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Data File Migration With Minimal Downtime

Nate Johnson weaves a yarn around moving from one storage system to another with minimal downtime:

Our ERP database has been chosen by the IT gods to get moved to the shiny new flash storage array, off the old spinning-rust SAN.  This is fantastic news for the business users.  But lo, the executives warn us, “You must do this with no downtime!” (said in my best Brent Ozar PHB-imitation voice).  Of course when we tell them that’s impossible, they say, “OK, you must do this with minimal downtime.”  That’s mo’ betta’.

So what are our typical options for doing a database migration?  Or, more specifically, a data file migration.  See, we’re not moving to a new server, and we’re not moving a bunch of databases together; we’re just moving this one ERP database.  And we’re keeping it on the same SQL instance, we’re just swapping the storage underneath.

Click through for some discussion on options, followed by implementation of a particular strategy.

One Comment

  1. Nate

    Always appreciate the shout-out sir! I’m a day-late but I added the code snippet from Gist to go along w/ the post. :o)

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