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Author: Kevin Feasel

Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 and File Analysis

Kevin Chant digs into Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022:

In this post I want to cover some file tests for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022 that I performed.

Because a while back I spotted something interesting whilst I was doing some initial tests for Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022.

Which is when you add new data after the initial load that a new folder called ‘ChangeData’ appears in the storage account container. I noticed that the new file containing the insert was a comma separated value (csv) file. Whereas the table used for the initial load was a parquet file.

Is there a method to this madness? Click through to see Kevin’s tell-all story.

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DAX EvaluateAndLog()

Chris Webb is excited:

I think this is the most exciting thing to happen in DAX since the introduction of variables. Why? Well we all know that writing DAX can be hard, and part of why it’s hard is that it’s hard to debug.

Read on to see how EvaluateAndLog() makes life easier, as well as a couple links to Jeffrey Wang’s blog for further detail.

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Data-Driven Report Subscriptions with Power Automate

Dan English puts together a workflow:

Being able to do a data driven report subscription with Power BI and Paginated reports is a common request we hear from many customers. Let’s say you want to send a PDF version of a report to each of your store or department managers using a set of parameter values specific to each person. In the Power BI service that is not an option, but using Power Automate you can do this.

In this post I will be using a Paginated report that is referencing data in an Azure Analysis Services database and I will be referencing an Excel file that I have in OneDrive for Business which includes the needed information for the data driven subscription with 2000 records. The Paginated report is in a workspace backed by a Power BI Embedded A-SKU (A4 – equivalent of a P1 SKU) for testing purposes and the AAS tier is an S1 (100 QPU).

Read on to see how.

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tapply() and Ragged Arrays in R

Benjamin Smith explains how tapply() works:

While I saw other programmers use this function, I found myself unsure how of how it worked or knew when I would need to use it. In this blog I attempt to change that and explain the cryptic description by showing some applications with my commentary and how it compares to using the “tidy” approach with tidyverse.

My inspiration for writing this blog was from seeing Dr. Norm Matloff’s blog where he mentions the use of tapply() and his thoughts on the tidyverse. For a more thorough treatment on his critique of the tidyverse and “tidy” methods, check out his formal essay here.

Read on to learn the benefit of learning and using tapply().

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Case-Sensitive String Comparisons and Case-Insensitive Tables

Meagan Longoria reminds us that case sensitivity was a huge mistake:

Here’s the scenario: You are using Python, perhaps in Azure Databricks, to manipulate data before inserting it into a SQL Database. Your source data is a flattened data extract and you need to create a unique list of values for an entity found in the data. For example, you have a dataset containing sales for the last month and you want a list of the unique products that have been sold. Then you insert the unique product values into a SQL table with a unique constraint, but you encounter issues on the insert related to unique values.

Click through for an example and how to extricate yourself from this scenario. Python certainly is not the only language to do this, so it’s good to know even if you don’t plan on using or supporting Python.

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Querystrings and R Shiny

Thomas Williams passes along querystring data:

As background, a query string is part of a web page address. Query strings are used to pass information to web pages, in name/value pairs separated by an equals sign – for instance, user=Andrew or country=au. Name/value pairs are themselves separated by ampersands, so passing multiple values looks like user=Andrew&country=au.

Click through for an example of how it all works.

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OPENJSON Performance and Schemas

Dave Mason has a new blog theme and a post on OPENJSON performance:

Support for JSON data has been around in SQL Server for a while now, starting with SQL 2016. The OPENJSON rowset function is the built-in function that allows you to natively convert JSON text into a set of rows and columns. There are two options for using OPENJSON: with the default schema or with an explicit schema. There are performance implications for each, which I’ll review with some examples.

Dave has some nice tips for people working with JSON data in SQL Server.

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Incremental Refresh Parameters in Power BI

Chris Webb continues a series on using Power Automate to call the Power BI Enhanced Refresh API:

If you’ve read part 1 or part 2 of this series you’ll know how you can create a Power Automate custom connector to call the Power BI Enhanced Refresh API and get fine-grained control over your refreshes. In this post I will take a look at the two parameters in the Enhanced Refresh API for datasets that use incremental refresh: applyRefreshPolicy and effectiveDate. They are documented here but, as always, some worked examples are helpful to really understand how they work.

Click through to see how these parameters work.

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The Mechanics of Transparent Data Encryption

Etienne Lopes takes us through the process of using Transparent Data Encryption:

Securing data has always been important but as time goes by, more and more data is available all around us, some of it is considered sensitive data and it becomes a major concern to protect it somehow, in fact in certain cases it is legally mandatory to comply with certain regulations (like GDPR). SQL Server offers a few options regarding data protection (either by means of encryption or obfuscation), TDE being one of them.

In this post I’ll explain what is TDE along with its use cases and I’ll use a thorough demo to show how to implement it in a database and how it works

I do tend to give TDE disrespect (disrespect that I think it deserves) but it does allow you to check a compliance box without enormous cost. The problem is, I don’t think it moves the needle in terms of proper security when the attacker has admin status on the machine hosting SQL Server and other techniques (e.g., encrypting backups, encrypting specific columns) are better at preventing security issues in other common data scenarios. I’m just not sure there’s a case where TDE helps and there isn’t already a better solution.

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Continuing Arc-Enabled Data Services

Warwick Rudd continues a series on Azure Arc-Enabled Data Services. Part 5 takes us through what you can do with the Azure CLI:

In our previous post, we touched on the deployment of the Data Controller and being able to deploy via the Portal, Azure Data Studio, or CLI commands depending on whether you are implementing a directly or indirectly connected Data Controller.

Az Arcdata is a suite of CLI commands that allow command line management of the data controller and the Arc-enabled SQL Managed Instance once we have it configured.

Part 6 details the services available today:

Azure data services such as Azure SQL Managed Instance and Azure PostgreSQL are fully managed by Microsoft in the Azure Cloud. They provide you with evergreen environments because they are managed by Microsoft and always have the latest patches and feature offerings, while also providing you the ability to quickly and easily scale on demand based on the workload or requirements.

I do expect this set to grow over time.

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