Nick Corbett announces that Amazon is rolling out their own data lake solution:
Separating storage from processing can also help to reduce the cost of your data lake. Until you choose to analyze your data, you need to pay only for S3 storage. This model also makes it easier to attribute costs to individual projects. With the correct tagging policy in place, you can allocate the costs to each of your analytical projects based on the infrastructure that they consume. In turn, this makes it easy to work out which projects provide most value to your organization.
The data lake stores metadata in both DynamoDB and Amazon ES. DynamoDB is used as the system of record. Each change of metadata that you make is saved, so you have a complete audit trail of how your package has changed over time. You can see this on the data lake console by choosing History in the package view:
Having a competitor in the data lake space is a good thing for us, though based on this intro post, it seems that Amazon and Microsoft are taking different approaches to the data lake, where Microsoft wants you to stay in the data lake (e.g., writing U-SQL or Python statements to query the data lake) and Amazon wants you to shop the data lake and check out the specific S3 buckets and files for your own processing.
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