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Category: Administration

Confirming Checkpoints

Arun Sirpal shows how to log when checkpointing runs:

Via Configuration manager I enabled trace flags 3502 and 3605 – both needed to get the checkpoint information and write it to the error log.

I then shutdown the machine, on start-up I looked into the error log.


Notice the ‘s’ in front of the spid<number>? Well that means the checkpoint was done via the automatic process; if you do a manual checkpoint it won’t see this letter.

I did not know that the “s” indicated that this was an automated process.

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Azure SQL Database Maintenance

Jeffrey Verheul mentions that Azure SQL Database databases need regular maintenance, too:

Before I’m going into detail, I want to give full kudos to Ola Hallengren (Website | @olahallengren). He has spend a lot of his time to build a SQL Server Maintenance Solution that is completely free for everyone to use. And he did such an excellent job a lot companies (also huge companies) use his solution to run maintenance tasks on their databases.

None of the scripts below are written by me, but only small changes are made in order to make things more clear when the solution is deployed to an environment. The original scripts can be downloaded via the download page on Ola’s website.

Most of the to-dos are the same between on-premises and Azure SQL DB, but some of the implementation steps are a bit different.  This is worth checking out if you have any Azure SQL Database instances.

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Azure SQL Database Alerts

Julie Koesmarno shows how to set up Azure SQL Database alerts:

Over the last year, I have been intentionally seeking out to get feedback from the community via various SQL events, particularly those who plan to use or are currently using Azure SQL Database. A lot of questions have come up about managing Azure SQL Database better – i.e. being more proactive and more responsive in managing Azure SQL Database. One of the ways to be more proactive about your SQL Database is by setting up alerts. As an example, you can create an alert in case DTU goes above 95% – say in the last 5 minutes, so that you can either investigate why this might be or upgrade it to a higher SKU.

This article walks through how you can setup an Alert on Azure SQL DB.

I really like the fact that they offer web hooks; that way, I can integrate these alerts with Slack or other messaging systems.

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Min And Max Server Memory

Kevin Hill explains the minimum and maximum server memory options in SQL Server:

Min Server Memory seems to get the most bad information spread around.   SQL Server does NOT automatically grab memory up to the Min setting when it starts.  However, once it gets there, it doesn’t give back.

Back to the car analogy…if you start up and head off down the road at 20 mph, you are above the default (0), but not at the max (100+, depending on the car and the tires…).  If you set the cruise control, you can accelerate up and down above 20, but you won’t go below that unless you hit the brakes.

I do like the car analogy to his post.

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Issues With SSISDB In An Availability Group

Andrea Allred has some lessons learned from a troublesome service pack upgrade:

Here are a few of the fun errors that we saw.

“Script level upgrade for database ‘master’ failed because upgrade step ‘SSIS_hotfix_install.sql’ encountered error 942, state 4, severity 25. This is a serious error condition which might interfere with regular operation and the database will be taken offline. If the error happened during upgrade of the ‘master’ database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting. Examine the previous errorlog entries for errors, take the appropriate corrective actions and re-start the database so that the script upgrade steps run to completion.”

There are some good lessons here.

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Audit Select Statements

Jason Brimhall shows how to build an extended event session which audits all SELECT statements:

I have to be a little honest here. Prior to somebody asking how they could possibly achieve a statement audit via extended events, I had not considered it as a tool for the job. I would have relied on Audit (which is Extended Event related), or some home grown set of triggers. In this particular request, Audit was not fulfilling the want and custom triggers was not an option. Another option might have included the purchase of third party software but there are times when budget does not allow for nice expensive shiny software.

So, with a little prodding, I hopped into the metadata and poked around a bit to see what I could come up with to achieve this low-budget audit solution.

Read the whole thing.

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Using Registered Server Groups

Kevin Hill shows a good use case for registered server groups:

In my last post I hoped to convince you to pay attention to all of the various “Login Failed for user…” messages that you see in your SQL Server ERRORLOGS.   ALL of them.

Yes, some you can ignore based on the environment or the person.   Jim the web guy on a Dev box is just not that much of a security threat (unless you let him touch Prod, but that’s a different post).

Some of you have one or two servers, and reviewing ERRORLOGs is no big deal to do manually.  More of you have tens and tens of them.   Some of you have thousands (I’m looking at you in Managed Hosting environments such as Verizon, Rackspace, etc. where customers pay you to do this).

The next step up from there is Central Management Servers.

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Dropping Masking From A Column

Steve Jones shows how to drop Dynamic Data Masking from a column:

This is a quick one. As I experimented with Dynamic Data Masking for the Stairway to Dynamic Data Masking, and writing my Using SQL Compare with Dynamic Data Masking, I needed to remove masking from a column. I didn’t want to rebuild tables, and hoped there was an easy way to ALTER a column.

There is.

The more I’ve seen of DDM, the less I like it.  So I’m more a fan of scripts to remove it than scripts to add it…

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ODBC Driver 13.1

The SQL Server Blog reports that the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server has been updated to version 13.1:

Always Encrypted

You can now use Always Encrypted with the Microsoft ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server. Always Encrypted is a new SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database security feature that prevents sensitive data from being seen in plaintext in a SQL instance. You can now transparently encrypt the data in the application, so that SQL Server or Azure SQL Database will only handle the encrypted data and not plaintext values. If a SQL instance or host machine is compromised, an attacker can only access ciphertext of your sensitive data. Use the ODBC Driver 13.1 to encrypt plaintext data and store the encrypted data in SQL Server 2016 or Azure SQL Database. Likewise, use the driver to decrypt your encrypted data.

Check out the full list  of new features at the link above.

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