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Category: Administration

Target Server Memory Vs Total Memory

Arun Sirpal compares the Target Server Memory and Total Memory Perfmon counters:

Target Server Memory (KB) is the amount of memory that SQL Server is willing (potential) to allocate to the buffer pool under its current load. Total Server Memory (KB) is what SQL currently has allocated.

Using SQL Server 2014 developer edition (64 bit) my machine has 12GB RAM and maximum server memory is currently set to 8GB and for the purpose of this post I have set  minimum server memory to 1GB (Lock Pages in Memory has not been set).

Read on for a nice description laden with Perfmon pictures.

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Instance Configuration With dbatools

Rob Sewell has an interesting post on cross-platform configuration using dbatools in Powershell:

This weekend I set up some SQL vNext virtual machines, two on Windows and one on Linux so that I could test some scenarios and build an availability group.

IMPORTANT NOTE :- The names of dbatools commands with a Sql prefix WILL CHANGE in a later release of dbatools. dbatools will use Dba throughout in the future as the sqlserver PowerShell module uses the Sql prefix

I used PowerShell version 5.1.14393.693 and SQL Server vNext CTP 1.3 running on Windows Server 2016 and Ubuntu 16.04 in this blog post

There’s some fancy footwork in this post; if you’re looking for ways to compare instance configurations (specifically, sp_configure settings), check it out.

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Upgrading SQL On Linux

Steve Jones shows how to upgrade SQL Server on Linux to the latest version:

I saw this week that there was a new CTP (v1.3) of SQL Server v.Next. I haven’t had a lot of time to work on the Linux version lately, but I thought I’d try and see how well the upgrade went.

There’s an install and upgrade page at Microsoft you can use, but on Ubuntu, things are easy. First, connect to your system and run this:

sudo apt-get update

That will download updated packages and get the system ready. you can see that I have a lot of stuff to update on this particular system.

One small change I’d make to that script in the snippet is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.  They do different things, both of which are useful.  I do hope that Microsoft keeps with the Linux-friendly upgrade process when it comes to CUs and SPs.

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What Does Activity Monitor Do?

Tibor Karaszi explains each window in the Management Studio Activity Monitor:

The idea here is to show where SQL Server is waiting, “wait stats”.

It uses the same procedure as the “Waiting Tasks” diagram uses, #am_generate_waitstats, to get the information. See the above section for “Waiting Tasks” to understand the time dimension for this. For simplicity, we can say that it shows only wait stats for the past 30-60 seconds. This is important. Imagine that you had loads of a certain wait stats, but none just for the last minute. This pane can now fool you that you didn’t have any waits of that kind, just because you didn’t for the past minute. Note, though, that the “Cumulative Wait Time” column is the sum of wait in the group since SQL Server was re-started or since we last cleared the wait state (DBCC SQLPERF(“sys.dm_os_wait_stats”,CLEAR)).

In an attempt to be friendly, it will group and summarize wait stats into various groups. That would be fine if there were some documentation about which individual wait type is in each group. Also, some wait types are ignored. One of the ignored wait types is CXPACKET, another is THREADPOOL.

Activity Monitor isn’t very good, but sometimes you can’t get the good tools installed on a server and need to check something quickly.  In those cases, it’s a handy thing to know.

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Max Worker Threads

Erik Darling warns against messing with the Max Worker Threads setting:

The thing is, all changing that setting does is help you not run out of worker threads. It doesn’t make queries run any better or faster. In fact, under load, performance will most likely be downgraded to Absolute Rubbish© either way.

What’s worse? Running out of worker threads and queries having to wait for them to free up, or having way more queries trying to run on the same CPUs? Six of one, half dozen of punching yourself squarely in the nose.

I think there are a couple good counter-cases brought up in the comments (around mirroring and Service Broker), but it is solid general advice.

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Column Specification On Insert

Michael Swart has a small console app which searches for INSERT statements missing column specifications:

I’ve got a program here that finds procedures with missing column specifications.

  • If for some reason, you don’t care about enforcing this rule for temp tables and table variables, then uncomment the line // visitor.TolerateTempTables = true;

  • It uses ScriptDom which you can get from Microsoft as a nuget package.

  • The performance is terrible in Visual Studio because ScriptDom uses Antlr which uses exceptions for flow control and this leads to lots of “first chance exceptions” which slows down debugging. Outside of Visual Studio, it’s just fine.

Click through for the code.

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The Cloud DBA

Kendra Little thinks about the evolution of the DBA role:

Lots of things have been reported to kill the DBA over the years

SQL Server 2005 was said to be “self-tuning”! Who needs a DBA when the instance tunes itself? (Apparently everyone.)

Outsourcing: All the DBA jobs are going to X location, then Y location, then Z location. Then back to X. DBA jobs have become more global, but “outsourcing” hasn’t gotten rid of DBA jobs in the United States. It has been part of the trend to make working remotely more normal and easy, which is generally good for DBAs.

DevOps! All the developers will manage everything. And somehow know to do so.  I love Dev Ops, and I have seen it wipe out some QA departments, but I haven’t seen it wipe out DBAs. I think it’s fun to be a DBA working with a Dev Ops team.

Consider this in contrast to Dave Mason’s concern.  My perspective is a lot closer to Kendra’s, but both posts make the good point that IT roles are ever-shifting.

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Dynamic DNS And Powershell

Drew Furgiuele explains dynamic DNS and shows how to use Powershell to keep your Google Dynamic DNS record up to date:

Google’s Dynamic DNS API is really little less than a HTTPS POST to a specific URL with some parameters packed into the post. What makes it work, though, is for each dynamic DNS host name you provide, you get an auto-generated user name and password that needs to be part of the POST. PowerShell is really naturally suited for this type of automation, thanks to Invoke-WebRequest (MSDN Link). It’s built for this, and even supports HTTPS. Heck, it even supports the implementation of username:password in the request via a PSCredential object.

All I really needed to do was to wrap the code in a function and add some parameters that can be passed in, invoke the web request, and parse the results.

Click through for more information, including a couple Powershell scripts.

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Row Counts For All Tables

Andrew Peterson has a script to get row counts for each table based on sys.dm_db_partition_stats:

When you need the row count from a table, the most common way is to use count(*). But what if you need the row count for all the tables in your database?  You could use the sp_MSforeachtable stored procedure:

EXEC sys.sp_MSforeachtable ‘select ”?”,count(*) from ?;’;

Nice, but the return format is a bit difficult to manage, since it effectively runs the query for as many times as you have tables in your database.

Click through for Andrew’s script.  One thing to keep in mind is that the number of rows might be off, especially for columnstore tables with ghost records.  It’s an estimate, but one which tends toward the correct answer.

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Functions To Know By Heart

Kevin Hill has a top ten functions list for database administrators:

3. DBCC Opentran – log file filling up?  Processes blocked and timing out? See if some doofus (hopefully not you) left a transaction open and went to lunch.  If you are lucky you can kill it.   Unlucky and you find an undistributed replicated transaction.

4. Getdate() – Not sure why, but this winds up in probably 80% of the scripts I write.  Not surprisingly, it often brings along it’s little brother, DateDiff.

I’d go with GETUTCDATE() or SYSUTCDATETIME() over GETDATE(); that way, everything gets stored as UTC and you spend less time worrying about time zone or Daylight Savings Time issues.

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