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Category: Administration

Thinking About Virtual Log Files

Monica Rathbun has a reminder that Virtual Log Files can be troublesome in excess:

What causes High VLFs?

As transactions force growth of the log file, inappropriate log file sizing or auto-growth settings can cause a high number of VLFs to occur.  Each growth event adds VLFs to the log file.  The more often you grow in conjunction with smaller growth segments, the more VLFs your transaction log will have.


If you grow your log by the default 1 MB you may end up with thousands of VLFs as opposed to growing by 1GB increments. MSDN does a great job on explaining how a transaction logs work for a deeper dive I recommend reading it.

Read on to see how many VLFs your databases have, as well as how to reduce the number should it grow excessive.

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Another Reason To Avoid Shrinking Data Files

Frank Gill gives us a demo of how much log space it takes to shrink a database file:

Yesterday, I was running a health assessment for a client. They are running a weekly maintenance plan that is shrinking all of their data files. After I picked myself up off the floor, I searched the web for “Paul Randal shrink” and hit on Paul’s excellent post Why you should not shrink your data files. In the post, Paul (b|t) demonstrates the effect of DBCC SHRINKDATABASE on index fragmentation. After the demo script, Paul writes, “As well as introducing index fragmentation, data file shrink also generates a lot of I/O, uses a lot of CPU and generates *loads* (emphasis Paul’s) of transaction log.”

This led me to ask the question, “How much is *loads*?”. To find an answer, I made the following modification to Paul’s script:

Read on for the answer.  There are legitimate reasons to shrink data files, but it comes at a very high cost.

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Dealing With The Registry From SQL Server

Wayne Sheffield shows how to read and modify registry entries using SQL Server:


In this example, I used xp_regread to read the direct registry path. If you remember from earlier, there are SQL Server instance-aware versions of each registry procedure. A comparable statement using the instance-aware procedure would be:

This statement returns the exact same information. Let’s look at the difference between these – in the first query, the registry path is the exact registry path needed, and it includes “\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQL2014\”. In the latter query, this string is replaced with “\MSSQLSERVER\”. Since the latter function is instance aware, it replaces the “MSSQLSERVER” with the exact registry path necessary for this instance of SQL Server. Pretty neat, isn’t it? This allows you to have a script that will run properly regardless of the instance that it is being run on. The rest of the examples in this post will utilize the instance-aware procedures to make it easier for you to follow along and run these yourself.

Sometimes you just have to change something in the registry from SQL Server.  Hopefully that “sometimes” is rare.

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Taking Control In The Cloud

Arun Sirpal advises you to enjoy the change in control when moving to Azure:

The key for me has been to “embrace the change”. I have come from a traditional DBA background, backups, consistency checks, server level configuration at the heart of things. Yes, I no longer care about SQL backups and things of that nature when operating within Azure but I have different tasks and to think about.

Sceptical? Please read on.

Do read on.

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Anti-Virus On Your Database Server?

Steve Stedman gives you food for thought if you need to run anti-virus software on your SQL Server instance:

In a perfect world, your SQL Server would be so secure that you would not need antivirus software, you would have behind layers of firewalls, nobody would ever connect with remote desktop to install anything, and it would always have all of the latest security patches… But that is not the real world.

Given that your SQL Server often times contains extremely valuable information, and that the damage that could be done by virus software, malware, and ransomware could be so great then it is strongly recommended that you run antivirus software on your SQL Server. There are some files that you will want to exclude from the virus check.

I’m not a big fan of running anti-virus software on database instances, but if you have to run it for whatever reason, be sure to check out Steve’s advice.

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DevOps And The DBA

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman gives a bit of DevOps 101 to database administrators:

Monitoring changes a bit with DevOps. It’s less about a simple tier and moves to the entire infrastructure. A need to monitor application, host, database and availability between each is essential. As these different tiers rarely come from one vendor and many may even be proprietary, there are requirements to monitor using multiple tools, scripts and interfaces.

Two of the main products for monitoring, recognized in the DevOps community are New Relic and AppDynamics. Monitoring can be as simple as a suite of scripts that report the health and status of processes and orchestration, notifying if there is any failure. This choice normally has a scaling limit and at some point, a more robust solution is required or gaps are felt in the monitoring process or failure at certain tiers. More enterprise solutions, such as New Relic and AppDynamics and enhanced by logging suites like Splunk and Sumo Logic.

Read the whole thing.

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Cloudera Director And AWS Spot Instances

David Han shows off some new features in Cloudera Director 2.5 to help when building Hadoop clusters on AWS spot price instances:

You can configure Spot instances in Cloudera Director’s instance templates. These instance templates contain a flag indicating whether Spot instances should be used, as well as a field specifying the bid price for those instances.

Each instance group in the cluster template includes a field that indicates the minimum number of instances required in that group for the cluster to be considered successful. Cloudera Director will continue with bootstrapping or growing a cluster if the minimum count for each instance group is satisfied. Spot instances should not be used for instance groups that are required for the normal operation of the cluster, such as HDFS DataNodes. Instance groups configured to use Spot instances should set their minimum number to zero with the expectation that the instances may not be provisioned due to the Spot bid price being lower than the Spot price.

If you’re able to take advantage of spot instances, you can end up saving a pretty good amount of money.

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What’s New In Ambari 2.5

Paul Codding tells us what’s coming in the next version of Ambari:

Ambari Log Search (Tech Preview) has been one of our most popular features, and in this release has seen UI, and backend refreshes based on customer feedback.  Log Search is planned for GA with the next major Ambari release, Ambari 3.0 in which the UI will be simplified, and the backend will have more robust log retention and scaling capabilities.

There are some interesting changes, so read the whole thing.

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Breaking A Database Into Smaller Files

Jana Sattainathan shows how to break a SQL Server database into smaller files, as well as giving some reasons why you might want to do that:

You are probably reading this post because you have experienced the pain yourself and I dont want to waste anymore of your time and get right to the steps involved in breaking up a huge database or a datafile

  1. Check the space situation on your host

  2. Get the space usage by files for the big database/datafile in question

  3. Decide on number of files to add/location

  4. Add multiple secondary datafiles

  5. Distribute data from big datafile into the new datafiles using EMPTYFILE option

  6. Shrink the big datafile and set a maximum size

  7. Change the default filegroup

Read on for Jana’s step-by-step approach.

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Automating Installation Of SQL Server

Nate Johnson has a script he uses to automate installation of SQL Server on a new server:

We can then use this file in the ConfigurationFile argument of setup.exe from the SQL Server install media.  To put a little more color on that: the .ini file is really just a collection of command-line arguments to setup.exe​; you could also list them all out in-line, but that would be tedious and silly.  Here’s a couple major selling points of creating your own config file:

  1. Slipstream updates (SP’s, CU’s), instead of having it go out to MSFT update servers (or *aghast* sticking with the original RTM bits, you heathen you!)

  2. Specify drive letters / default file locations: sure, this may be considered old-hat if you’re running super slick storage, but I still find it makes management a bit easier if I know where my MDFs, LDFs, TempDB, & backups will always be.

  3. Take advantage of 2016’s better TempDB setup options (# files, size & growth)

Read the whole thing.

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