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Category: Administration

Service Broker External Activator And .NET Framework

Allen White walks us through a problem he experienced recently:

My test environment is running SQL Server 2017 on Windows Server 2016, a pretty vanilla environment. After downloading the appropriate installer for the server where the service was to run, I installed it, made the necessary changes to the config file per the documentation provided after installation, assigned the service account with the necessary privileges, and attempted to start the service.

In the Windows System error log, I got three messages.

Read on for the solution.

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Using Powershell As Your Default Prompt On Windows Server Core

Patrick Gruenauer shows us how to make Powershell the shell of choice when running on Windows Server Core:

Well, if you’re running a Server Core (I hope so, for domain controllers, dns, file services and more there’s no good reason to do not so), then it’s an ease to change that. The corresponding setting has to be configured in the registry. Regedit can be opened on Server Core (there are more graphical user interfaces that are shipped with core, for example notepad.exe and timedate.cpl). I’m talking about this key:

Click through for the instructions.

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Service Account Names And SQL Agent Not Starting Up After Reboots

Hamish Watson walks us through a weird scenario:

Looking at the event logs I (eventually) found this:
Event ID 7000:
The MSSQLSERVER service failed to start due to the following error: 
The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified.
Which is bizarre – as the service account had been used for months – but after each reboot the services had to be manually started. GPO and other things had been blamed but no one could actually find out why.

I’ve never used @ naming for service accounts, so until I read this I didn’t even know it was possible.  Now I’m going to forget again because apparently it’s not a good idea.

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Tips On Running SQL Server In RDS

Matthew McGiffen shares some tips on running SQL Server in Amazon RDS:

Or you can go with Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service).  This is more of a managed service where Amazon looks after some aspects of your database server for you. In return you give up some of the control you would have with your own server or VM. You can still pick the version of SQL Server you want installed, usually down to which cumulative update you want – though note that RDS normally lags behind the latest box version of SQL by 3 months or so. RDS is what’s known as a PaaS offering (Platform as a Service).
So, what do you give up and what do you gain? Here’s a quick summary of a few things I’ve noticed. This is not intended to be comprehensive and please bear in mind that AWS is a fast-moving beast – changes happen regularly.

There are some good tips here, so check them out.

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Disabling SQL Agent Jobs For Maintenance Periods

Jon Shaulis shows us a way to disable SQL Agent jobs with T-SQL:

A user had a unique issue where their system would have dynamically changing job names and schedules, but they need to disable and re-enable them during maintenance. Obviously, this is a huge headache.
I made a recommendation that they should ultimately create a list of currently enabled jobs that had a schedule using a system query.

FROM MSDB.dbo.sysschedules ss
     INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules jss
ON jss.schedule_id = ss.schedule_id
WHERE ss.enabled = 1;
The code above returns all schedules that are paired to a job that are enabled. The enabled = 1 flag and the inner join to the sysjobschedules table are what dictate those filters.

Read on for more details about what’s going on and some caveats.

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Tips For Migrating SSISDB

Kenneth Fisher shares some thoughts on SSISDB:

We’ve been doing a lot of upgrading recently and at one point had to move an instance from one 2016 server to another. In the process, we found out (the hard way) that it’s not that easy to move SSISDB (the SSIS Catalog that may or may not be named SSISDB). I mean it’s not hard, but it’s definitely not a basic backup/restore. The full BOL instructions on how to do this are here. That said, here are the elements that are involved.

Read on for the list as well as an order of operations.

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Finding The SQL Server Port With T-SQL

Jack Vamvas shows us how to find the port SQL Server is listening on using T-SQL:

Question: Without going into the SQL Server Configuration manager via the GUI is there a command oriented method to extract the port number SQL Server is listening on?
Answer: There are a few different methods to extract the port number without going into the Configuration interface.
Method 1 – use xp_readererrorlog

Read on for an explanation of this technique as well as links to a couple other methods.  I hadn’t thought about using the error log as a source, but it works.

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Do You Have Trace Flag 4199 Enabled?

Andy Galbraith recommends that you enable trace flag 4199 in SQL Server:

The session was titled “Modernize Your SQL Server with Bob Ward, the Tiger Team, and CSS Escalation Engineers” and it…was…awesome!
One of the presenters was Pedro Lopes (blog/@SQLPedro), a Senior PM for the Relational Engine.  In his part of the day he talked about several features of the engine and the optimizer, but the “What…what did he say?” moment for me was when he talked about trace flag 4199…and how we should have it turned on pretty much everywhere.

If you aren’t aware of trace flag 4199 and are running an edition of SQL Server prior to 2016, this is big.  One of our user group members called it out specifically at our last meeting.  As far as 2016+ instances go, Andy covers how that behavior is a little different, so check it out.

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Connection Failed With Error 772

Jack Vamvas investigates an error when trying to connect to SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2016:

Question: I’ve upgraded an application with a built – in Database API . When attempting to establish a SQL Server database connection this error appears – Connection failed – SQL Server Error 772 – TCPIP Socket

Upon investigation the application was using  the native drivers attempting to connect to a SQL Server 2016 \ Windows 2016

As part of the testing I downloaded the ODBC 13.1 SQL Server drivers – independent of the application and tested a DSN connection to the same SQL Server – and it connected OK. I then created a DSN with native drivers and the error reappeared.

What is going on ? How can I fix this issue?

Read on for the solution and keep those drivers up to date.

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Resumable Online Index Creation In SQL Server 2019

Monica Rathbun tries out resumable online index creation in SQL Server 2019:

SQL Server 2019 brings a very exciting new feature that, is long overdue. Resumable online index create is one of my favorite new things. This paired with the Resumable Index Rebuilds introduced with SQL Server 2017 really gives database administrators much more control over index processes.

Have you ever started to build a new index on very large table only to have users call and complain their process is hung, not completing, or system is slow? That’s when you realize you’re the cause because you tried to sneak in a new index. I have many times, because creating a new index can impact performance and can be a problematic process for users when you have no or little downtime windows available. When you kill the create process it rolls back requiring you to start from the beginning the next time. With resumable online index creation you now have the ability to pause and restart the build at the point it was paused.  You can see where this can be very handy.

Click through for a demo and discussion on what options are available.

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