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Author: Kevin Feasel

Managing Data Lake Analytics Compute

Yan Li has a three-part series looking at management of Azure Data Lake compute.  First, an overview:

Scenario 2: Set One Specific Group to Different Limits

New members are joining and sharing the same ADLA account. To prevent any new members, who are just learning ADLA, from mistakenly submitting a job that consumes too much compute resource (increasing cost and blocking other jobs), customers want to set the maximum AU per job for new employees at 30 AUs while others can submit jobs with up to 100 AUs.

Default Policy:

  • Job AU limit: 100
  • Priority limit: 1

Exception Policy: New Employee Policy

  • Job AU limit: 30

  • Priority limit:  200

  • Group: New Employee Group

Next up is a look at job-level policies:

With job-level policies, you can control the maximum AUs and the maximum priority that individual users (or members of security groups) can set on the jobs that they submit. This allows you to not only control the costs incurred by your users but also control the impact they might have on high priority production jobs running in the same ADLA account.

There are two parts to a job level policy:

  • Default Policy: This is the policy that is applied to all users of the service.
  • Exceptions: The set of “exception” policies apply to specific users.

Submitted jobs that do not violate the job-level policies are still subject to the account level policies as described in Azure Data Lake Analytics Account Level Policy.

Finally, account-level policies:

ADLA supports three types of account-level policies:

  • Maximum AUs  — Controls the maximum number of AUs that can be used by running jobs

  • Maximum Number of Running Jobs  — Controls the maximum number of concurrently running jobs.

  • Days to Retain Job Queries  — Controls how long detailed information about jobs are retained in the users ADLS account.

There’s a good amount of information here.

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Why Hadoop BI Projects Fail

Remy Rosenbaum lays out several reasons why he’s seen business intelligence projects on Hadoop fail:

In order to set up and run an effective Big Data Hadoop project that provides reliable BI, your organization will need to adopt a new mindset that addresses not only the technology, but also the organizational EIM. You will need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your business with the help of analysts, internal domain experts, and strategists to come up with robust and relevant business use cases. You will also need buy-in from management, and take company politics into consideration.

Your Big Data project needs to work with your existing BI tools, along with your security and monitoring systems. Data security needs to be addressed because standard Hadoop implementations have relatively poor security, and many organizations are wary of keeping all their data in one location.

I do agree with these reasons, though I’m a bit surprised that I didn’t see much about “classic” BI problems like the inability of the company to standardize on terminology or definitions (e.g., what the Kimball method describes as conformed dimensions), the desire to tackle too much of the problem at once, rapidly-changing source systems (and how BI team members tend to be the last to know that something has changed), etc.

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Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test

Mala Mahadevan explains the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test, with two parts up so far.  First, her data set:

Below is the script to create the table and dataset I used. This is just test data and not copied from anywhere.

Second, an introduction to the test itself and solutions in R and T-SQL:

This test is an extension of the Chi Square test I blogged of earlier. This is applied when we have to compare two groups over several levels and comparison may involve a third variable.
Let us consider a cohort study as an example – we have two medications A and B to treat asthma. We test them on a randomly selected batch of 200 people. Half of them receive drug A and half of them receive drug B. Some of them in either half develop asthma and some have it under control. The data set I have used can be found here. The summarized results are as below.

This series is not yet complete, so stay tuned.

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ACID And B-Trees Vs Logs

Julia Evans shares some things she’s learned about databases lately:

the write-ahead log

This chapter also helped me understand what’s going on with write-ahead logs better! Write-ahead logs are different from log-structured storage, both kinds of storage engines can use write-ahead logs.

Recently at work the team that maintains Splunk wrote a post called “Splunk is not a write-ahead log”. I thought this was interesting because I had never heard the term “write-ahead log” before!

There are a few different topics in here, all of which are important to understand how databases work.

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Creating Powershell Documentation In VS Code

Rob Sewell has a post covering a nice addition to Visual Studio Code when you’re building Get-Help documentation for a cmdlet:

Now you can simply type <# and your help will be dynamically created. You will still have to fill in some of the blanks but it is a lot easier.

Here it is in action in its simplest form

But it gets better than that. When you add parameters to your function code they are added to the help as well. Also, all you have to do is to tab between the different entries in the help to move between them

Looks like a nice time-saver.

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Linux SMO In Powershell Core

Max Trinidad wins the technology mix-in competition of the day, using Powershell Core to access SQL Server SMO on a Linux instance:

In my case, I got various systems setup: Windows and Ubuntu 16.04. So, I make sure I download correct *zip or *tar.gz file

As, pre-requisite, you will needed to have already installed *”.NET Core 2.0 Preview 1” for the SQL Service Tools to work and remember this need to be installed in all systems.

Just in case, here’s the link to download “.NET Core 2.0 Preview 1“:

Now, because we are working with PowerShell Core, don’t forget to install the latest build found at:

Read the whole thing.

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Installing Linux And Then SQL Server On Linux

David Alcock has a couple posts covering installation of SQL Server on a brand new Ubuntu VM.  First, David installs Ubuntu:

The system requirements for running SQL Server on Ubuntu 16.04.2 contains the following


You need at least 3.25GB of memory to run SQL Server on Linux. For other system requirements, see System requirements for SQL Server on Linux.
On the create VM window the Memory is currently set to 1024 MB so by clicking the Customize Hardware button I can change the allocated memory to 4GB (4096 MB) as in the screenshot below:

Then, he explains the process of installing SQL Server:

Let’s break it down a little bit. First sudo, which is giving root permissions to a particular command this is as opposed to sudo su which I had to do later on in the install to switch to superuser mode for the session.

Next is apt. Apt is a command line tool which works with the Advanced Packaging Tool and enables to perform installs, updates and removals of software packages. In this case we’re installing curl so we use the install command.

I think Microsoft did a good job of simplifying the installation process on Linux and making it “Linux-y,” with an easy installation and then post-installation configuration.

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Rebuilding Full-Text Catalogs

Thomas Rushton ran into an issue with full-text indexing component versions:

Restoring 27 databases; they all restored properly, but 15 of them gave a warning along these lines:

Warning: Wordbreaker, filter, or protocol handler used by catalog ‘FOOBARBAZ’ does not exist on this instance. Use sp_help_fulltext_catalog_components and sp_help_fulltext_system_components check for mismatching components. Rebuild catalog is recommended.

Read on for the solution.

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Lamba Architecture Basics

Michael Walker walks through the basics of the Lambda architecture:

Lambda architecture – developed by Nathan Marz – provides a clear set of architecture principles that allows both batch and real-time or stream data processing to work together while building immutability and recomputation into the system. Batch processes high volumes of data where a group of transactions is collected over a period of time. Data is collected, entered, processed and then batch results produced. Batch processing requires separate programs for input, process and output. An example is payroll and billing systems. In contrast, real-time data processing involves a continual input, process and output of data. Data must be processed in a small time period (or near real-time). Customer services and bank ATMs are examples.

Lambda architecture has three (3) layers:

  • Batch Layer

  • Serving Layer

  • Speed Layer

I haven’t heard much about the Lambda and Kappa architectures lately, so when I saw this, I figured it was time for a refresher.

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