Tom Norman has a series going on scrubbing data before moving it to lower environments.
Have you ever heard, “but it works on my machine”? Is this because of data perfection in Development and QA or having specific failure conditions? Can you think of all the data scenarios that accompany Production data? What about performance? Why did the application fail? What happens if I add this index?
Here are the reasons I believe you should get a scrubbed version of your production database into your Development, QA and UAT environments.
All of us have Production database servers and hopefully you also have additional database servers for Development, QA and UAT. Some IT shops will also have a Continuous Integration server and maybe other servers. If you only have Production servers this needs to be addressed and is outside the scope of this post. In the locations where I have worked, we also have a Scrub server. The question is, when a script executes, do you know what environment the query is executing in? Most scripts will not care what environment the script executes in but other scripts could cause damage in a Production environment. For example, if the script is removing email addresses so you don’t spam your clients with automated email messages, you would not want the script to execute in a Production environment.
So how do you make your database server environmentally aware?
The concept of a dedicated scrub server is interesting; it’s not something I’ve thought about before. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the series.
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