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Category: Administration

Tuning Apache Solr

Michael Sun explains how to optimize Apache Solr’s memory usage:

For Oracle JDK 8, both CMS and G1 GC are supported. As rule of thumb, if the heap size is less than 28G, CMS works well. Otherwise G1 is a better choice. If you choose G1, there are more details about G1 configuration in the part 2 of this blog. You can also find helpful guidance in Oracle’s G1 tuning guide.

Meanwhile it’s always a good idea to enable GC logging. The overhead of GC logging is trivial but it gives us a better understanding how the JVM uses memory under the hood. This information is essential in GC troubleshooting. Here is an example of GC logging settings.

There’s some good administrative assistance, but also tips on more efficient querying.

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Out Of User Memory Quota

Jack Li troubleshoots an In-Memory OLTP error:

[INFO] HkDatabaseTryAcquireUserMemory(): Database ID: [7]. Out of user memory quota: requested = 131200; available = 74641; quota = 34359738368; operation = 1.

This is my first time to see this error.  As usual, I relied on source code to find answers.   The message is a result of enforcing memory quota for In-memory OLTP usage.  As documented in “In-Memory OLTP in Standard and Express editions, with SQL Server 2016 SP1”, SQL Server 2016 SP1 started to allow In-Memory OLTP to be used in all editions but enforce memory quotas for editions other than Enterprise edition.  The above message is simply telling you that you have reached the quota and what ever operation you did was denied.

Jack provides more context around the error as well.

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Finding Failed Queries

Andrew Pruski shows how to use extended events to find queries with errors:

What this is going to do is create an extended event that will automatically startup when the SQL instance starts and capture all errors recorded that have a severity level greater than 10.

Full documentation on severity levels can be found here but levels 1 through 10 are really just information and you don’t need to worry about them.

I’ve also added in some extra information in the ACTION section (for bits and bobs that aren’t automatically included) and have set the maximum number of files that can be generated to 10, each with a max size of 5MB.

Check it out.  At one point, I had created a small WPF application to show me errors that extended events caught.  It completely freaked out a developer when I IM’d him and told him how to fix the query he’d just run from the privacy of his cube, with me nowhere to be seen.

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Abusing The Uniquifier

Denis Gobo shows what happens when you run out of unique values available to the uniquifier:

You would get the following error..straight from the beast himself apparently

Msg 666, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The maximum system-generated unique value for a duplicate group was exceeded for index with partition ID 72057594039173120. Dropping and re-creating the index may resolve this; otherwise, use another clustering key.

I will be using DBCC PAGE and DBCC IND in this blog post, if you want to learn how to use these yourself, take a look at How to use DBCC PAGE

One horror story along these lines I’ve heard was a system where the developers would insert every new row with a clustered index value of 0 and then subsequently update the row to set the column to its correct value.  This does not decrement the uniquifier, though, so eventually you hit the limit even if there are only a relatively small number of 0-valued rows.

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Make Those Clustered Indexes Unique

Thomas Rushton shows what happens when your clustered index is not unique and you have a lot of time to kill:

The theory behind clustered indexes is that they are (usually) unique – after all, they define the logical layout of your table on disk. And if you have multiple records with the same clustering index key, then which order would they be in? If you don’t define the CI as unique, then SQL Server will add (behind the scenes) a so-called “Uniqueifier” (or maybe “uniquifier”) to fix that. Grant’s first post in the thread referenced above gives some information about how to see this Uniqu[e]ifier in the table structure itself.

Read the whole thing.

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Misleading Perfmon Counters

Kendra Little describes five Performance Monitor counters whose metrics aren’t quite as straightforward as you’d think:

SQLServer: Locks – Average Wait Time (ms); Lock Wait Time (ms);  Lock Waits/sec

The idea: Alert if you have high lock waits

The problem: These counters update when the lock wait ends, not while it’s ongoing. Let’s say you have a query that’s blocked for five minutes. You’ll only see this in the perf monitor when it becomes un-blocked.

These counters can cause confusion and make you look for blocking queries at the wrong times.

Kendra provides better solutions for each of the five perfmon counters, so read the whole thing.

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Build Your Own Perfmon Counter

Daniel Janik shows us two ways to create our own Perfmon counters, the good way and the not-as-good way:

Whether you’re just now finding out about these or you’ve been reminded that these exist, I’m sure your asking: “How can I use them?”

Some many years ago, I used the procedures in SQL 2000 to monitor blocked processes. I was onsite at a customer in San Jose, Costa Rica and I figured pictures would help bridge the gap since I didn’t speak Spanish.

The customer was experiencing outages that they could see with blocking. While investigating I found that blocking was directly related to disk latency. More Latency = More Blocking.

I was unaware that this even existed, but it could be very useful in some circumstances.

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Endpoints In SQL Server

Jason Brimhall explains what SQL Server endpoints are:

You may have heard the term endpoints thrown around in technical discussion and wondered “what the heck is an endpoint?” Well, that is a good question. An endpoint in the simplest form is a connection or point of entry into SQL server.

Another way of thinking about an endpoint is to look at the ends of a line. Generally speaking, there is a stop point at each end of the line. At this stopping point, the line may connect to something else and therefore be a point of entry into that “something else”.

Read on for more information, as well as a script to show who owns each endpoint.

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Lonny Niederstadt has dropped a boatload of information on us, with a four-part series looking at the OLEDB wait type when running DBCC CHECKTABLE.  Part 1 sets up the problem:

So… yeah.  Definitely a relationship between the number of pages in the heap and the number of OLEDB waits.  Something(s) increase the number of OLEDB waits beyond the number of data pages, the number of used pages and the number of reserved pages in a way that I haven’t deciphered yet, though.

Part 2 looks at what happens when logical checks run and not just physical checks:

On this very simple heap, with nearly the same number of rows as pages in the heap, the number of OLEDB wait events is nearly the same – only increased by one – when “upgrading” the checktable operation from physical_only to a checktable with logical checks.

Part 3 switches to using a clustered index, and things start getting wacky:

So how do the results match with expectations?  Whoa!!  25745 OLEDB wait events as the starting point for MAXDOP 1 and 2.  Then single-stepping up to 25752 OLEDB wait events for MAXDOP 8.  25752 is exactly 4 times the used page count of 6438 for the clustered index.  So the OLEDB wait events went from a small number more than the count of pages/rows with the heap… to almost 4 times as many with the clustered index.  *That* was a bit unexpected.

Part 4 looks at a heap with a non-clustered index:

All right.  What if we use a heap with a nonclustered include index?  Based on the table and index definition below, I expect the nonclustered include index nci_OLEDB_TEST_HEAP_NCI_INCLUDE to be remarkably similar to the clustered index we previously used.

Interesting reading so far in this series.

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Limitations In sys.dm_exec_query_plan

Brent Ozar shows a limitation in the sys.dm_exec_query_plan DMV:

The query with six joins has a cached plan that you can click on – because it’s from sys.dm_exec_query_plan, a management object that returns execution plans as XML.

The query with seven joins does not. Its cached plan is too large or complex for that DMV. Microsoft quickly realized this problem when 2005 came out, so in 2005 Service Pack 2, they introduced sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan. That function returns bigger data – but it only comes back in text format.

There are a couple of workarounds, at least, but they aren’t ideal.

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