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Category: Administration

Using ostress

Erik Darling explains how to stress test using ostress:

You can spend a lot of money on people and complicated software to design, run, and monitor workloads against test environments, or you can throw together tests with some free tools like SQL Query Stress or Microsoft’s RML Utilities.

RML Utilities is pretty cool, and includes ostress.exe along with some other components. What I really like about ostress is that it’s all CLI, so you can call it from Agent Jobs, and feed it all sorts of cool options. When you create the Agent Job, you just use the Operating system (CmdExec) type of step instead of T-SQL, or whatever else.

For simulated load, ostress is powerful.  For “ripped from the headlines” load, the Database Experimentation Assistant might do the trick once it matures.

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Maintenance Plan Updates

Kevin Hill looks at maintenance plan updates in SQL Server 2016:

True to my typical post style which focuses on small shops, accidental DBAs, and junior DBAs I went looking for something that could very easily benefit people that are using the basic SQL Server features.  In this case they may not even realize how limited they were.

I chose to write about Index Maintenance in the built-in Maintenance Plan portion of SQL Server.

A brief summary of the built-in Maintenance Plans is that they allow you to drag-and-drop your way to basic SQL Server maintenance items such as Backups, Index maintenance, CheckDB, Statistics updating, etc.  This a tool that has been around since at least version 7 that I know of.  It wasn’t always very good, and it gets a bad rap from a lot of DBAs.  It has been dramatically improved over the years in flexibility and reliability.

Read on for the changes.  I’m really not a fan of maintenance plans, but if they’re going to exist, they should at least be as good as possible.

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DBCC Checks For Large Databases

David Alcock gives a couple methods for performing consistency checks against gigantic databases:

One way to achieve this is to  split up the consistency checks covering smaller objects and native functionality allows us to do just that, we can perform the checks at the table level or indeed if they are implemented at the filegroup level too using the DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP command.

How to go about this is pretty straightforward; take the list of tables, split them into equal(ish) groups. The groups now form a pool of objects and within a nightly (or daily) window perform the check on each object in the pool. This effectively spreads a database consistency check over multiple days, you avoid the impact on production activities but also ensure all objects are checked over time.

Read on for the solution.  I’m also a big fan of Minion CheckDB, which is designed to handle this type of scenario as well.

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Wall Clocks Lie

Lonny Niederstadt digs into some strange behavior on one of his VMs:

Rats.  That was a really good idea, too.  Nothin’.  Or….
(I want to call attention to the change in maximum axis value for CPU utilization.  I nearly *always* use 100% as the maximum value, In these last two graphs I’ve used a maximum value of 24% because utilization of each of the 4 vcpus is really low and I felt it made the graphs slightly more readable.)
Hey!! Perfmon was collecting 30 second samples.  But two intervals after 2:06:22 is 2:07:52 rather than 2:07:22.  The system lost 30 seconds in the span of a minute.  And two intervals past 2:07:52 is 2:11:22 – the system lost 150 seconds in a minute?

It would appear that there are a couple of issues with this box, one of which is a lack of appreciation of the current time.

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Thinking About The Gitlab Outage

Brent Ozar shares his thoughts on the recent Gitlab outage:

You can read more about the details in GitLab’s outage timeline doc, which they heroically shared while they worked on the outage. Oh, and they streamed the whole thing live on YouTube with over 5,000 viewers.

There are so many amazing lessons to learn from this outage: transparency, accountability, processes, checklists, you name it. I’m not sure that you, dear reader, can actually put a lot of those lessons to use, though. After all, your company probably isn’t going to let you live stream your outages. (I do pledge to you that I’m gonna do my damnedest to do that ourselves with our own services, though.)

There are some good pointers in here.

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SQL On Linux Connectivity

Slava Murygin troubleshoots connectivity issues with SQL Server on Linux:

After you enter SA password you have to get “vNext” version of your SQL Server.
If you did not get the correct response you might have following problems:
I)   Wrong SA password. To fix it, just re-configure SQL Server.
II)  SQL Server Tools are not installed.
III) Typo. Check your syntax.

The troubleshooting process is a bit different from SQL Server on Windows, but it’s still pretty straightforward.

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Avoiding Percent Growth

Angela Henry has a script to tame percent growth on database files:

I decided I needed to do something else other than just send an email notification, I needed to take corrective action when it occurred.  So I wrote a little stored procedure that will take the ALTER DATABASE statement as a parameter, parse it and take the appropriate corrective action. 

Simple enough, right?  Now I just need to add the call to my newly created stored procedure in my server level trigger and we are good to go.  But wait, you can’t ALTER a database within an ALTER DATABASE statement (don’t believe me? Use this as a learning exercise to see what happens when you try).  So what could I do?  There are several things you could do, but I chose to create a table that could hold this newly created ALTER DATABASE statement and insert the record there.  Then I created a SQL Agent job that runs once every hour and reads that table and executes any entries it finds, then deletes them after successfully executing.

Read the whole thing, including the disclaimer.

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Troubleshooting Connectivity Errors

The CSS SQL Server Engineers have a guide for solving connectivity issues:

In addition to providing a quick checklist of items that you can go through, the doc provides step by step troubleshooting procedures for the following error messages:

  • A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

  • No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

  • SQL Server does not exist or access denied

  • PivotTable Operation Failed: We cannot locate a server to load the workbook Data Model

  • Cannot generate SSPI context

  • Login failed for user

  • Timeout Expired

  • The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool

Click through for the guide.  It’s in choose-your-own-adventure format, though without nice graphics.

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SSRS Log File Location Change

Wolfgang Strasser points out that SSRS log files are in a new directory structure for vNext:

The log files can be found in the Logfiles directory (it was the same directory also for the older versions). In SSRS vNext there more different log files..

The logging information seems to be splitted into multiple log files – if you want for example dig into the Power BI on-premises logging I propose to have a look at the RSPower*.log files.

This happens every once in a while, so it’s good to know when the log files move somewhere else.

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Checking Database Availability

Dimitri Furman explains that database availability is a trickier problem than it may first appear:

To check the availability of the database, the application executes the spCheckDbAvailability stored procedure. This starts a transaction, inserts a row into the AvailabilityCheck table, flushes the data to the transaction log to ensure that the write is persisted to disk even if delayed durability is enabled, explicitly reads the inserted row, and then rolls back the transaction, to avoid accumulating unnecessary synthetic transaction data in the database. The database is available if the stored procedure completes successfully, and returns a single row with the value 1 in the single column.

Note that an execution of sp_flush_log procedure is scoped to the entire database. Executing this stored procedure will flush log buffers for all sessions that are currently writing to the database and have uncommitted transactions, or are running with delayed durability enabled and have committed transactions not yet flushed to storage. The assumption here is that the availability check is executed relatively infrequently, e.g. every 30-60 seconds, therefore the potential performance impact from an occasional extra log flush is minimal.

This ends up being much more useful than a simple “is the service on?” heartbeat, as it shows that the database is available, not just that the engine is running.

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