-SQL code. For instance,

  • No “length” column on an int column

  • Proper scale/precision values on datatypes

  • “NULL” or “NOT NULL” instead of “yes” or “no”

  • Identity column syntax

  • “nvarchar(50)” instead of “nvarchar”, “100”

  • Column defaults

  • Complete index definitions

  • GRANT/DENY permission statements

  • The object_id of the object in sys.objects

If you use sp_help a lot, this looks like a good supplement.

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Azure VM Auto-Shutdown

Dave Bermingham shows how to configure automatic shutdown of Azure VMs:

If you are like me, I try to make my Azure MSDN subscription credits stretch the entire month. I’m typically just building labs to try out new features or to demonstrate SQL Server Failover Clusters in Azure. A lot of the time I am testing some pretty large instance sizes with plenty of premium storage. As you can imagine, you can burn through $150 pretty quick with a few GS5 instances running.

I try to be mindful and shutdown or destroy instances once I am done with them, but occasionally I’ll get pulled away for other business, only to log in the next day and see my credit has expired because I forgot to turn off the VMs.

Click through for details, including a warning about storage.

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HDFS Cheat Sheet

Tim Spann has produced a guide for HDFS shell commands:

There are number of commands that you may need to use for administrating your cluster if you are one of the administrators for your cluster.   If you are running your own personal cluster or Sandbox, these are also good to know and try. Do Not Try These In Production if you are not the owner and fully understand the dire consequences of these actions.   These commands will be affecting the entire Hadoop cluster distributed file system.  You can shutdown data nodes, add quotas to directories for various users and other administrative features.

Many of the commands in this list should be familiar if you know much about Linux or Unix administration, but there are some Hadoop-specific commands as well, like moveFromLocal and moveToLocal.

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