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Author: Kevin Feasel

Pushing An Image To Docker

Andrew Pruski walks us through pushing an image up to Docker so we can use it later:

And there it is, our image in our repository tagged as v1! The reason that I’ve tagged it as v1 is that if I make any changes to my image, I can push the updated image to my repository as v2, v3, v4 etc…

Still with me? Awesome. Final thing to do then is pull that image down from the repository on a different server. If you don’t have a different server don’t worry. What we’ll do is clean-up our existing server so it looks like a fresh install. If you do have a different server to use (lucky you) you don’t need to do this bit!

Read the whole thing.

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New Version Of APS

James Serra notes that SQL Server Extremely Expensive Edition has a new version out:

This release is built on the latest SQL Server 2016 release, offers additional language surface coverage to aid in migrations from SQL Server and other platforms, adds PolyBase connectivity to the current versions of Hadoop from Hortonworks, additional PolyBase security with Kerberos support and credential support for Azure Storage Blobs, greater indexing and collation support and improvements to the setup and upgrade experience with FQDN support.

The majority of these capabilities have shipped in the monthly releases of Azure SQL Data Warehouse service and/or SQL Server 2016 following the cloud first principle of shipping, getting feedback, and improving rapidly across all of our products.

Click through for the list of enhancements.  There are quite a few of them.

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Database Restoration In Linux Via SSMS

Andrew Peterson walks through the easy way of restoring a database backup to a Linux installation of SQL Server:

But my Backup file is still not visible in the wizard!

Permissions.  If you drill down into the folders in Linux, we found that the files already present in the /data/ folder are owned by the user mssql.  Our recently copied backup file is NOT owned by mssql, and it not accessible to other users. So, our wizard cannot see the file.

The whole process is pretty straightforward.

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Cases For Using Azure Analysis Services

Melissa Coates enumerates several reasons why you might want to use Azure Analysis Services:

Varying Levels of Peak Workloads

Let’s say during month-end close the reporting activity spikes much higher than the rest of a typical month. In this situation, it’s a shame to provision hardware that is underutilized a large percentage of the rest of the month. This type of scenario makes a scalable PaaS service more attractive than dedicated hardware. Do note that currently Azure SSAS scales compute, known as the QPU or Query Processing Unit level, along with max data size (which is different than some other Azure services which decouple those two).

Read on for more use cases.

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Semi-Additive Averages In DAX

Koen Verbeeck shows how to calculate a semi-additive measure using DAX:

A semi-additive average? What exactly are you trying to calculate? Let me explain first. A semi-additive measure is a measure that can be summed across some dimensions, but not all. Typically it’s the time dimension that isn’t additive. For example, the stock level at various warehouses. You can add all the stock levels of your warehouses together, to get an idea of how much stock you have for your entire company. However, you can’t add the stock level across time. 250 stock yesterday and 240 stock today doesn’t equal 490 stock for the two days. In reality the sum aggregation is replaced with another aggregation when aggregating over the non-additive dimension. In our stock example, we could use the last value known (240) or the average (245). Which aggregation you want depends on the requirements.

In this blog post I’m going to calculate a semi-additive measure, using the average for the non-additive dimension. Quite recently a colleague asked how you could calculate this in DAX. The use case is simple: there are employees that perform hours on specific tasks. The number of hours is our measure. The different tasks (the task dimension) is additive. The employee dimension however is not when we calculate an average. When two employees are selected, the result should not be the average of all the individual hours, but rather the average of the sum of the hours per employee. Let’s illustrate with an example:

That’s really interesting, and a good bit easier to do than the T-SQL equivalent (at least in one step).

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Daniel Hutmacher has released a new tool:

I designed my sp_ctrl3 procedure from the ground up to be a development tool that I can install on any dev environment that I use regularly. I wanted a detailed overview of a specific database object as well as copy-paste-friendly T-SQL code. For instance,

  • No “length” column on an int column

  • Proper scale/precision values on datatypes

  • “NULL” or “NOT NULL” instead of “yes” or “no”

  • Identity column syntax

  • “nvarchar(50)” instead of “nvarchar”, “100”

  • Column defaults

  • Complete index definitions

  • GRANT/DENY permission statements

  • The object_id of the object in sys.objects

If you use sp_help a lot, this looks like a good supplement.

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Polybase Without MapReduce

I have a post on Polybase queries against Hadoop which do not generate MapReduce jobs:

The dm_exec_external_work DMV tells us which execution we care about; in this case, I ended up running the same query twice, but I decided to look at the first run of it.  Then, I can get step information from dm_exec_distributed_request_steps.  This shows that we created a table in tempdb called TEMP_ID_14 and streamed results into it.  The engine also created some statistics (though I’m not quite sure where it got the 24 rows from), and then we perform a round-robin query.  Each Polybase compute node queries its temp table and streams the data back to the head node.  Even though our current setup only has one compute node, the operation is the same as if we had a dozen Polybase compute nodes.

Click through for Wireshark-related fun.

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Powershell And Python

Max Trinidad mixes two powerful scripting languages:

For this section we previously installed the python module pyodbc which is needed to connect via ODBC to any SQL Server on the network giving the proper authentication method.

The following sample code can be found this link:

This is probably more useful in larger shops with multiple operations personnel covering different domains, but it’s nice to know that both languages play nice.

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Finding Relational Data Sources In SSAS

Jens Vestergaard builds a Powershell script to figure out which relational database servers feed data to which Analysis Services cubes:

Whenever you are introduced to a new environment, either because you visit a new client or take over a new position from someone else, it’s always crucial to get on top of what’s going on. More often than not, any documentation (if you are lucky to even get hands on that) is out of date or not properly maintained. So going through that may even end up making you even more confused – or in worst case; misinformed.

In a previous engagement of mine came a request from the Data Architecture team. I was asked to produce a list of all servers and cubes running in a specific environment. They provided the list of servers and wanted to know which servers were hit by running solutions. Along with this information the team also needed all sorts of information on the connection strings from the Data Source Views, as well as which credentials were used, if possible.

If you’re dealing with a large number of cubes, this becomes even more useful.

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Don’t Nest Views

Denny Cherry recommends against nested views:

Now there are plenty of reasons to use views in applications, however views shouldn’t be the default way of building applications because they do have this potential problems.

While working with a client the other week we had to unwind some massive nest views. Several of these views were nested 5 and 6 levels deep with multiple views being referenced by each view. When queries would run they would take minutes to execute instead of the milliseconds that they should be running in. The problems that needed to be fixed were all indexed based, but because of the massive number of views that needed to be reviewed it took almost a day to tune the single query.

Nested views is usually an indicator of somebody trying to perform OOP on a relational database, taking advantage of encapsulation.  One big performance problem with nested views is that at some point, the query optimizer gives up trying to optimize and simply pulls in all of the tables as many times as they appear.  Make the optimizer’s life easier and it will make your life easier.

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