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Category: Administration

Installing OpenSSH Server: Windows 10 Edition

Anthony Nocentino shows us how to install OpenSSH server on Windows 10 update 1803:

So in yesterday’s post we learned that the OpenSSH client is included with the Windows 10, Update 1803!  Guess, what else is included in this server, an OpenSSH Server! Yes, that’s right…you can now run an OpenSSH server on your Windows 10 system and get a remote terminal! So in this post, let’s check out what we need to do to get OpenSSH Server up and running.

First, we’ll need to ensure we update the system to Windows 10, Update 1803. Do that using your normal update mechanisms.

With that installed, let’s check out the new Windows Capabilities (Features) available in this Update, we can use PowerShell to search through them.

Anthony goes through the steps for configuration, so check that out.

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Updating A Table Using Change Data Capture Without Downtime

Robert Blackburn takes us through the steps of updating a table which uses Change Data Capture without taking a downtime window:


  1. Stop jobs that process CDC (SSIS).

  2. Inside a transaction with isolation level serializable: Alter Table schema and create temporary CDC table

  3. Copy old CDC rows to new table excluding dup rows (based on [__$seqval])

  4. Disable old (original) CDC table (schema is outdated). Will drop table

Click through for the rest of the steps and an example script.

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RDP Error: CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation

Kerry Tyler explains an error message popping up in RDP sessions:

In March, a vulnerability in CredSSP (Credential Security Support Provider) was patched, which would affect authentication via RDP (this is outlined in advisory CVE-2018-0886).  However, it was implemented in such a way that the behavior change didn’t have to be “honored” by either the server or the client involved in an RDP session.

The intent was that this would be controlled by GPO in enterprise environments, and a new GPO setting to activate or deactivate this behavior was released at the same time.

GPO settings have a default value, which they will use when nothing has been explicitly set for a particular setting. In this case, the GPO has three possible values: Force Updated Clients (for servers to only take connections from patched clients), Mitigated (for both, and on a workstation means that it won’t fall back to old/insecure behavior when attaching to unpatched servers), and Vulnerable (for both, and means what it sounds like–anything goes!).

In March, the default behavior was set to “Vulnerable”, which means everything kept working for everyone. But in the May security rollup, the default setting for that GPO was flipped to “Mitigated” if there was not an explicit setting for it…

If you get this error, the best thing is to patch the machines involved, but Kerry shows the workaround you can use if you need to use RDP in the meantime to connect to an unpatched machine.

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OpenSSH Now Built Into Windows

Anthony Nocentino is excited about the latest release of Windows 10:

Today is a big day! The OpenSSH client version 7.6p1 is now part of the Windows 10 operating system! Microsoft released Windows 10 Update 1803 and included in that release is the OpenSSH client, which is installed as part of the update.

That’s right an SSH client as part of the Windows operating system by default! Also included with this update is the OpenSSH Server which is included as an Windows Feature on Demand.

Let’s take a look at what this is all made of!

I’m still going to use PuTTY for my SSH needs, but it’s nice to see that there’s a default option if you’re in a pinch and working on an unfamiliar server.

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Creating Azure SQL Database Managed Instances Via ARM Templates

Jovan Popovic shows how us how to build a Managed Instance of Azure SQL Database using Powershell and an ARM template:

Values that you need to change in this request are:

  • name – name of your Azure SQL Managed Instance (don’t include domain).

  • properties/administratorLogin – SQL login that will be used to connect to the instance.

  • properties/subnetId – Azure identifier of the subnet where Azure SQL Managed Instance should be placed. Make sure that you properlyconfigure network for Azure SQL Managed Instance

  • location – one of the valid location for Azure data centers, for example: “westcentralus”

  • sku/name: GP_Gen4 or GP_Gen5

  • properties/vCores: Number of cores that should be assigned to your instance. Values can be 8, 16, or 24 if you select GP_Gen4 sku name, or 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 if you select GP_Gen5.

  • properties/storageSizeInGB: Maximum storage space for your instance. It should be multiple of 32GB.

  • properties/licenceType: Choose BasePrice if you don’t have SQL Server on-premises licence that you want to use, or LicenceIncluded if you can have discount for your on-premises licence.

  • tags(optional) – optionally put some key:value pairs that you would use to categorize instance.

Click through for the template and a quick Powershell script which shows how to use the template.

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Useful Azure SQL Database T-SQL Statements

Arun Sirpal has a few T-SQL statements to help manage an Azure SQL Database database:

Creating a database

Very easy to create something like the below – a S2 database.

( MAXSIZE = 5GB, EDITION = 'standard', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'S2' ) ;  

--checking details
       ServiceObjective = DATABASEPROPERTYEX('MeeTwoDB', 'ServiceObjective')

Read on for several more examples.

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Troubleshooting SQL Server Error 18456 State 73

Thomas Rushton reproduces an error state in SQL Server:

A question asked on one of the forums today wasn’t easily answerable by Googling. Summary of the question “I have error 18456 State 73 – why?

Google seemed remarkably quiet on the subject of that particular state code. Even Aaron Bertrand’s list of causes of state codes for SQL Server error 18456 missed this one.

However, some searching did find a link to what appears to be some in-depth VMWare VSAN training documentation that includes that error in some logging information, which made me wonder if it was related to the error 18456 state 38 that followed.

Read on for more details.

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Update Statistics After An Upgrade

Erin Stellato gives us some good life advice:

There are a variety of methods we use for helping customers upgrade to a new SQL Server version, and one question we often get asked is whether or not statistics need to be updated as part of the upgrade process.


Yes.  Update statistics after an upgrade.  Further, if you’re upgrading to 2012 or higher from an earlier version, you should rebuild your indexes (which will update index statistics, so then you just need to update column statistics).

Make this one of your “Not too long; did read” posts of the day.

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An RDS Postmortem

Andy Isaacson covers a performance issue Honeycomb experienced with RDS:

In retrospect, the failure chain had just 4 links:

  1. The RDS MySQL database instance backing our production environment experienced a sudden and massive performance degradation; P95(query_time) went from 11 milliseconds to >1000 milliseconds, while write-operation throughput dropped from 780/second to 5/second, in just 20 seconds.

  2. RDS did not identify a failure, so the Multi-AZ feature did not activate to fail over to the hot spare.

  3. As a result of the delays due to increased query_time, the Go MySQL client’s connection pool filled up with connections waiting for slow query results to come back and opened more connections to compensate.

  4. This exceeded the max_connections setting on the MySQL server, leading to cron jobs and newly-started daemons being unable to connect to the database and triggering many “Error 1040: Too many connections” log messages.

This was very interesting to read, and I applaud companies making public these kinds of post-mortems, especially because the idea of publicizing the reasons for failures is so scary.

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