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Author: Kevin Feasel

Power BI Report Page Access Control

Gilbert Quevauvilliers walks us through access control on Power BI pages:

With the update to the latest version in Power BI Desktop there is now the capability to control which users will see which pages in a report.

This is achieved using a combination of Row Level Security (RLS) and conditional formatting. This makes it a secure way of controlling access for specific users. I will demonstrate how this works below.

This is a clever solution to the problem of access control.

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Migrating from Azure SQL DB to an Azure SQL Managed Instance

Eitan Blumin walks us through the process of moving from Azure SQL Database to an Azure SQL Managed Instance:

What we cannot do:

– You cannot backup and restore from Azure SQL DB to a Managed Instance.
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in Azure Data Migration Service (DMS).
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in Data Migration Assistant (DMA).
– You cannot use Azure SQL DB as a source in DB Mirroring, AlwaysOn, Transaction Log Shipping, or Replication.
– Implementing a custom T-SQL, SSIS, or ADF (Azure Data Factory) solution will be too complicated, and will require an unacceptable development overhead.

That last one is a bit iffy, though Eitan’s two solutions are going to be easier than a custom solution.

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Optimizing Power Query Merges

Chris Webb wants to make your joins in Power Query faster:

The first question I decided to investigate was this:

Does the number of columns in a table affect the performance of a merge?

First of all, I created two identical queries called First and Second that connected to the CSV file, used the first row from the file as the headers, and set the data types to all seven columns to Whole Number.

Click through for the answer to this question. Chris promises a series out of this and I would expect there to be enough content for that.

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Pulling GROUP BY Above a Join

Paul White has fun with a SQL Server optimization:

When the optimizer moves a Group By above a Join it has to preserve the semantics. The new sequence of operations must be guaranteed to return the same results as the original in all possible circumstances.

One cannot just pick up a Group By and arbitrarily move it around the query tree without risking incorrect results.

Read on for the demo, including a couple ingenious tricks the optimizer has up its sleeve.

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SQL Server on a Windows Container

Kevin Chant lives dangerously:

In this post I want to cover an interesting Windows Container with SQL Server installed experiment that I did. Because it was fairly involved, and it took a while.

In fact, this is the experiment I was talking about in my recent post about recent Azure Data Studio updates. Which you can read about in detail here.

My general philosophy is to avoid Windows containers at all costs, though I’m glad that there are some more adventurous than I.

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The Power BI Pro’s Guide to Azure Synapse Analytics

Brett Powell gives a quick overview of a new whitepaper:

The Power BI Professional’s Guide to Azure Synapse Analytics, a white paper I wrote describing the Synapse Analytics platform and its benefits and use cases for Power BI professionals, was published a couple weeks ago. This post discusses a few themes from this paper and also shares a couple notes that weren’t included.

There are some interesting notes in here, so check those out and also get ahold of the whitepaper to understand how Power BI relates to the artist formerly known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

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How Writing to Parquet Works

Dmitry Tolpeko walks us through the algorithm for writing to Parquet format:

After writing first 100 values for a column (for 100 rows), the Parquet writer checks if this 100-values column content exceeds the specified page size (default is 1 MB).

If the raw data size for the column does not exceed the page size threshold then the next page size check is constantly adjusted based on the actual column size, so it neither checked after every column value nor after every 100 values. Thus the page size is not the strict limit.

If the raw data size size exceeds the page size, the column content is compressed (if a compression is specified for the Parquet file), and flushed into the Page store for the column.

This is a nice explanation of the process.

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Adaptive Query Execution with Spark SQL

Wenchen Fan, Herman von Hoevell, and MaryAnn Xue announce Adaptive Query Execution for Apache Spark 3.0:

Over the years, there’s been an extensive and continuous effort to improve Spark SQL’s query optimizer and planner in order to generate high-quality query execution plans. One of the biggest improvements is the cost-based optimization framework that collects and leverages a variety of data statistics (e.g., row count, number of distinct values, NULL values, max/min values, etc.) to help Spark choose better plans. Examples of these cost-based optimization techniques include choosing the right join type (broadcast hash join vs. sort merge join), selecting the correct build side in a hash-join, or adjusting the join order in a multi-way join. However, outdated statistics and imperfect cardinality estimates can lead to suboptimal query plans. Adaptive Query Execution, new in the upcoming Apache SparkTM 3.0 release and available in the Databricks Runtime 7.0 beta, now looks to tackle such issues by reoptimizing and adjusting query plans based on runtime statistics collected in the process of query execution.

One of the biggest advantages of SQL as a fourth-generation language is that the database engine (whether that be SQL Server, Oracle, or Spark) gets the opportunity to write and re-write the set of operations needed to solve a query to try to find the best path which returns the same result set. These optimizations aren’t perfect, as any query tuner can tell you, but they can go a long way.

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Surviving an Audit: Backup History

Dave Bland talks about surviving an audit:

Don’t volunteer information

Only provide the evidence they are asking for, nothing more.  You want to avoid giving them things that they do not ask for.  By doing so, you might expose something that you don’t want them to see.  The last thing you want to do, is give them a reason for documenting a finding. Another thing to remember is the audits have a defined scope.

This is some of the best advice about audits out there, particularly when combined with the other points Dave makes about being honest and doing the right thing. Dave also ties in some information about backup history as a particular auditing example.

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Lock Waits are Really Blocking Waits

Erik Darling shows that the meter’s only running on lock waits when there’s a blocking condition:

My workload is Highly Contrived™ so the avg wait and query duration line up. In real life, you probably won’t have queries that were only ever waiting on locks to be released.

But it’s worth making some comparisons like this when you’re having blocking problems, especially when you tie wait times and durations in with cpu time.

If cpu is very low but duration is high, generally, you’ve found blocked queries.

Read on for the demo, as well as an expired coupon.

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